Sunday, August 1, 2010

Zen and the Art

Any students who are reading or have read Zen and the Art of Faking It can use this post to ask questions and make comments about the book.


Georginax82 said...

I read this book over the summer and thought it was a funny and good book. I'd totally recommend it to someone..

20k20 said...

What is this book about? I have heard of it but I forget what it is about.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend this book to someone that wants a good laugh every once in a while but still wants to learn a lesson. This is a story about a teenage boy entering the 8th grade (in a new town) who is trying to figure out who he wants to be known as...One day in class when he answers a question about Zen he found out that he wants to be known as a "Zen Master" (because he had already learned about Zen in his old school). This book has a great lesson/theme and it was just a great read. Again, I would definitely recommend it!

Anonymous said...


ZoZo V. said...

the above comments were from me

Caroline W. said...

haha zoe.
I didn't really like the book i thought i was a bit dry and it didn't keep my attention. I think that boys would be interested in it more than girls because it is from a boy's point of view.

ZoZo V. said...

I agree that boys would be more into it but I still thought that it was an awesome read because it was funny. Do you think it was funny?

Anna D. said...

I thought it was pretty funny, and it also did have a really good lesson. Like, you don't have to change who you are just to impress someone. Just be yourself. That's what i got from it anyway.

ZoZo V. said...

I totally agree with you Anna and I can also see how you feel Caroline!

srichard said...

zen, where do i start. This book was GREAT, although it does take the classic theme of the middle school boy who likes a girl, it realy had a crazy spin on it, with the main character pretending to become a zen buddhist. the topic and backround of the boy is a little depressing, considering he had a pretty decent life until his dad was thrown in prison and they lost all of their money, but the main point of this story was to entertain and be funny. aat al couople of points in the book i didn't "lol" i actually laughed out loud. overall this is one of the better books that ive read lately. also does anyone have any good book recomendations, i've bean in somewhat of a drought of good books. i like interesting books about mystery, suspense, fictional, like the hunger games series.