Tuesday, January 12, 2010


student submitted - In the book Jumpman, the character Jules is getting really jealous of a kid who "jumped" back to Jules's time from some point in the future. This kid is spending a lot of time with a girl that Jules likes. Unfortunately, the future kid's jump pack is broken so it's not likely that he is leaving any time soon. How can Jules stop the girl that he likes from getting sucked in by this kid from the future?

No Boundaries

student submitted - This is an amazing an inspiring song. What do you think the song is telling you? What message is there in this song?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vanilla Twilight

Vanilla Twilight by Owl City is a song about falling out of love/ missing an ex. Can you relate to the songwriter's feelings and words? Have you ever been in this kind of situation, feeling alone after a breakup? If you don't know the song you can listen here

Sherlock Holmes

submitted by student -- In the movie Sherlock Holmes, Holmes and Watson have to solve a mystery regarding someone who apparently came back from the dead. If you have seen this movie I would like to know what you thought of it. I personally liked it a lot.

Jars of Glass

submitted by student -- The book Jars of Glass by Brad Barkley and Heather Hepler is a heartbreaking story about a family that has had their lives turned upside down. The mother is insane and has been hospitalized and it is up to the daughters, Chloe and Shana, to keep the family together. If you were in this situation how w0uld you feel? How would you try to "fix" your family?