Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jason Mraz

submitted by student - The song "The Remedy (I Won't Worry)," was written by Jason Mraz just after he learned that his friend had been diagnosed with cancer. The song has a very moving message about life, particularly when he sings, "I won't worry my life away..." What do you think Mraz is trying to teach us/share with us with this song? How can this message apply to your life?


cstrachan said...

I belive that the true message in the song is that you can't worry about somethimg like cancer holding you back, you just need to keep pushing forward

mykaela said...

In life, sometimes, we worry so much that we are blinded by it. We no longer find the joy in what we used to, instead we look at the negative sides and list the risks. When Jason Mraz sings "I won't worry my life away..." he is simply saying that we can sometimes spend our whole life worrying, in his case...getting cancer, he cant prevent it from happening or prevent his friends death, all he can do is live his life to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mykaela, sometimes in life we are dictated by our worry which will eventually turn into fear which will dictate our lives even more. We are sometimes unable to continue in our old ways and are forced to adapt our lifestyle to our constant worry and fear. We need to live in the moment and not worry about what the future will hold, otherwise we will all become zombies, never taking chances and mindlessly wandering through the world.

Anonymous said...
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ian said...

u think that he is trying to say that worry doesnt help anything. even if we worry it wont change the outcome of anything and it wont solve problems. in general what im saying is worry doesnt do any good it just makes things worse.

Ian said...

i ment i think srry

Kathleen said...

I also think that he is trying to say that worry doesn't help you or make you feel any better. All worry does is that it makes you think of all of the negative outcomes and not the positive ones. so when it says "i won't worry my life away..." i think Jason Mraz is saying that he's not going to worry, i think he means hes going to think of the positve things and not negative.

AF313 said...

ithink that Jason Mraz is saying that although tragedy can make people want to curl into a ball and "worry their life away," if they open their eyes, they will see that there are so many people willing to help them ("so shine a light on all of your friends, when it all amounts to nothing in the end") and that there are so many other (bigger) problems in the world ("I heard two men talkin on the radio....uncovering the ways to plan the next big attack they were counting down the ways to stb their brother in the {back}...")like wars that worry won't help with at all. i think he is saying that tragedy is an opportunity to reaize these things and become stronger even when it seems like you don't want to move an inch, which is shownwhen he says,"you can turn off the sun, but i'm still gonna shine..." Another place where Mraz is saying that it is an opportunity to become stronger is where he says,"The remedy is the experience..." This shows what I said because it says that the illness or tragedy is an experience. this is a great song!!!!!!

aidan said...

i think that the song means even when you are diagnosed with cancer you shouldnt just give up on life.

Garrett G said...

I think the massage of this song is that when you hit an obstacle in life such as cancer you need to evolve your world around but don't let it get in the way of everyday life. He is saying he still has everything he needs to pass by and live life

I'm Joe King said...

I think he really worries about his friend. he even said, "I say the comedy is that it's serious"
this means he does not think cancer is a joke. the rest of the lyrics in the song seem to tell how worried he is about his friend. I think he is trying to tell listeners that cancer is a wrong that should be righted because the title of the song is the remedy. This can apply to my life because I have heard a lot about deaths from cancer and often thought that a cure should be found, like the message in the song is saying

ds11 said...

I think he says that don't spend all your time worrying about what will happen just live because sooner or later you will realize that you haven't done anything in your life you wanted to do. He is agreeing with the sayings , " live your life to the fullest" and the,"live like your dying". They all mean do what you want to do and don't stop yourself from living your dream by worrying about the littlest things. This can be applied to my life because it tells me to live my dream and don't stop for anything, just do what you were meant to do. That's what I think the song was saying.

Rachel said...

I think he was saying that most are blinded by worry and fear in the face of hard trials. He wants to convey that we need to stay strong in hard times, and make life the best it can be. Like his friend, instead of worrying and grieving, he can try to make life for him the best it can be. Bring gifts, look back on good times, and always be positive.
"The only thing humans should fear, is fear itself."~Can't remember where I heard this, but I love it!

cstrachan said...

