Sunday, November 28, 2010

Harrison Bergeron

Hopefully everyone has had the time to read the short story "Harrison Bergeron"...(notice that I put the title in quotes because it is the title of a short story). After reading that story and while doing the RICE annotation I want everyone to keep in mind the ideas we discussed and the questions pertaining to individuality, society, freedom and security. Does this story reflect anything that occurs in our world today? Have you ever encountered your own "Handicapper General"? Use this post as a place where you guys can discuss the story together...sort of an online Socratic Circle!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Read My Mind

submitted by Maya - There is one line in the song "Read My Mind" by The Killers that I have been trying to understand for the longest time. I want to see what everyone thinks about it. The line "It's funny how you just break down/ waiting on some sign/ I pull up to the front of your driveway/ magic soakin' my spine/ can you read my mind?" What do these lines mean to you?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Student Submitted Blog Posts

Last year some of the best blog posts and discussions were centered around ideas from students. If you want to create a blog post for the Horvath Report all you need to do is write it down on a piece of paper and give it to me. I will post it here for you and it will count for your weekly blog submission plus some E.C.
Just remember, blog posts on The Horvath Report should be focused around literature, film, music, art etc and deal with interpreting etc. If you are looking for some ideas you can go through the blog archive from the past two years and see what some of the old posts were.

The Replacement

submitted by Bailey - A lot of students read the book The Replacement for the book club discussion in October, but some students were unable to participate in the discussion itself. This is a place where students who have read or are reading the book to talk about or continue to discuss the book.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Great Fantasy Mag

Since we are focusing on Fantasy Literature for the next month in our Book Clubs I figured I would re-post this...this is a post that I originally put up in late July.... I just picked up the August edition of Realms of Fantasy Magazine. This is a staple magazine for new fantasy fiction etc. There is a great story in there called Super.Family. by Ian Keeling. I mention this because it is nice to be "ahead of the curve" with your reading and a lot of the writers published by RoF are really new and exciting. They also have some great info on their website and they are on Facebook and Twitter(I think) as well. Check it out. The magazine is available at Barnes and Noble and online.

November Books of the Month

Remember: After you finish reading a Book of the Month pick, you must write a commentary on this blog post and then tell me so that you can get your "thumbs up" to put on the bulletin board. If you don't do this, you won't get your extra credit points at the end of the month.

Mrs. Lever's Picks
The Rules of Survival by Nancy Werlin
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley

Mr. Horvath's Picks
The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller
The Tomorrow Code by Brian Falkner

Partner Pick
The Giver by Lois Lowry

Classic Picks
Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving

Celebrity Pick

Jockey Hollow Book Club Pick
The Rag and Bone Shop by Robert Cormier