Monday, January 30, 2012

Closing out Marking Period 2

Just like Marking Period 1, I would like you to spend a few minutes thinking about the following questions before posting a short reflection under this post.
1.  What have I gotten better at during MP2?
2.  What do I continue to struggle with?
3.  What do I want to focus on during MP3?
4.  What is one thing I definitely want the class to do during MP3?


Anna F said...

I have gotten better at writing persuasive essays because we worked on them a lot more this year. Before, I never really understood how to do a proper introduction and now I feel that I have improved on my skills. My teacher last year didn't really spend much time working on writing, so I never knew how to do a correct thesis statement.
What I continue to struggle with is my grammar because I have a hard time picking out verbs, adjectives etc. My class ever really worked on it and I feel like I have missed out on learning them. We have started working on verbs this year and I feel better about verbs, but it still is a bit foggy for me.
What I would like to focus on this marking period is reading a lot more because I have a hard time getting myself to sit down and read. I have such a busy schedule that I tend to ignore the reading. Even though it isn't something that gets put on the board as homework, it should still be a daily thing like homework.
One thing that I definitely want the class to do during MP3 is have reading groups/clubs because we can get Socratic Circle out of them. My class really should work more on our Socratic Circle skills and if we have groups to do that in, it gives us more opportunities to discuss. Reading groups force kids to read more and focus more on finding certain things for the circle.

sethblog said...

This Marking Period i have defiantly gotton better with verbs. Last year we didn't really focus on something,lets say verbs, for a period of time, we just wrote and from there we had to revise and edit and thats what i feel like we did like all year. This year, in 2 marking periods i feel like i learned verbs as if it were 6 years of learning packed into 1, because it sure felt like that. Something that i continue to struggle with is probably public speaking, or persuasive essays in that case. I know we have just finished presenting our persuasive essays and we have another one coming up very soon but i don't want to say public speaking because thats too general. So persuasive essays will do. When we were told that we had to do a persuasive essay, im fine with that, but thats only when we write them down and then someone reads and grades it, not when we have top present it to a class of 30 or more students. But im also not so ok with it because i feel it is also another thing i havent really done over the years. So at that, that is one thing i defiantly need to focus on im MP3. What i want the class to do is start doing socratic circles. I did not do so well in those but i really enjoyed them because they helped me understand what the other students think about the article of the week, and hey, it wastes a Fridays Class time.

Avgleek17 said...

SO since marking period 2 is finished, I think the biggest thing I improved on was my writing skills in general. Not only did I gain a bunch of narrative writing skills, I also learned how to properly do a literary analysis. THe writing in this class is way beyond anything I have ever done before, but it's really paying off. When I think about struggling, there isn't one particular thing in general I struggle with. In this class, it really all depends on what the assignment is. Some are extremely hard and take me more than all my effort to accomplish, but others I can breeze off. So I don't think I can pinpoint one thing that I can have been having troubles with often. One thing I love to do is public speaking, and I think it would be great to do some of that this marking period. I want the class to focus on public speaking this term because although it's a bit tough, I think it's extremely fun to see everybody's presentation, and being the center of attention for a few minutes is pretty fun fore me! So all in all, I really am satisfied with marking period two, and can't wait to see what marking period 3 will bring!

AVgleek17 said...

@Anna F.,
I definitely think what you said you would like to focus on in the upcoming marking period is very important. Reading, like you said is really difficult to fit in to my crazy life. I have softball, dance, family activities, and way more! If I read in class, I think that would be a big advantage to me. Plus, reading really helps us out in the socratic circles, like you said. reading really will benefit us in many ways, but I think I need to be a little more pushed to do it, and I think you feel the same way. i think marring period three will be a greta time for everyone to start reading a bit more!

abc123comewithme said...

during this marking period I have improved with my public speaking skills. i know this because before this MP I was absolutely terrified of speaking in front of a class (a.k.a stage fright.). but know, at the end of this MP I can get in front of a class and make a 3 minute long speech. But as much as my skills in public speaking have improved there are still flaws. for instance, i still have to work on my vocal cues and fidgeting. I know this because the last time i gave a speech i had 12 vocal cues and 12 fidgets. this means that i should practice more.
overall i believe this MP has been very productive.

Anna F said...

I also think that we should do more public speaking during marking period 3 because we need to learn to get rid of our nerves when it comes to speaking in front of others. I know I get a little nervous when it comes to speaking in front of my class because I'm afraid of messing up, but what's the worst that's going to happen? All we need to to is stay calm and not make a face because then people won't realize they mistake. They usually don't even know what you're going to say. It's just our peers that we are presenting for, not the President. If we work on our skills more, this will be a breeze for anyone to accomplish.

Nosferactu said...

This marking period I got a lot better on writing in general. I learned how to writer persuasive better with SEWs and other strategies that Mr. Horvath showed us. I think that my grades are something to work on because I am not doing so well in Horvath's class at all. I think that this is important because I don’t want to get held back in 7th grade this year. I also think that this marking period was a lot harder than usual, but that doesn't matter.

panthers502 said...

Some things that I have gotten better at are that I have been better at reading. One thing that I am struggling with is when I have to present somthing in front of the class. I have a random *panic attack*. For marking period 3, I would like to relax a little bit more and not get so worked up about presenting a ptoject. One thing that I would like the class to do in marking period 3 is have the class learn *RESPECT* for other students!

panthers502 said...

I agree with abc123comewithme because I think that this marking period has been quite prodictive! We all improved on something! This is good because that's one less skill we need to work on for marking period 3.

u dont' know me said...

During MP2, I have gotten better at being more confident while speaking. Only last year, in 6th grade, I had difficulty giving reading assignments or presentations, most likely because I had no formal teaching on how to speak properly in front of large groups. Now, because this year's Language Arts class focuses almost exclusively on how to communicate your ideas properly, I have become a better speaker.
Something I continue to struggle with is focusing during class. Often, I find myself checking the clock every 3 minutes, and catch my mind wandering elsewhere.Therefore, I still see focusing during class as a challenge.
I definitley want to focus on reducing my stress level during MP3. Sometimes, with the amount of homework I get between graded assignments, sports, music, and oh, there I go again. As you can see, I think it wise to focus on reducing my level of stress during MP3.
One thing I certainly want the class to do during MP3 is to be free of the bonds of homework every single night. To allow us kids to have a couple months of no homework would be a blessing to both tachers and kids. Less homework assigned meand less homework to be graded. For these reasons do we feel that MP3 should be homework free.

CandyS. said...

As I reflect over MP2, I realize that I have grown as a writer. Not only has the literal aspects of my writing slightly improved (format, etc.) but also my word choice and the way I tell a story. For example, one of my writing pieces before MP2 was weak and did not use good imagery or description. Before I would write, "As I stepped into the room, one by one, the people's heads creepily turned, as if they were robots." This sentence's word choice is, if less than, mediocre. However, after MP2 I am writing sentences like "Everything in her life was falling apart and to make things worse, school was like a noose around her neck, painfully pulling until she finally suffocated." This sentence not only uses good word choice, but it also a simile that is not very cliche.
However, there are some things I continue to struggle with such as totally understanding the theme of some of the books I read. Although I have read many great books, many of which are on the 7th+8th grade reading list, I have never really practiced looking for the theme or tone before 8th grade. I am still a little bit weak and confused in that area but otherwise, I feel confident in other areas.
I want to focus on finding theme's and elaborating on them for next marking period, or at least practice them for 3-4 days. This will help me as a writing because I will have a better understanding of my own writing and of other great authors' writing.
I definitely want to do speeches, or some sort of pubic speaking practice next marking period because I am not very confident in front of a group of people. My heart races, my breaths are short and my hands get clammy. I can not process things properly and often mess up what I say. With the practice of public speaking I can overcome the nervousness not only in language arts class, but also when I have to do anything in front of a crowd such as play piano, sing a solo, or demonstrate a stroke by myself in swimming.
All in all, this marking period was very good. I enhanced my writing skills, but still need to work on others such as theme. I hope that I am able to learn more about themes and public speaking as the year progresses.

u don't know me said...

