Sunday, December 5, 2010

question from Fri

For some reason the post I put up Friday with the answer to the word puzzle didn't post so....the answer is "The Knight" didn't get wet...."One knight, a king and queen were on a boat..." Get it?


joey m said...

Oh I get it. That’s a real good riddle. I thought the queen got wet.

Julia S said...

I thought the queen got wet too. If you wrote the riddle we all would have gotten it.

lteixeira said...

i got the answer as soon as i walked out the door and by then of course it was too late.

SHorvath said...

@Julia S
If I wrote the riddle you all better have gotten it.

danielle said...

yeah, right when i walked out of the classroom, i got the riddle too.

Rockelle V said...

the only reason ehy i knew is because my brother told me a couple of weeks ago otherwise i would have never gotten it

Lian.D said...

The day after, my friend and I where talking about this riddle and the second she said that she put down "knight" I had a slap-yourself-on-the-forehead-for-being-so-thick-you-should-have-gotten-this-moment. SOOO frustrating!!!

Nick Z said...

I just figured that i had a 50-50 chance of getting it right... so i put the king. Obviously i was wrong but if you had written the riddle on the board i definately would've gotten it.

Michael Benson said...

I cant believe I didn't get that and i am mostly correct about theses types of riddles

Kaitlyn O said...

When you told us the riddle I just completely guessed and figured that I had a 50 50 shot at getting the right answer because only the king and the queen were in the boat. I thought when you said one night it was nightimenot that there was an actual knight.

AnnaCD said...

The only reason that I got it was because my sister sayd it to me everyday because she thinks it's funny...I guess her being annoying really paid off!

jess c. said...

I was going to write the lake didn't get wet because i knew it wasn't the queen or the king; that would be to obvious. I didn't want to sound stupid though because well the lake is already wet and it isn't a chess piece so..

Kevin T. said...

This was a really good riddle. I thought it was the king because he castled. I did not know what I was thinking.

ConnorB said...

At first i did not get the riddle at all but right when i walked out of the classroom I said it to my self again the got it.

blogblogblog said...

I got the riddle 1/2 right. I wrote the night because it was talking about a night king and queen and I knew the night couldn't get wet so I just wrote that. It process though my head that they were talking about a knight not a night.

Andrew C. said...

That is clever. It is a play on words. I didn't get it, but i can appreciate the cleverness in it.

AntA said...

Like many of us i too understood the question as soon as i handed in my answer. i was so frusterated because i didnt think about it enough and i could have really used the extra credit haha

Anonymous said...

This was a good riddle and I thought the queen got wet too.

RoryO. said...

I only understood the answer once somebody told me... and then explained it a little bit more!!! I don't know if I ever would have gotten it if someone hadn't had told me. I'm really slow sometimes. :P Haha

Nicole Y. said...

Right as I walked out the door, I asked one of my friends who thought she knew it, and her answer sounded right. Complete fail on my part. I hope you give us more of those because I want those bonus points!

BinoR said...

I didn't get it until my friend told me , it would have been easier if you wrote it on the board for us

nygiants1 said...

that was get it know. i thought it was the queen but it would have been eaiser if you wrote it on the board. You should do more of those riddles i could use the onus points.

mike d said...

I didnt get it. You should have wrote it on the board for us so we all got it right!

caroline w. said...

The only reason i got it is because i have heard the riddle before. to tell you the truth i thought the riddle was going to be much tougher than that. I thought it was funny how it related to chess and we were playing chess. hahaha

Sousa said...

Good riddle. I likje that. i am definitely going to use it on someone else. Yeah, if it was written on the board, I would have definitely got it in a blink of an eye!

George A said...

Yea Caroline told me the answer after class, and I was mad because I thought I should have been able to pick up the trick. I knew it would be some trick. Like Sousa said it would've been easy if it was written.

Anna M said...

Actually I found it kind of easy to figure out because we were just playing chess and it came right to me.

Jocelyn M said...

yea. i also got it when i waslked out andme and sammy talked about it.

Colleen O said...

I thought this was a very good riddle. At first I didn’t get it but then when I actually thought about how it had to do with chess I realized it involves a "knight" not a "night". But of course when I found out the answer I was already out the door and it was too late.

Lian.D said...

Where's the answer to the new riddle, the one about the 2 doors? I'm dying to know the answer!! Also, can we (the students) submit riddles? Mr. Horvath could pick the one he likes the most each fri.

Brooke h. said...

Good one horvath!! Right when I steped outside of the classroom someone told me what the answer was and then it all made sense! I also thought that I had a 50, 50 chance! I said the queen didn't get wet thinking that the king was being a gentleman and sacrificed his dryness or her:) well that would have been very nice if he did!! Too bad I was wrong:(

Brooke h said...


Nick.F said...

I got this riddle after i walked out of class it was Knight.That was a great riddle Mr.Horvath

Colleen said...

It makes a whole lot of sense when your write it out. But when you just say it is is a tricky one becasue a lot of people over though it...including me.

jenny said...

I didn't get the riddle until someone told me after class. But now it seems very obvious and like a lot of people said, if it was written out I probably would have gotten it.

Georginax82 said...

I knew the riddle because someone told me a while ago..get newer riddles Horvath!