Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ray Bradbury

submitted by student - Ray Bradbury writes about the impact of technology on society in some of his short stories. In both "The Veldt" and "The Pedestrian", the protagonist is punished for "disagreeing" with technology in some way. Is Ray Bradbury's perspective realistic? Do you see our world in the world of his stories? Explain.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What to Read?

submitted by student - Wondering what you should read next? Click on the "What Should I Read Next" button on the left of the blog home page. Type in the title of the last book that you read and enjoyed. What comes up? On this post, please comment with some books that you have read and enjoyed that some people might not know about. Why did you like it? Give a quick synposis of the book.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Complex Characters

submitted by student - Artemis Fowl is a very complex character. He is constantly scheming to enter the world of magic. His life is quite complicated and it has therefore made his character and personality quite complex. Who is the most complex literary character you can think of? Why?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jason Mraz

submitted by student - The song "The Remedy (I Won't Worry)," was written by Jason Mraz just after he learned that his friend had been diagnosed with cancer. The song has a very moving message about life, particularly when he sings, "I won't worry my life away..." What do you think Mraz is trying to teach us/share with us with this song? How can this message apply to your life?