I agree with you when you say that for MP3 classmates should learn respect for each other. Often I find myself thinking," Did he/she really say that?" or,"What a jerk!" Some kids really don't know when to turn on their filter when talking to both students and teachers. For these reasons do I agree with you when you say that classmates should learn a little respect for each other in MP3.

Isabelle said...

As marking period 2 comes to a close there are a lot of things I can reflect on. I really think this marking period I grew as a reader. Before if I read Call of the Wild I would just think it was a story about a dog. But after this marking period I see what the story says about people and why the author wrote each chapter. Likewise in my classic book the Red Pony. I learned a lot of life lessons from that book that I can now take with me in life to be a better person. I understand the reason people write books and can identify the theme easier now. In MP2 I struggled with writing. It seemed as though none of my writing pieces clicked for me and I had a difficult time writing them. So this year I want to really focus my energy on becoming a more advance writer. My hope is that using the grammar tricks we are learning in this marking period I can write better essays. Something I defiantly want to do this year is something creative and different. Like for example we are given a piece of art and we have to write a poem on that piece. I really art and if we could incorporate that into our curriculum this year I would be extremely happy. I feel like bringing in a new and creative aspect into language arts will make it more interesting and less redundant.

Isabelle said...

I think presentation skills are a very important thing to work on. I also have a hard time presenting things to the class and get really nervous. In seventh grade when I presented projects I almost formed kind of a stutter. I have worked on it and gotten better at it but I can always improve. One tip I use is just remember you talk to your classmates all the time and presenting to them is no different than talking to them. You are just talking to them all at the same time. If you just remind yourself you are just talking to your peers it becomes easier.

Man on the Moon said...

I have gotten better at a lot of things during Marking Period 3. During marking period 3 I had learned how to do a speech properly and not flunk it by practicing and writing the important notes on a sheet of paper. Also I learned how to be persuasive to different audiences and how to elaborate. But I think in this marking period we should diffidently learn how to elaborate more and keep on improving. So in this marking period I have learned a lot but we can always improve.

Man on the Moon said...

Anne F. I agree with you that we should read more. In a normal school day I have to got to school to SAT prep, homework 2 and half hours of swim practice, eat dinner, prepare plans for my teaching job, study for the math Olympics, learn new vocab for the vocab bee, and even more. So as you can see my schedule is tight. So reading can't really fit in their. So if I read in school I would get more done. Learn more vocab from the vocab. So then I wouldn't have to do as much vocab and have time for other things. So I completely agree that we should have time in class to read.

Anonymous said...

What I got better at this marking period is the presentations. Like on the persuasive speech i got a 66 out of 65. What I struggle with is coming up with lots of specific details. Like when we handed in our first outline for the speech most of our evidence is general and not good. What I want to focus on is to study more for the vocab quiz's. Because on the last one were you wrote the root word and i got like a 10 out of 20. One thing is to get my class to stop talking a lot cause its annoying and bugs Mr.Horvath. All these are important cause it helps people with there grades, my grades, and helps people to stop bugging mr. horvath

Anonymous said...

I agree with man on the moon because i learned how to persuade people with different information and general body language. And the point of this speech is to get someone persuade people about your topic. And thats importent in life. THis is good cause you need the power of persuastion other wize you might not get what you want.

Jessica T. said...

The thing that I think that I have gotten better at was my verbs. I always had a hard time learning my verbs. But since the marking period 2 has ended I have gotten so much better at them I never knew that there were so many different types of verbs. For example I never heard of a helping verb or a linking verb. This is very important to me because I will need this in the future. But the one thing that I seem to have a hard time with are other types of speech. But the one thing that I want to focus on for marking period 3 is that I want to get better at is saying things in front of the class. The other thing that I want the class to do during marking period 3 is to stop leaving some mean comments on the persuasive essay because some people were leaving some very hard hitting comments that were not called for. So if that didn't happen then I think that it would not only make me happy but all of us happier. These are all very important because in the future we are going to need the language arts skills that we learned.

Jessica T. said...

I agree with panther because we as a class do need to learn how to respect one another because some of the things that we say can hurt another once you say something you can't take it back. Every thing that you say may be funny to you but can be offensive to another. For example some one said on the grading slips that we used for the persuasive essay some people write some mean comments on the slips so when we do another one of them it would really be good if we could say positive comments and if a piece of negative information people shouldn't be saying things like "Did you even rehearse" and thing like "oh boy" things like that can really hurt a person and make someone feel really bad about themselves.This is very important because what you say can really hurt someone and once it is out you can't take it back.

Jessica T. said...

The thing that I think that I have gotten better at was my verbs. I always had a hard time learning my verbs. But since the marking period 2 has ended I have gotten so much better at them I never knew that there were so many different types of verbs. For example I never heard of a helping verb or a linking verb. This is very important to me because I will need this in the future. But the one thing that I seem to have a hard time with are other types of speech. But the one thing that I want to focus on for marking period 3 is that I want to get better at is saying things in front of the class. The other thing that I want the class to do during marking period 3 is to stop leaving some mean comments on the persuasive essay because some people were leaving some very hard hitting comments that were un called for. So if that didn’t happen then I think that it would not only make me happy but all of us happier. These are all very important because in the future we are going to need the language arts skills that we learned.

Jessica T. said...

I agree with panther because we as a class do need to learn how to respect one another because some of the things that we say can hurt another once you say something you can't take it back. Every thing that you say may be funny to you but can be offensive to another. For example some one said on the grading slips that we used for the persuasive essay some people write some mean comments on the slips so when we do another one of them it would really be good if we could say positive comments and if a piece of negative information people shouldn't be saying things like "Did you even rehearse" and thing like "oh boy" things like that can really hurt a person and make someone feel really bad about themselves.This is very important because what you say can really hurt someone and once it is out you can't take it back.

Jessica T. said...

The thing that I think that I have gotten better at was my verbs. I always had a hard time learning my verbs. But since the marking period 2 has ended I have gotten so much better at them I never knew that there were so many different types of verbs. For example I never heard of a helping verb or a linking verb. This is very important to me because I will need this in the future. But the one thing that I seem to have a hard time with are other types of speech. But the one thing that I want to focus on for marking period 3 is that I want to get better at is saying things in front of the class. The other thing that I want the class to do during marking period 3 is to stop leaving some mean comments on the persuasive essay because some people were leaving some very hard hitting comments that were un called for. So if that didn’t happen then I think that it would not only make me happy but all of us happier. These are all very important because in the future we are going to need the language arts skills that we learned.

steve1 said...

