Thursday, April 28, 2011

Check out some new blogs

For those of you who want to branch off and discover some new blogs, check out ItsLidia.  This is a book review site started by one of our very own.  I think it is gonna be a very good resource for new and ineresting book picks.

Also, Monroewrites is a blog that is built around the creative writing of JHS students, past and present...check out the great work and writing that people YOU KNOW are putting out there.

Sweet Summer or Sweat Summer?

Submitted by George and Grace - Spring is in full swing now and the temperatures are rising.  This means school is heating up.  Does the heat affect your concentration?  Is this what causes you to slack off the most in marking period 4?  Or is it more because the year is almost over or you would rather be outside enjoying the nice weather?

All-Time Favorite

submitted by Julia S. - What is your favorite book, short story or poem?  Who would you recommend it to?  What genre would it fit in?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Taking School Seriously

Submitted by Julie - Some people don't take school seriously.  They should because when they get older they will struggle with finding a job, especially if they don't get into a college.  The choices you make when you are a teenager will impact the rest of your life.  Why do you think some people don't take school seriously when it is so important?

Facebook Creeping

submitted by Jordan - What do you think about teachers/administrators looking at your facebook, twitter or myspace?  Is it an invasion of privacy?

Wrestling with wrestling

submitted by Jeff - Do you think that girls should be allowed to wrestle in a boys league if there is no girls league for them to wrestle in?

John Lennon...Peacenik or Commie?

submitted by Anna D. - Listen to the song "Imagine" by John Lennon.  There has been an ongoing debate whether this song is peace-and-love-in-the-world driven or a song trying to make everyone a communist.  After listening to it, what do you think?

Online Privacy

submitted by Anthony - Recently the Playstation network, a server for online gaming, was hacked and crashed.  People are now concerned that their personal information (credit card numbers, addresses, emails etc) have been compromised.  What does this incident tell us about our privacy?  Is anything really private anymore?

The Influence of the TV

submitted by Jenna - How do the shows we watch on TV impact the decisions and choices we make?  How does it affect the way we think about things?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Huck Finn Questions

The following questions need to be answered by 4/29.  Please have them typed and turned in to Mr. Horvath by that date.

1.  Why did Twain include the "Notice" on the opening page?
2.  Each stage of Huck's moral growth culminates in a crisis of conscience and a decision to assist Jim.  What are these stages and decisions; when do they occur; and what are their consequences?
3.  What are the consequences of Huck and Jim going past the mouth of the Ohio River in the fog?
4.  How do the king and duke impact Huck's and Jim's life on the raft, their quest for freedom, and the novel's movement?
5.  Is there any justice in the fact that Tom is wounded in the final chase through the swamp?
6.  The story is told by fourteen-year-old Huck, who admits to elaborate lies and fabrications.  Can we trust him?  Can we accept his version of things or must we read between the lines to get the story?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fantasy or Science Fiction

submitted by Mike - For those of you who have seen the movie Star you think this movie is more science fiction or more fantasy?  Remember to refer to what we know about both genres as well as the film.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Book of the Month Picks

Mrs. Lever's Picks:
My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger
The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt

Mr. Horvath's Picks:
White Fang by Jack London
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett

Parter Pick:
The Uninvited by Tim Wynne-Jones

JHS Book Club Pick:
Undiscovered Country by Lin Enger

Classic Picks:
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Author to Know
Agatha Christie

Celebrity Pick

Huck Finners

Please respond to this post question and also respond to someone else's response (Meaning comment on someone's response to the post).
This books is often banned/censored due to its use of historically accurately but offensive language.  It is something that I took into consideration before challenging you with this book.  In order to prepare you for the book and context I would like you to do the following...

Think about the following statements, rating each statement using the following guide:

4 strongly agree
3 agree somewhat
2 disagree
1 disagree strongly.

1. Some words are so offensive that they should never be used to tell a story.

2. The names we use for others are not important.

3. The saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is true.

4. Members of an ethnic group can refer to themselves in language that would be inappropriate for others to use.

Choose one of the statements with which you agree or disagree the most, and free write about why you believe as you do. Begin with statements to which you have the strongest reactions—either positively or negatively.