Monday, April 30, 2012

Awesome Playgrounds

These playgrounds are unbelievable.  Have you ever been to a really cool playground?  Where was it?  Which one of these is your favorite? (Think either cool-looking design or one that would be great to use).

Monday, April 23, 2012

Brain Freeze

Even though it isn't officially summer and even though some of you don't need to worry about this , I figured an article on the worst part of eating ice cream would be interesting reading.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kids and Pets

Kids always bug their parents about getting a dog or cat and use reasons like "It will teach me responsibility"..."I can be in charge of walking and feeding him"..etc.  This article actually takes a scientific look at the situation.

Monday, April 2, 2012

7th Grade Short Stories

Follow this process to begin your short story for MP4.
1.  "Seven Step" Organizer
2.  "5 Questions" Sheet
3.  Discuss with teacher
4.  "Story Planner"
5.  Touch base with teacher
6.  Character Map
7.  One other Graphic Organizer
8.  Final check with teacher before drafting

What's on the Menu?

I read this article about a school food service that has a "burger" that has 26 ingredients in it!  While this is concerning it does raise a question that students, parents and the schools should probably discuss.  Is it okay for schools to offer these chemically changed foodstuffs if they are safe?  Would it be better (as suggested in the article) that schools pay to have chefs "scratch make" foods for lunches?  Isn't it the parents responsibility to feed their children and if so, shouldn't they just pack lunches if they don't like things like 26 ingredient burgers or reprocessed cheese sandwiches.  Read the article and tell us what you think.

7th Grade Speeches

Seventh graders should take a minute and reflect on how much progress has been made towards becoming proficient public speakers this year.  Think back to that first group presentation on the food pyramid where each group got in front of the class and read word for word off Powerpoint slides.  Compare that to the measured, clear, well-presented speeches at the end of MP3.   You guys have made some great strides as public speakers and presenters.  Everyone has gotten better at controlling their bodies, voices, vocal cues and fidgets.  We will have at least one more speech opportunity this year and I am hoping that the growth continues as public speaking is one of the most important skills students need to develop.