I have gotten better at writing in general like Nosferatu said in his or her comment. I continue to struggle with mostly nothing. But I do struggle with cercratic circles but I am thinking that the one that is coming up I am going to do good on. One thing that I want the class to do during MP3 is be able to free write. I love to free write in my class when I am done with all of my work. I would love to be able to free write.

abc123comewithme said...

i think that it is good that you improved and don't have much to work on. to challenge your self why don't you do extra credit work. the board in the back of the room can always be fuller! also, you can ask Shorvath if there is any other extra credit work.i know this is a good idea becaise it gives you extra practice and you can boast your grade. this is a good idea for all of your classes as well; of course some teachers might say they don't believe in extra credit, it's always beneficial to know who does and doesn't give it

G-MAN said...

I have gotten better at nothing during marking period 2 partly because I was not bad at anything during marking period one. During marking period 2 I did not continue to struggle with anything because I have never struggled with anything so far in this class. For marking period three I would like to get into how to write good speeches and what kind of things to notice in a book beause I feel I could use assistance in those areas. Also, I want to write longer works and write pieces based on our theme jounals because we have never written something long or anything based on our theme journal. So far during all of our years of language arts we have never made speeches. If any of us want to be in a sort of high position where we will inspire others you have to be able to makes speeches unless you have speech writers. Either way you still need to know how to talk to others to persuade them with your oral words to satisfy and inspire people. When reading books I sometimes feel like I don't get everything out of them that I should. I would like to go through a book and pick out everything that is going on: all of the foreshadowing, symbolism, and evidence of a theme. I would also think it would be good to write a long piece of writing ourselves because the lengthiest text any of us has ever typed is probably around six to eight pages. Therefore we should learn how to write like the authors of books and approach at least fifty pages. Each marking period we were supposed to create several pieces of writing about our theme topics. I would really like to do that because we so far have not and people in years before us have. My grades are not what is most important for me it is how much I learn and I believe this would help us. In conclusion, next marking period I would like to write speeches, learn to pick out certain author's craft in literature, write a fifty page piece of writing, and write based on our theme topics. I want to do this because we have never really focused on any of these several wants of mine except for analyzing literature in which I believe we have not gone in depth enough.

G-MAN said...

I agree that we should continue doing more public speaking becuase lots of us get nervous. It is not uncommon for me to get nervous, red faced, and heavy tongued when it is time to talk in front of the class and I can fumble what I am going to stay. I think we could all use the help to overcoming the nervousness of public speaking. Another reason we should practice, is because many people when it comes time to present are far to causal and the presentation loses its power and becomes foolish. Many times people don't know what to say in front of others or how to be persuading or inspiring. All of us could use a strong unit on presenting speeches. In conclusion, I agree with you that we should continue on public speeking because we all could use help from overcoming nervousness to talking formally to becoming persuasive.

Kayleigh said...

One thing I have definitely gotten better at is speeches. Last year we didn't work on speeches at ALL!!! Also,the first time we did speeches I totally failed. I forgot everything LITERALLY!!! We worked on the second time I knew what was expected from Mr.Horvy and the class. I was prepared more then for the last speech.
What do I still struggle with is writing and grammar. But the grammar worksheets and tests are really helping. In my class we are starting to do grammar worksheets everyday says Mr. Horvy. But chosing helping verbs and linking verbs are still verey hard like with the quiz I blanked out as you can probalby tell I blank out alot. :) Writing is improving somewhat there are still lots of downs to my writing. It's really the content I struggle with mosly.
This NEW marking period 3 I really want to focus on completing my homework. My schedule is SOOO BUSY these days. Some days I'm sitting at my kitchen table till 2 in the morning. I really need to focus on my homework. If I don't my teachers will start to think that I'm procrastinating and I'm not so I really need to focus on homework.
One thing I definitely want the class to do is read more becuase with busy schedules I'm not able to read more as I would like to. Like Today as an example: Mr. Horvy said you should be reading your classics. I'm doing blog comments at 6:15pm and this is my second thing for homework. This is when I don't have alot of homework anyway. So reading is something I really want this MP3

Kayleigh said...

@CandyS...... I agree that speeches is something that we should do Marking Period 3 because before the 7th grade we NEVER did this stuff.I just want to put this out here Mr.Horvy taught us alot of new things this year. I wasn't cofident in front of my class either but now I over came that but I had a partner. SO doing independent speeches will help when grow up into "adult hood" as they call it. We need to work on speeches also because when we get a job we need to present ourselves to show we are the best candidate out there.

Sweet said...

In marking period 3 I would like to concentrate on class work and homework because in marking period 2 I was focusing more on the class work and less on my homework. I missed homework in Spanish mostly but I did miss some in Science but, I wasn't drawing in my classes. I would like to focus on both my homework and my class work in marking period 3.

Sweet said...

Also, I would like to make better and present better presentations. In most of my classes I worry to much about friendship, after school, and other situations when I should be preparing for a speech, slideshow, etc. I would like to prepare and a present in a more suitable way. For example, my speech for Horvath's class was terrible because I was worrying about presenting in other classes. When it came time to preset I go so stage fright, I forgot what to say and I started panicking. If I had practiced more that might not have happened so I would like to concentrate on one thing at a time in marking period 3.

Kevin O said...

I have improved in writing but I’m still a little foggy about verbs. I got a better idea on what verbs are and how to find them but I got a good idea of what they are. I want to focus on nouns and free writing. I definitely want to focus on free writing because I love to write, if it is a short story or a large book like document. I love to write. This is what I think that we should focus on.

My Mom said...

after marking period 2 I got better at tuning out the comments my parents make about my grades. one thing I continue to struggle with is translating Horvathlaten into English (but how can do that any way?). what want to focus on in marking period 3 is everything because I am falling it all. what i really want to do in marking period 3 is have a lot less homework.

My Mom☺ said...

Oh, I also want to do something that I understand.

trevor said...

this marking period i have gotten better at writing and rehearsing a speech my talking abilities have also have gotten better at speaking to my class mates.I continue to struggle with grammar, verbs are still the most challenging. i also have struggled with my blog comments since they have been to short and i do not put enough thought into writing them. in mp3 i want to focus on making my blog comments more informal and make sure that each comment is a sew statement. this is because the last time i turned in blog comments i did not do very well this happened because i did not sew up my comments.

Muffin Man 101 said...

I have gotten better at presenting. In the beginning of marking period 1 I was okay at presenting but I was missing the ability to focus on topics that the audience liked. Now in marking period 2 I feel that I have further strengthened my ability to present and pick relevant topics.

I continue to struggle with fitting everything in because of my very busy schedule. I have boy scouts, soccer, theater, and school activities. This keeps me very busy and then on top of that I have all the work that I need to do for school. It would make things easier if I was able to balance everything more equally.

I want to focus on being more curious. I will be more interested in topics that we learn and then go home and try to learn more about it. This will be a good life skill that I would like to learn.

Kevin O said...

Like Muffin Man 101 said I also have gotten better at presenting. I was not able to focus on what i was saying. Doing the things I do at my house like other homework and sports and doing this, it is very though managing my time and practicing my speech. But I have gotten better at rehearsing for big projects. I just it was a little easier to manage time.