I feel that when you hit a wall, like garett said you need to keep pushing. sitting around and worrying dosn't solve anything, actions do

umasslax19 said...

i think that this song means that we must not wait worrying what will happen next or worrying about dangers so much that we become paranoid. We must live life as it happens, no waiting, no overthinking, just doing, for if u overthink everything u will find flaws in everything,AND FLAWS LEAD TO FINDING FLAWS WILL LEAD TO FEAR. Also this song means never stop living beacuse u never know when your day will come

Mary Poppins :) said...

Basicly everyone wrote the same thing, and i agree that you can not change reality, and the life theres nothing you can do, dont give up though everyone can sucseed, it's harder in different situations,Jason Mraz must have realized with his friend has cancer and theres nothing to do besides deal with the facts, and move on which the song is clearly about :(

(sorry about the spelling)

Megg said...

I agree with Mykaela. even when you are faced with really bad things, like cancer, people tend to look at the bad sides of things. but i think the song is saying that instead of dwelling on the negative things think of the positive things like the memories you had with that person and that worring isnt going to help anything. people should just make the best out of the time they have left with the person and make it happy.

Jewlz said...

I agree with both Megg an Mykaela. When something hard comes your way, such as getting diagnosed wih caner,you always think about the negative side to things as opposed to the good. When he says, "I won't worry my life away...", I think he is saying that he will try to make the best of the time he has left with this person, and keep the memories of his friend close to heart.

DanaKuhringel said...

I think that it means that nothing should hold you back. You have to keep going along and hope for the best. His friend had cancer an he says he can't worry his life away because what happens, happens and you just have to keep going.

tbuckley said...

this song shows emotions that i think many people in the world can relate to, like mykaela said earlier, if you can't provent it... its not worth it to worry. this sentence is easier said than did though, it is natural to worry about something that can cause harm. but what i think this quote is trying to say is to not live in worry because then that takes away the joy that life can supply. i believe it is okay to worry, everyone does, just not enough to the point where it substitutes in for the good things in life.

mariana said...

This song is trying to say that people shouldn't suffer through their entire lives woring about someones death. They should move on in thier lives.So like he said he wont worry his life away, he will forget what happened and enjoy his life. I've leaned this lesson before when my grandfather past away and instead of cring all day I had to realize that crying wouldn't bring him back so I moved on.

Tripod:D said...

i think he is trying to say that we worry to much... in this case his friend can have a small thing of cancer and could be better. but maybe hes trying to say that its a lesson to learn... i was only 1 and 2 when both my grandparents from my dads side died and i dont know what its like to loose someone with cancer... but my dad had a small thing of cancer in his thyroid and i worried but he got it taken out and is fine!! it mean we dont have to worry about thing because it will turn out okay!

KENDALL(: said...

I think he is saying that everyone worries about things to much and we should just live our life to the fullest and not waste our time worrying. He is also saying that you cant let anything hold you back in life you just have to take risks and hope for the best. This messgae can apply to my life because i worrying about trying alot of new things but once i try it ends up being okay and i relize that i have nothing to worry about.

*Jess* said...

I think that he's just trying to say that although it's a sad situation, he shouldn't let it control his life and be sad all the time. He also could be saying that everyone worries a lot and that he shouldn't. It's okay to be sad, but it should only be temporary, not for a very long time.

Mdancer xo said...

Jason Mraz is trying to say that theres really nothing to worry about. Even though his friend has cancer, Jason is going to get through it and it's not like he's going to waste his life sitting in his room worrying about his friend dieing. This message can apply to my life because I was in a similar situation when I was younger. My cousin had a brain tumor when she was about 3 or 4. We knew eachother since birth and I thought she would be gone in a few days. Thankfully, she is still alive and tumor-free to this very day. When she did have the brain tumor, I did not sit around and think negatively and just say "Oh, she's going to die tomorrow". I hoped for the best and positive things and look at the results (=

ian said...

i think he means that when something happens theres no use worrying about it b/c worrying about it wont solve anything. i try to live like this b/c worrying just makes people sad and nervous and there is no benefit to it.

fitzy12 said...

I think he is saying that don't let something you most likely cant stop run your life and dont let it pervent you from doing anything you want to do. So pretty much dont let that thing run your life. "Just let it be" another example from the Beatles. Just let whatever is going to happen happen and learn and become stronger from it.

Kayla =) said...

