Sunday, December 12, 2010

Twins and the Door to Happiness

sorry, forgot to post the answer to the riddle. The question you would ask is "If I asked your brother what door leads to happiness, what would he tell me?"

For the premise of the explanation, let's say that door 2 leads to happiness.

If you ask this question to the brother who tells the truth, he will tell you that his brother will tell you to pick door 1 because his brother is a liar. Therefore, you should pick door 2 in this scenario.

If you ask the question to the brother who lies, he will tell you that his brother will tell you to pick door 1 because his brother would tell you the truth and say that you should pick door 2, but you are talking to the brother who always lies so he will tell you that his brother would recommend door 1. Therefore you should pick door 2 in this scenario as well.

Therefore you know that to choose the right door, you simply pick the door opposite of the answer to your question.


blogblogblog said...

I don't think you told my class this riddle but I think I wouldn't of gotten it anyway even if you did.

Joey M said...

I put that if you ask them what your name is the lying brother wouldn’t tell you your real name. So you would take he door of the twin who said the right name.

Colleen O said...

I still dont get it ?! Haha

julia h said...

I still don't understand it either...if you ask the question above, can't he be lying? Haha

Jackie V. said...

I think I get it. If you ask the brother who lies, the brother who tells the truth would really tell you to pick door two (the one leading to happiness) so he`d tell you the brother would say door one, because he lies. If you asked the brother who tells the truth, then he would obviously tell you the brother would recomend picking door one, because he is a liar and won`t tell you the right door. I feel stupid for not knowing that now.

connorb said...

I still do not understand the riddle?Can someone explain this to me.

Tylers said...

I get it! they would both tell you their brother would recommend door 1.

Anonymous said...

I dont get it.

RoryO. said...

I don’t think that this makes the slightest bit of sense at all but that is just me! And I was also thinking the same thing as Julia. Because you don’t know which one lies and which one tells the truth, you will never know the definite answer. For example, if you asked the brother that always lies the question above, he could tell you the opposite door he thinks the truthful brother would say. And if you ask the truthful brother, he could say a door and then the one that lies will either say that’s true or false depending on the answer the truthful brother gave. Because you don’t know who is who, I don’t think you can know the answer. Also, I get what Jackie said above, but you still don’t know which one is the liar or which one is telling the truth so I don’t think that would work. Either way, I don’t think that you will know the true answer from asking. I think that you should just play eenie meenie miney mo and hope for the best!!! If you live, congrats. If you don’t, well, to bad!!!

Twi-Hard113 said...

I don't get it at all.

Anonymous said...

The question pretty much uses the commutative property of multiplication. According to the commutative property, ab=ba. Assuming a means the brother who tells the truth, and b is the liar, you can ask what both of them would say. You can find out that the combination of what they would say is to go through door 1, and the order of who the question was posed to doesn't matter because ab=ba.

Billy P said...

This doesn't make sense and I still don't get it. It's a trick question that I think there is no right answer to it.

Sousa said...

Yeah, I still don't get this at all. It is definitely a trick question and it seems too confusing to me. I will keep trying to figure out the answer to this riddle.

AdamV said...

That answer makes absolutly no sense because we did not know which brother tells the truth and which one lies. So how can you ask that question to one of them if you dont know if it will be a truth or a lie. That is not a good answer becasue how do you know which one lies so therefore this is an invalid answer

lily said...

I agree with everyone that said this made no sense because you can not tell the differences between the two brothers. I think the answer given did nto make any sense what so ever.

Nick Z said...

Wow. That was a really confusing riddle...and how do you even know which brother is a liar and which one tells the truth. I think that everybody lies you can never tell whether someone's lying or not.

Kim said...

I don't get this riddle. How do you know which one is lying and which one is telling the truth? You don't know which one you can trust.

Brooke h. said...

I am still so confused! When Mr. Horvath told me the answer later that day I still didn't get it! He explained it to me and I was still confused! And anonymous who has the ab=ba thing, I don't get where and how u came up with that so if you could explain that would be lovely!

Billy L said...

I understand it now. I never would have thought of that on my own. now that you explained the answer it makes perfect sense so next time i'll have to put more thought into my answer.

gabbyn said...

i dont understand this riddle at all it doesnt make sense to me.

JeffG said...

I get it now. I think I thought about the queestion to much to actually get the answer.

Georginax82 said...

Ohhhh!!! I get it now!!! At first I had no idea but as I was walking out of class I realized that the question I wrote down was wrong and that it made no sense. But now that you've explained it, it makes so much more sense.

kelly said...

I read over this post like 5 times and I still dont get it! So you pick door 2 in both scenarios based on what each brother tells you? Ok, now I kinda get it..haha

Brittany said...

I read this over a lot of times and i still don't get it. I don't get it because i don't understand how you know which is the brother that lies and which brother tells the truth. This is really confusing me.