Smores said...

i think that i have gotten better at remembering things like speechs. this is good becasue it improves my grade. remembering your speech can also improve memory, which can help you remember homework.i think that i have also gotten better at presentations. i start them earlier than i did a year ago and i get better grades because i have time to read over the content of the presentation. i have also gotten better studying. i used to study only 2 times a wekk and now i study everyday.

i agree with muffin man 101 becasue i have lots of stuff to do after school. i then have to balence all that work and after school activitys together and still have time to relax by my self. relaxing after all the school work is out of the way feels really good because you dont have to worry about it anymore.

Emerson34 said...

In marking period 3, I hope to work on public speaking. This is because during my Persuasive speech, I got nervous and forgot what to say at some parts. I also hope to go into a job with public speaking, like a lawyer. Therefore, I hope to do more public speaking because I want to get better at it.

Emerson34 said...

@ Man on the Moon I agree with you that we have learned a lot about speeches. We are now able to memorize our speeches without index cards now, make better eye contact, and even have a more clear and louder voice. Therefore, we have learned a lot about speeches and public speaking.

Evan F said...

*... Can see the improvement...

Evan F said...

In marking period 2 I have gotten better at persausive writing. I know this because in the first marking period I failed the persuasive wirting assingment. In the second marking period we have had one essay and one speech and both of which I got better than an A- on so I casn see the improve ment. I continue to struggle with getting my blog comments in on time because I forget to write that I have to do them. This sets me up to fail because then I'm at the end of the marking period with only 3/4 of what I should have had. In Marking period 3 I would like to focus on making my blog comments when they are suppose to be done by because this will help me boost my grade at the end of the quarter. As a class I definitly want to do narritives because I don't think that you use much of any imagination in the persuasive writting and I love to write stories and not try to convince some one of something.As you can see, I have gotten better at speeches, continue to struggle with blog comments, would like to focus on completing my blog comments, and would like the class to do a narritive piece.

Evan F said...

@ Emerson34
I think you were supposed to write about all of the bullet points but I agree with you when you said "... during my Persuasive speech, I got nervous and forgot what to say at some parts. I also hope to go into a job with public speaking, like a lawyer..." because I also got nervous during my speech and forgot what to say. Also I too would like to be in a job with public peaking like a lawyer. This is why I agree with you on what to do in marking period 3.

Cav98 said...

I think that during the second marking period i got a lot better at writing.First of all I got better at organization in my writing this made it easier to understand it. Also i learned how to use better words to stress the point i am trying to get across. These new word choices make my writing sound stronger. These changes i learned really made me a better writer.

The1 said...

One thing that I have gotten better at during marking period 2 is writing more developed pieces. I continue to struggle with remembering to write blog comments some weeks.On marking period three, i would like to focus on writing stories and doing my blog comments every week.

Jessm said...

This marking period we worked on a lot of things and like most people I improved my persuasive writing. I've worked on this writing in the past but I never got as much out of it as I did from this marking period. I learned proper formatting and an easy way to write a quick but thorough pieces which will help for the CMTs. I also improved on public speaking. I still have to work on it but i feel a lot more comfortable speaking in front of groups because we did book talks and speeches which gave me a lot of practice. I still would like to have more public speaking in class to get more practice and be prepared for the future.
I need to focus more on reading because I have a hard time finding time to read with a busy schedule on top of all the homework. In class once in a while I would like to have time to read my pleasure reading book not just having to read my classic book because if we are forced to read only classic books that some people won't read until collage I never have time to read the books I want to read. So this marking period I will try to find more time to read my book.

Jessm said...

I agree with Anna F that we should have book clubs for two reasons. It will encourage us to read more and it will let us speak more in a Socratic circle with a smaller group. Most kids will only read the necessary classic book that they have to and nothing else. With book clubs kids would make time to read books that they are really interested in. This would also help allow us to speak with groups more. We haven't had Socratic circle for a while and when we do some people don't contribute to the conversation. But if their were groups of 5 or 6 talking everyone would have a chance to speak. Therefore having book clubs occasionally would help our class.

chris g said...

during marking period 2 i have gotton better at socractic circle and talking to peaple i learned to talk when appropriate. I still struggle with prompts, and persuasive speach.i want to focus on reading more and writing. Finnally i want the class to work better and try to get more things done in class

chris G said...

i agree with u dont know me and @503 becuse like u dont know me said kids really need to turn on their filters and respect each other this will increase the rate of work done and decrease getting into trouble or detentions. This is why i agree with u dont know me

Anonymous said...

I have gotten better at writing persuasive essy's since i know how to make a really good intro and clincher, and to rite facts in the body paragraphs. this period i would like to get a little better at presenting a persuasive speech.

Marissa S. said...

What I have gotten better at is from marking period 2 is talking in front of the class. When I presented my first project in front of the class I fidgeted a lot and played with my hair. I also stuttered and had some awkward pauses. Before this year I really hadn't presented anything in front of my class. So this year really helped me. What I could improve on is persuasive writing or writing essays in general. I get how to do the introduction but I still am not good at the body paragraphs and and the clincher in the conclusion. I can't make them sound interesting. I wrote a lot last year but don;t under stand it that's why I need to improve on writing. In marking period 3 I would like to focus on reading more. A lot of times I forget to read and end up having to read everything last minute. I never remember to read when ever I finish my written homework because I have so much and just want to be done. So this marking period I want to focus on reading.
I am looking forward to reading groups. I would like to read something other then classic books which are never as interesting as regular books. Reading groups will help us with understanding books more and public speaking. We will talk about the book in smaller groups so it won't be as scary.

Marissa S. said...

@Jessm I agree with you I feel more comfortable talking in front of the class because of the book poster, book talk, and persuasive essay. I have made a giant improvement from the first presentation and the last. They all gave a lot of practice and preparation. I still am not totally comfortable but I;m a lot better then before. This is something we will have to do our whole lives and I have improved a lot but still need work.

Emma said...

I feel that in marking period i improved in many ways but still have little things. One thing that i improved in is talking in front of the class. I learned that practice will make anything pretty close to perfect., and Now i'm able to stand in front of the class and give a speach without being so nevous or figeting. I am more confident in what i say in my presentation.
Although i improved on many things..... There is things that i struggle with. One thing that i struggle with is dong that little extra to help me on my test or quiz. For example, Spanish when we get new vocab. I need to go over it even if i have no homework because when it comes time for a test/quiz i will not have to stress over it. I will know the material. Now my goal is to make my striggles into thing that i improved in.
Their are many thing that i need to inprove in my writing but during marking period 3,i would kie to focuse on details in my writing. Most time in my writing my score is dropped because of my lack of detail. I want to learn how to really take on idea and expand it so that my writing is detailed and interesting to read.
One thing that i defineitey want to do in class is learning how to make your ideas more interesting. Some of my ideas arre boring and general. Having stong ideas will make my writing much more interesting.

Emma said...

Marissa said....
"Could improve on is my persuasive writing or writing essays in general" I agree with marissa because i can inprove on the same thing.. I also struggle with the body paragraghs and the deatil in them. we can all improve in something and i need to imporve in my essays.

MRAjGE said...