I believe he is saying that worries hold many people back in life.He is also saying that you can either have a choice of moving along in life and leaving your worries behind or brining them with you.I can realte to this because i am always worrying about everything and sometimes i need to ignore my worries or just forget them and move on.

C.J.Massar said...

I agree with Ian on this one. I would say this is specifically just for cancer and not giving up. I believe that this song is trying to demonstrate that we should not give up no matter what happens.

Re: aiden,
I think that your thinking about it too specifically. I wouldn't really just say when diagnosed with a terminal disease don't give up.

Re: Kendall and just about everbody that wrote what she said,
I have to also agree with you, many of us are held back by worries and we should really take life as little more freely

Jason says " cuz u were born ont he fourth of July" makeing refference to freedom and " it all amounts to nothing in the end" I think that what he is really trying to say is that no matter how bad it gets in the end it will all be okay so for right now, don't really care. And if things get bad, don't stress have no worries because in the end it really doesn't make a difference.

C.J.Massar said...

Specifcally "not" just.... Sorry

JMAC-Per-8 said...

I think that Jason Mraz is trying to say that because someone close is being affected or is affected by something you just can't sit there and feel sorrowness for your friend. Even though you don't feel sorrow it doesn't mean that you don't care. I would also aggry with mykaela because a person may sometimes always worrying even though they may not be able to do anything about it.

BowenS said...

I think that Jason Mraz is trying to act out towards his friends cancer instead of sitting there and mourning. He wants to act out about it and get a remedy for his friends cancer. If he does he would then be able to cure his friend.

JBruce said...

Jason Mraz is trying to say he will not worry too much about his friend. Sure, he'll be concerned for them, but he is not going to center his life around it because he knows that he has no control over it. This message can apply to my life because, two years ago, my brother had Hodgkin's Disease (a type of cancer) and I was worried for him at first, but I didn't want to be constantly thinking about it and worry about it all the time because I knew it would not do any good.

L-DOG said...

what i got from this song was that every little problem that occurs in your every day life shouldnt make you worried or stressed about it and to just think of the positives. this song also reminded me of the son don't worry be happy because they both in a way point out that you dont have to worry about little thing sin life when you can just be happy and happy for what you do have.

tonii* said...

i think this is saying that even if you are stuggling with something in life, you shouldnt give up. just keep living every second that you have left doing what you want." i wont worry my life away." i think this is saying that he isn't going to just stay in his house and be upset, he's just going to keep going and just ignore the problem.

LIttleMisssunshinex22 said...

I think that Jason Marzas is trying to explain that there is so much more that you can do in life then worry . Although his friend has been diagnosed, he explains how he will not let it get in the way of how he is going to live and that he will have hope the whole way through . I also belive that Jason Mraz is sending the messgae to find the positives in a negative situation. If something occurs that you cant do anything about, you need to brush yourself off, and carry on.

cutiegrl24 said...

Jason Mraz is trying to say he will not worry too much about his friend. he may still be upset or sad about it but its not going to be hid entire life i completly agree with L-Dog thigs happen every day and u just have to move on.

TRIPOD :D said...

i agree with jmac... you cant worry about it to much think of good times not bad

JoeyM said...

I agree with tonii* because I would never give up and live life to the fullest. In addition just because he has cancer does not mean he's different.

Anonymous said...

i think the meaning is that there are going to be some obsticles in your life that are difficult to get through but you cant dwell on that. you need to just move on and not worry about what might happen next.

mrs.pete wentz said...

i think it means to not let anything get in the way of our lives, no matter what we will go through hard times, everyone does, but don't let it get to you!

meghan said...

I think that Jason Mraz is trying to teach us that life goes by way too quickly just to give it up after one bump in the road. He is trying to say that there are more things to life then just being sad all of the time and even though one of his close friends has cancer, that shouldnt put him down. This applys to my life because my grandma had cancer, and when i found out i was sad for a very long time. But, my mom talked to me about it and told me that i shouldnt let that control the rest of my life. Life is too short to give up at an age like this, and you shouldnt let that get all the way to you.

Giannini50 said...

I agree with meghan and think that if you stop trying too early you'll never reach your full potential so Mraz is showing a very good point by saying dont give up; keep trying.