This marking period I have gotten better at staying focused in class. In the first marking period, I goofed off and talked with friends. However, now I have been more aware of class and am learning a lot more. Therefore, I will be getting even more done in marking period 3! I still struggle with persuasive pieces and persuasive prompts(mostly prompts). When I first start prompts, I usually have trouble brainstorming. I can't come up with unique main ideas. Then that just causes me to already be short on time. Lastly, when there is 10 minutes left, I try to cram all the writing in, but I never finish. Therefore I still have trouble with prompts. For Marking Period 3, I want to focus on not being such a perfectionist. I want to be satisfied with the work I finished. I also want to know that there is room for improvement, but keep in mind that what I have is good enough. I want the class to focus on doing more socratic circles. In marking period 2, we did few if not any socratic cirles. That disappointed me because I enjoy socratic circles and engaging in conversations about a topic. Also socratic cirles help me to see how my classmates view the topic and they help open up my mind to new ideas. Therefore, marking period 2 has been successful, but marking period 3 should be even better!

MRAjGE said...

I agree with you and am looking forward to reading more newer books in marking period 3. Although classic books can be somewhat interesting, I think we should take a break and read more modern books. I think most of my classmates would agree with me that they are a little "classiced" out. I think most kids our age would agree when I say that when I have to read classic books, I almost entirely stop reading other books because I am overwhelmed with my classic book. Then whenever I go to read I feel that I have to read the classic instead of a book that I would normally read. Therefore, I am hoping we will do a little more reading modern books in marking period 3.

ShyWolf32 said...

I have gotten better at reading, math and all my subjects. What i countine to struggle with is my hand writing so I will defintely need to improve on that. I want to foucus on LA for marking period three to bring that grade up. Some thing i want to do during marking period three is some starts wrtiting creativly then pass it to another person and they add to the story and then they pass it and so on and so forth.

Lauren said...

Over making period 2 I feel like I improved on a lot of things, but the most would be verbs and public speaking. After spending around 2 weeks on verbs, I feel like I understand them a lot better. Last year we didn't spend much time of verbs and that's why I think I struggled with them at first. Also I'm getting better about public speaking because during my book talk toward the beginning of the year I was really nervous, I had a lot of vocal cues, and fidgets. After practicing my persuasive essay and presenting it I did a much better job. After doing more and more public speaking, I hope that it will just become natural.
Something I still struggle with is writing persuasive essays. I find it hard because you have to have really strong reasons to be able to get people to understand your side that you’re taking. Also, since we just started writing persuasive essay this year it takes some time to get used to.
One thing that I want to focus on in marking period 3 is reading more during class. Sometimes its hard for me to find time to sit down and read because of other homework and sports. It would be nice to be able to have class time to read.
One thing I want the class to do in making period 3 is book clubs, but not always classic books. I think that when there is more than one person reading a book, then it's easier to understand the book. We could also do a Socratic Circle, on comparing the books theme, characters, ect. Book clubs would also get more class reading time in.

ShyWolf32 said...

@Emma I agree with you that we all improved with our public speaking abtiles. I have done it 4 times and everytime i have gotten much better at it and it's kinda fun now.

ShyWolf32 said...

2/4/12-I have gotten better at reading, math and all my subjects. What i countine to struggle with is my hand writing so I will defintely need to improve on that. I want to foucus on LA for marking period three to bring that grade up. Some thing i want to do during marking period three is some starts wrtiting creativly then pass it to another person and they add to the story and then they pass it and so on and so forth

Lauren said...

@Emma I agree with you that spending more time on writing and getting more interesting ideas is something to focus on during marking period 3. I also have a hard time getting my ideas more "interesting" and not as general. Therefore if we spent more time on writing it would help improve my grade.

Matt W. said...

To start off I got a much better grade in MP2 than MP1, which I was very excited about. Also I feel that I am learning a lot of new writing techniques that are increasing the strength of my writing. I continue to struggle with backing up my points well in persuasive writing, and I want to make sure I improve on that in MP3. And I feel as a class we should go over narrative techniques, because i was never taught how to write a proper short-story.

Matt W. said...

@ Isabelle I agree with you, that since we learned about all of these parts of books that I have never noticed before, some books now are enjoyable. Call of the Wild isn't a book about a dog, it is a book about how everyone has a primitive side to themselves. I agree that I also need to work on my writing, as I said above.

LittleMonster1028 said...

One thing I have gotten better at during MP2 is defiantly grammar work. At the beginning of the year, I didn't even know what a verb was and now I fell like I know them inside and out. Something I hope to improve in in MP3 is my grade in general. I sadly ended MP2 with a B and I know that I can improve that. This was the lowest grade I got in MP2 and it is terrible because it is the easiest class. Improving my grade is my goal for MP3.

Anonymous said...

I believe that during Marking Period 3 I have gotten better at learning how to write with all the things you can put in your writing to make it sound better. For example, triplets, magic threes, opening and delayed adverbs; have all made my writing sound better with fluency and makes the writing more informative and descriptive. Although, these techniques had bettered my writing I would like to work on it to improve it.

LittleMonster1028 said...

@Anna F
I agree with you that my persuasive writing skills progressed during MP2. Like you, my language arts teacher last year stunk and didn't teach me anything about persuasive writing or writing in general. But in MP2 Horvath taught me a lot about persuasive writing like using transitional language. This is how we agree.

Anonymous said...

In MP3 i have gotten better at improving my writing with the different skills you have taught us. For example, I agree with Matt W. when he says, "I feel that I am learning a lot of new writing techniques that are increasing the strength of my writing." I agree with this statement because learning things like triplets and magic threes all make your writing more fluent and descriptive.

Cav98 said...

I agree with Anonymous because this marking period i think we all got a little better at our presentation skills. For example for the latest presentation we were not aloud to have notes but most of us did well anyway. This showed that we practiced and made us more persuasive. Also we learned more about how too us specific details. We were able to find important and persuasive facts about each of our topics. This showed that we understood our topic and had reasons to back up our argument. Lastly i think we all got better at the organization of our writing. This helped everyone else fallow what we were saying even though they didn't have a paper to read off of.

Alex Z. said...

For this past marking period, I have gotten better with not stressing out AS MUCH as I have in marking period 1. I continue to struggle with Algebra and managing my time. Honors is a very hard class for me and time management is difficult when you are involved in so many things out of school like sports, clubs, family obligations, etc. I want to improve my grade in Algebra for marking period 3. And I want to definitely learn how to be a better writer. I think our classes should write more.

Alex Z. said...

MRAjGE I agree. I feel that I have also gotten better at staying focused in class and that in the first marking period, I goofed off and talked with friends more. However, now I have been more aware of class and am learning a lot more. I also agree that I have been more aware of class and am learning a lot more because of it.

Trevor said...

I agree with you Anna f. I have gotten better at writing persuasive pieces. This is because last year my teacher did not teach my class how to write, like Mr Horvath does. My class also did not cover many verbs. So this is why I agree with you Anna F

bieberlover10 said...

During Marking Period 2, I improved on some of my weakness' in school. One of which is my reading. Reading classic books are helping me uunderstand more words, differnet writing styles, and a way to look at life in a differnet perspective. Also, I am reading a lot more. Another thing that has improved in Marking Period 2 was my public speaking. In the past, I have been scared to do talk or present anything in front of a group of people. I think my nerves have improved because I was not nervous before my speech. I continue to struggle is verbs. I have always had problems with them , and even with the two weeks of constant reviewing, I am still a little confused. During Marking Period three, I want to just continue reading. That is how Marking Period Two went for me.

Imagine11 said...

I believe that during Marking Period 2, I have gotten better with verbs, more so grammar in general than in 6th grade. Before, in most Language Arts classes, teachers only slightly went over grammar, which obviously did not help us for now. Now, though, in only 1 marking period, we were able to learn all about verbs and now we are learning about nouns and pronouns. Therefore, this shows that I have gotten better at grammar in only 1 marking period than in 6th grade alone.
I know that I still continue to struggle with speeches in front of the class because I tend to get so nervous that I tend to do something wrong during it. For example, no matter how much I plan out and practice my speech, once I get in front of everyone, everything just blacks out and I'm left stumbling through. I think I have sort of improved from the first speech I made, but I know I can do much better and be able to make my speech sound persuasive. Therefore, this shows that during Marking Period 3, I will try to Improve on my speaking skills in front of people.
What I would want to focus on during Marking Period 3 would be reading because I know that I need to read 2 books and I want to be able to read a lot. For me, I can be able to read for more than even an hour, but sometimes have to force myself to actually read the book. Another reason is, if I get myself to read more books, I will get more into the habit which will help me will my learning. Therefore, for the third Marking Period , I want to focus more on my reading.

bieberlover10 said...

@ Emma B....
I agree with you when you say "One thing that i improved in is talking in front of the class.". I agree with you on that because I am doing well with public speaking. That is why I agree with you.

disneydance&more said...

I have gotten better at writing. this has probably happened because i got so much pratice. i think that i still struggle with keeping organized and remembering to do things like homework. in the 3rd marking period i want to focus on staying organized and doing what i need to do when i need to do it no matter how much i don't want to. i really want to spend more time in LA reading and writing.

!DANCE! said...

After going past marking period 1 and 2 I feel like i have gotten better at many things. In general, I have gotten better at managing my time and not leaving things for last minute because I would thing that they are easy but end up not being that easy. Also, i feel like I have gotten a lot better at writting essays. I think this becasue I have gotten better at writting leads and clinchers. This is becasue last year we did not focus much on that while this year it is very important. Something that I continue struggling with is finding a lot of time to read. This is becasue since we have a lot of homework durin gthe week, I have no time to read. Also, for independant research I do not have much time to complete my weekly goals. Juggling dance and school work is very difficult but, I need to learn how to do this or high school will be very challenging. Something that I want to focus on in Marking period 3 is to read more and practice presenting things so that I will not be as nervous infront of the other classmates as I usually am. As for reading, I need to get better at it to expand my vocabualy and have better grammer. I know that reading can do this becasue my brother reads a lot and he has a wide range of vocabualry. One thing that I would like to do in class for marking period 3 is to have a couple days in which we just read. This would be good because we have never done this before and I feel like everybody should have a quiet period in which they could just read. This is what I have gotten better at at school, still struggle with, what I want to focus on this marking period, and what i would like to do in class this marking period.

Imagine11 said...


I agree your comment because you said that during Marking Period 2 you improved on some of your weaknesses in school. You said that, " One of which is my reading. Reading classic books are helping me uunderstand more words, differnet writing styles, and a way to look at life in a differnet perspective. Also, I am reading a lot more." You also said that, "Another thing that has improved in Marking Period 2 was my public speaking. In the past, I have been scared to do talk or present anything in front of a group of people. I think my nerves have improved because I was not nervous before my speech." Therefore, since I can relate to improving on my weaknesses in school for Marking Period 2, I can agree with your comment.

!DANCE! said...

@Anna F.
I agree with everything you said. For the improvment in persuassive writting peices i also improved but instead of improving in the thesis like you did, I improved in the lead and the evidence that you have to add in the body paragraphs.As for grammer, I also improved in it because in all elementary school, 5th and 6th grade we did not talk a lot about grammer. All I knew was verb= action noun= person, place or thing. We also BRIEFLY went over helping, and linking verbs. Also, I have a busy schedual with dance so i do not have a lot of time to read so i also want to read more. That is why i agree with you.

chocoholicdancer13 said...

After Marking Period 1 and 2, i think I have gotten much better at my writing skills. For example, I have better learned to show and not tell when writing a short story. I have also gotten much better at analysis'. Lastly, I have gotten better at managing my time on assignments. I have continued to struggle with procrastinating on my homework, and that is why it takes me four hours to do! What I want to focus on during MP3 is getting straight A+'s in every class and getting all homework, projects, etc. done as quickly as I can without procrastinating. I really want the class to 1. bring in snack everyday :) and 2. have more creative writing.

Ali M. said...

I improved greatly from MP1 to MP2. I got much better with my writing, and learning when I should and should not use certain literary devices. My descriptive words have gotten much stranger, and my writing has gotten clearer. I continue to struggle with expository and persuasive writing because I have good ideas in my head but, the words do not come out right on a piece of paper. Although I like writing creative pieces I think it would be better for me to write an expository or persuasive piece in MP3 because I need to perfect this type of writing before I get into high school. In MP3 I want to focus on getting my ideas out clearly which would improve my writing immensely. In MP3 I want to present a speech because I really enjoy speaking in front of people. Although I want to do one or two expository or persuasive pieces I think it is also important to do at least one creative piece so we can express our creativity and imagination. I improved from MP1 to MP2, and now I want to improve from MP2 to MP3.

chocoholicdancer13 said...

@Alex Z, I agree with you because I also don't manage my time very well in most subjects so I have to start stopping procrastinating. I also I have gotten better at not stressing out and learning how to cope with the amount of homework we get. Lastly, I agree with you that we should do more creative writing because I think it also helps with other types of writing by learning how to come up with your own ideas.

Ali M. said...

I agree with Matt W. because I too have learned many new writing techniques that have improved my writing. I have learned magic three's, figurative language, and triplets. These strengthen my writing and create a better flow. He said, "I continue to struggle with backing up my points well in persuasive writing, and I want to make sure I improve on that in MP3." I agree because I formulate these great ideas in my head, but when they come out on the paper they sometimes contradict the point I am trying to prove. I hope that in MP3 I improve even more on these points.

NonStop said...

What have I gotten better with? I have gotten better at caring about my work. In MP1 I would always just get it done and not worry about my quality. I am continuing to struggle with procrastination. I struggle with this because I always put homework and other stuff later and then end up not getting it done in good. I am going to focus on getting higher than a b for my grade. That is the grade I have now and bringing it up will get help me for high school. One thing I want the class to do during MP3 is to get focused on the work and not make unneeded comments. Those comments take time away from learning and end up giving us more homework.

Unknown 7 said...

I have gotten better at writing persuasive essays this year. But I still need to practice making myself heard in a Socratic Circle. It's hard for me to get everyone to listen to my ideas so I want to practice this. I want to focus on Socratic Circles this year. I do poorly on getting everyone to listen to my ideas I definitely want do do more presentations this year. I think that it's fun to see everyone present in front of the class so we can rate them. It's also good for us because we can learn ways to make our speeches better. This is what I want to do this Marking Period.

Sir Awesome said...

This past marking period, I learned I really enjoy writing narratives. I like how you have so many choices with what you're writing. I learned I was pretty good at using description. I hope that in the future, I can write some more narratives and possibly work on other types of writing. I also hope that this marking period we will be able to read a book of choice as well as a classic. Overall, this was a good marking period and I hope this next one will be just as good.

Sir Awesome said...

@Anna F
I completely agree with you that we should read a lot more this marking period. I know that this past marking period we did read a lot but I did not get a chance to read a book that I wanted. This really would've improved the marking period as a whole. So overall, I agree with you that we should've read a lot more this marking period.

NonStop said...

@Lauren I totally agree with you. I also think that doing book clubs would be a good idea. I think that would be a good idea because like you said we would understand the book better and at the end of the week your group could have a Socratic Circle about how your book is going so far.

Unknown 7 said...

I think that you are right that we need to practice our presentation skills. I agree with you because last year, I never presented in front of the class. So it's hard for me to do presentations because this is my first year. We all definitely have gotten better at speeches but it is probably still a hard subject for most of us. It's hard for me to memorize a whole speech in front of the class. I always get nervous. That's why I think that we should practice our presentation skills.

Muffin Man 101 said...

In marking period 3 I would like to work on different ways to present. Instead of just standing there and reading a speech that they have written maybe doing an experiment on what we are persuading or doing some thing that is interactive to people. This will be more interactive. This will also give kids that don't like just standing there and talking a chance to express their individual talents. This is one thing that I definitely want to do in marking period 3.

Muffin Man 101 said...

In marking period 3 I would like to work on different ways of presenting. Instead of just standing there and reading a speech that I have written, I could maybe present data, or do an experiment on what I am persuading, or do something that is interactive to people. This could also give kids that don't like just standing there and talking, a chance to express their individual talents. Improving my presentation skills is just one of a few things that I definitely want to do in marking period 3.

TheOnly1 said...

I agree with you that we should practise presenting in different ways. Because, it would be more persuasive, more interesting, and more fun for us. I think this because a visual aid gives you something to look at, while understanding the topic more, and you get to put pictures up instead of just talking.

StephanieZ said...

Finally, Marking Period 2 is over!
During this Marking Period, I think that I have gotten better at many things. For one, I have gotten over my fear of public speaking! On my speech, I got 4 extra points! I also have gotten better at talking to people, for example, when we do our Socratic circles, I am not afraid to jump in somebody else's conversation anymore. Finally, I have gotten better at being organized, responsible, and more attentive. Before, I always had my homework done but I could NEVER find it. Now, I actually have a 15 slot portfolio where all of my papers are organized. Although I've had some good improvements, I continue to struggle with reading. Not in the sense that I stumble and read very slowly, but that I don't read very often. I always read my classic books for each marking period, but other than that, I've only read 2 other books this school year. I actually think that the reading logs will be handy and help me get back on track. I have also struggled with grammar a little tiny bit. I am very good with it now, but before I didn't know what the specific types of verbs and nouns there were. I only knew what the basic noun, verb, and adjective were. During MP3, I really want to focus on getting my blog comments in on time, and reading much more often. I should just waste $150 on a kindle and not use it! One thing I definitely want the class to do during MP3 is more pleasure reading time in class, and most importantly, we should be allowed to read at least one, just one, book of our choice! I also definitely want the class to interact more with students in terms of presentations and speeches. I would like to do maybe 3 or 4 more presentations/speeches at least this year. As you can see, I have gotten better at many things, I struggle with reading a bit, I want to focus on reading, and I definitely want the class to present more in front of their fellow students!

StephanieZ said...


When I read your comment in my head I said, "Man, I should have written that!" I completely agree with everything you said. If some people in our class just sat there quietly and listened, they would be getting less homework and learning! I, too, put of everything for later. For example, I was doing my project for Independent Research and then I went to Facebook,then YouTube, and then I got hungry so I had to eat. I started the project at 10, stopped at 10:30, and I just sat down at the computer again but decided to do my blog comments. It's 2:40 already! I think almost everybody in the class has to work on their time-efficiency skills! That is why I agree with you completely.

Avacado said...

During marking period 2 I got better at public speaking. In this time Mr. Horvath made us do speeches in front of the class to practice public speaking. Before doing my speech, I was somewhat nervous being in front of others, especially peers. I remember at the beggining of the year I was laughing during my book talk, decreasing my grade. Also when I was in 4th grade I presented a poster and was so nervous I was sweating. For my speech however, I practiced and practiced my lines until I knew them by heart. In addition, I would start practicing them with my parter, who was doing the other part of the speech. I did very well on my speech and flew threw it, and actually enjoyed it. Therefore, since I practiced my speech so much beforehand, and then did a good job on it, I definetly improved my public speaking skills in marking period 2, and cannot wait to speak again in marking period 3.

Avacado said...

@ Jessica T.
I agree with yo that in marking period 2 we improved on our verbs. During marking period 2, Mr. Horvath taught us about different types of verbs, which helped us learn more about them. Before this, I had some trouble with verbs and could not always remember which verb was what. After we learned about verbs though, I understand them. I learned about helping verbs, and how they work and did an exercise on them. Afterwards, I learned about linking and action verbs, and did exercises on them as well. Thanks to all this help, I am definetly better with verbs, and can't wait to learn about nouns in marking period 3. Therefore, since we learned about verbs in marking period 2, I am now better with them.

Sarah G. said...

One thing that i would like to focus on a bit more during MP3 is socratic circle. I think that i don't have the adiquet amount of skills to do a proper socratic circle. I think that it would also help me improve my 3 part feedback and devils advicate. Therefore i feel that we should work more on soratic circles in MP3.

Sarah G. said...

I think that i am deficent in the skills needed to do sew statments because i dont think that they have improved very much from when i first started writing them. I think that the worst part of my sew statments are the why. i can never figure out what i should say to wrap up the whole paragraph. Working a little more on sew statments during MP3 would really help/benefit me.

Anonymous said...

For me, I need to work on my detail in my writing because I feel I am too lazy to add details sometimes. When I wrote my stories, all I did was tell what was happening and not really explaining it in further detail. So what I mainly need to focus on is describing my story better.

The1 said...

@anonymous, I agree with you because adding details to writing is key. Adding details to writing lets a reader concentrate more on your writing, keeps your writing interesting, and lets them more clearly understand the theme of your story. I think this because sensory details lets the reader experience your writing so they get the feeling like they are there.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you because throughout the year for me, I have been able to read faster and understand it more often. As I read my classic book, I started realizing that I was able to read more also understand it without having to keep rereading a sentence or two which helped with getting through the book at a reasonable rate. So whether it's reading faster or comprehending it better, my reading has improved throughout the beginning of this year.

DR. Bubblesquash said...

One thing I have gotten better at is writing, mainly because we went over so many author's craft lessons in class and read the short story 'All Summer in a Day' (very well written, might I add)something I continue to struggle with is finding the theme statement (Some people...)something I want to focus on is writing more descriptively in my stories. One thing I want the class to do in MP3 is bring back writing for 5 minutes at the beginning of class.

DR. Bubblesquash said...

@Candy S. I agree with you, I too have grown as a writer. Before I was writing things like this: "He stood in the ghost town of a village, soot, blood, and various organs scattered along the black sand. Not only did this make him almost throw up, but it made him think who could do this." Now I am writing "He squinted around the deep mist, curious, frightened, but somehow prepared. He felt safe as he hefted his axe over his shoulder as he shifted through the charred debris, looking for survivors. He couldn't take two steps before staining his golden-trimmed armour with a pool of black blood. Then, he heard uneasy shuffling behind him. He was too late before he could life his weapon."

Ghost said...

One thing I got better at was Socratic circles. I think I am starting to share more of my good ideas and reflections rather than getting off topic. I think I have learned that being off topic adds nothing to the discussion and is a waste of time. I continue to struggle with writing reflections and SEWs. I need to be more focused, detailed and stop writing the way I talk. I want to focus on doing better quality essays and using the writing techniques we have learned in class. I would like to play chess one Friday a month. My brother told me that the writing a good paper and playing chess well are similar.

Ghost said...


I agree with you! I think I have also gotten better at coming up with ideas for presentations one of My ideas was to come dressed as a person from the story.It was quickly shot-down from Horvath,but I felt proud of myself for thinking out-side of the box and trying to do to something new.

Peter P said...

I think that in Marking Period 2, I got better at socratic circles. I believe I have because I have had more topics to put into the conversations. I continue to struggle with persuasive essays. I can't get enough strong information into the body paragraphs. I want to focus on my reading abilities during MP3. I used to read like 3 or 4 books a month and now I'm reading 1 to 2. I definitely want the class to use more technology because we never really use it even though we're at STEM. That's why MP2 was good and bad.

Peter P said...

I agree with you because we have learned about verbs this year. Last year, for example, we didn't do anything except for CMT prep such as edit and revise and writing prompts. We didn't focus on author's craft or verbs. That's why this year has been more helpful than last year.

Anonymous said...

I got better at my verbs and nouns, before I didn't understand them at all but now I do. I continue to stuggle with the speeches. I fidget and say a lot of vocal cues. One thing I want to focus on in MP3 is the socratic cirlces, because I never talk inside, I would like share my ideas with the circle. One thing I definitely want to do in MP3 is read a lot more because I only read for maybe a half hour each day. Along with that, I would like enjoy reading too. I have ADHD and dyslexia so reading isn't really fun for me.

Janelle h. said...

I got better at writing persuasive essays.I struggle with the blog because i forget sometimes.I want to focus on handing things in.In mo3 i would definitly want the class to do more sacratic cricles.

usawildcat11 said...

Ipersonally think that during marking period 2 I got better at short stories. I think I got better t this because I got 100 on lots ofI thkk things during the short stories. I think I am still struggling at grammer. I think that during marking period 4 I want to work on grammer and remembering themeanings. I want to do the class to do a project on something u relly have to worry about.

u said...

Janelle h. said...
I agree with you that we should do more sacratic circles because we didnt do alot this year. I also do agree with you that writing blog comments was a huge struggle because I kept forgetting often. That is also one thing I really want to work on.

abc123comewithme said...

@beiberlover10 i totally agree with you that these classic books are expanding our vocab. i think this because i have seen words in my books like vexed which i knew but could never see it being used. i think that this assignment should be used for all older grades (6th and up) because it builds good vocabulary and we don't read as much as we should.

Anonymous said...

I have gotten better at some things during MP2 but some things I continue to struggle with and hope to get better at during MP3. Some things I got better at were writing essays and speaking in socratic circles. However, I still wish I could manage my time better and get less stressed out, and get more comfortable with talking in front of the class. I think I will improve on getting too stressed out and managing my time in MP3 because school basketball just ended and I will be able to get more work done. I hope to that our class will do more activities such as speeches in front of the class to get my confidence up and get more prepared next year when I have to talk in front of the class or make a presentation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you @DR. Bubblesquash because I also thing the author’s craft lessons have helped make me better at writing in MP2. I think this because learning different writing techniques have created more ways for me to improve my writing and therefore become a better writer. I think the author’s crafts lessons were also very helpful in this marking period.

Logan S. said...

During Marking Period 2, I think that I got better at Socratic Circle, Persuasive essays, and I improoved on speeking in ront of the class. Even though I got better at persuasive essays I still have a hard time with them. I want to focus on getting better t my persuasive essays. I defenetly want the class to change seats because I like experiencing new people around me and different locations in the room. But there are no major things that i want to change in the class.

Logan S. said...

I agree with you Anonymous because I too get stressed and scared before I present in front of the whole class. I also need to work on my persuasive essays so that I am prepared for the future. I will constantly try to do better in school and improve all of my work.

Logan S. said...

I also need to work on my grammer because I always struggle to remember all of those words. Esspecially on the new type of grammer quizes. I need a way to prepare for the grammer. i also need to work on my parts of speech too becuase those confuse me too.

DisneyDance&More said...

@Logan S i agree. the parts of speech are really confusing. i think that it's really hard to keep all of them straight.

Devon S. said...

During marking period 2 I have gotten better at Socratic Circles, persuasive essays, everything in Spanish along with being able to create robots in PLTW. I have also improved my presentation skills because in latest persuasive speech I did not have as many vocal cues and I didn't sway or start shaking. I continue to struggle with procrastination and remembering to finish homework assignments that are long term. During marking period 3 my main focus will be to make sure I get my work done before the night that it is due. I would also like to make sure that I do more studying for tests. I would like to do more socratic circles because I think that it is a fun thing to do in class while you learn and I think that eventually one of the groups in our class will be able to get to the right topic without help.

Devon S. said...

@Logan S.
I agree with you about the grammar because I also struggle with remembering and memorizing all of the different meanings of each and which kind of word answers which question. I find that a helpful way to study is using flash cards because then you can have someone test you with them and use them to study. Another way my cousin studies, which I find to be rather strange, is by making up a song that tells you what each part of grammar means.

JMM126 said...

I got better with being more descriptive in my essays. Now, my 1pg short stories have so much description and stronger vocabulary. I continue to struggle with persenting in front of crowds and socratic circle. I just cannot get the bravery to talk out loud. I just cave in and just listen and talk in my mind. I want to focus o becoming less shy, by a lot. I want to do more socratic circle even if i fail so i become less shy easily and not getting pressurized to come in and talk about one certain topic. I would also like to do "talking exercises" so we arent as shy as we are in socratic circle and the shy ones will easily come out of their shell.

JMM126 said...

I agree with you about wanting to do more socratic circles because listening to the way people think in terms of minds really show how different one mind is from an other. It is often helpful to do them more so you are more comfortable with them in public speaking. But I also think we should to "mini" groups and then we can go into bigger and bigger groups every week or so. It will get is more comfortable talking to one another and we all have a little idea bout how people think so we can play more devils advocate and challenge echother a step ahead of the game.

JMM126 said...

I agree with you about wanting to do more socratic circles because listening to the way people think in terms of minds really show how different one mind is from an other. It is often helpful to do them more so you are more comfortable with them in public speaking. But I also think we should to "mini" groups and then we can go into bigger and bigger groups every week or so. It will get is more comfortable talking to one another and we all have a little idea bout how people think so we can play more devils advocate and challenge echother a step ahead of the game.

whencupcakesattack said...

During MP2 I have gotten better at writing essays of all kinds. On my persuasive speech, the written work got me a great grade and I was very proud. Before, I was not too good at writing any kinds of essays and now after doing that I feel more confident in my writing. What I continue to struggle with is grammar and socratic circles. I am not good with Socratic Circles at all. What I mainly want to focus on in MP3 is focusing more on getting better in public speaking in my speeches and speaking in Socratic Circles. One thing that I really really want the class to do is to get more free-writing time. We should be able to write anything we want, and then you can either look them over or even grade it. I love to free-write about anything. I would love to do that.

whencupcakesattack said...

I agree with you. I am not good at presenting in front of the whole class for speeches or Socratic Circles either. I really need to practice harder and get used to speaking out loud. Getting less shy is one of my top priorities on my list. Also with the description in my speeches and such, I think it is improving greatly. I also think that your idea for "talking exercises" would be very helpful in most cases.