Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kiwi quick film

submitted by student - Watch this Towards the end, the kiwi drops a single tear on his descent. Why do you think the kiwi was crying? Was he happy, sad, etc....? What message do you think the creators were trying to convey with this short Pixar Animation?


L-DOG said...

i think kiwi was crying tears of joy because he all of what he went to payed off and he was able to finally fly over the scenery and got his arms/wings which made him happy. i also think he crying tears of joy by the way they finished it and how he flew into the clouds and was finally was at peace.

Mariana said...

Towards the end of the animaton kiwi was most definitely crying tears of joy. The creators are trying to tell the viewers that if you strive for your goal and work hard on it then you will succeed.Kiwi worked hard on hammering the trees to the mountain and was finally able to grow his wings and fly like a bird in the sky. I thought it was a very cute animation!

Mdancer xo said...

First of all, Kiwi is extremely cute. He's trying to complete his goal of flying by nailing the trees to the ground and jumping off the cliff to make it feel more like Kiwi was flying through the sky. At the end of the short film when he sheds the tear, Kiwi was shedding a tear of joy. I completely agree with what Mariana said. The message of the story is if you work hard towards you goal, you will succeed.

Tommy Killoy said...

The message of the story here would be, never say anything is impossible. It is that beause Kiwi is nailing trees to a mountain and attempting to make himself feel like hes flying. Also that definetly is a tear of happiness because he has finnaly suceeded in his gol. Simulating a flight of a bird.

StrawberryBria said...

Kiwi was shedding tears of joy because since he is a flightless bird, he wanted to fly, and since he sort of did he was happy that he could experience flying.

LAURA[pfft]QZO said...

the kiwi was crying because he finally did what he wanted to do, which was flying. the tears were tears of happiness. this video is trying to tell you, you should do whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams. the kiwi's dreams were to fly, so it nailed a whole bunch of trees to the side of a mountain, just to fly. the kiwi symbolizes that anyone can go to any measures just to be happy.

Anonymous said...

The Kiwi was cry tears of joys because it got to experence the joy of flying

I'm Joe King said...

Kiwi shed a tear because hid dream was to fly and he finally made his dream a reality. this made him very happy and he teared up because of it. Kiwi was trying to show people to always follow their dream no matter what. Kiwi did this by using gravity to simulate flying. not only did he nail trees to a mountain but he is prepared for what he will meet at the end. This proves Kiwi is determined to follow his dream and fly.

Liam said...

I sort of agree with everyone else. I do agree that he is crying tears of joy, but I think it's because it took a whole lot of work to nail all of those trees to a mountain side and then to accomplish the dream that he worked so hard for gave him an overwhelming amount of emotion, which caused him to cry. I do not think that it is just because he did what he wanted to, so he cried. It took him (I assume) so long to be able to, and it was so strenuous a task (again, I assume) to set up the situation.
Or, he might have cried because he just realized that he was about to die. The first mentioned is probably true, as that actually has a message.

AF313 said...

Aw! that's such an emoitional clip! i agree with Liam in that Kiwi must have worked so hard to accomplish what he did in nailing trees up a mountain, and that was all part of fulfilling the dream he had to fly. That is also why i think his tear was one of bittersweet joy, and it came because of his realization that he was at the peak of fulfilling that dream as well as the realization that it was the end for him. Kiwi showed the determination that it takes to fulfill a dream, of course to the extreme by actually dying (supposedly) at the end after all of his work. Of course, one could always say that he got something in his eye, but who knows?

Jewlz said...

Aw! That was cute! I think that Kiwi's tears at the end were tears of joy. He had nailed the trees to the mountainside all by himself, and, like AF313 said, hae got to fufill his dream to fly. At the end, he also grew wings, so that could also be the reason behind his tears. I liked that clip and my favorite part is when he claps his feet together!

DanaK (can't log onto her account...) said...

I definitely agree with AF313. He was crying because he had finally accomplished his life goal:to fly in the air like a real bird. It was also sad because he knew the end was coming, but it was worth it because of the fact that he finished what he wanted done, and enjoyed it.

Kitty said...

I agree with everyone here, Kiwi was crying because he "flew" like other birds and got to feel what it was like. He was without a doubt crying tears of joy. I also think he was crying because that was kind of his last hurrah. He got to do what he most likely thought was impossible with his tiny wings and got to know what he was missing. Nailing all those trees horizontal must have taken him a very long time, so enjoying his hard work, even when he knew there would be consequences was a big deal for him. This is the message the creators of Kiwi were trying to send: "in life, there will be ups and downs to everything, so enjoy it while you can." Kiwi's "up" so to speak was enjoying "flying" like other birds do, not exactly the same, but very close. His down was that it was the last thing he'll do (IF he dies. He thought the whole tree thing out, who's to say he didn't think of a trampoline at the bottom?). If that really was the end for Kiwi, he enjoyed flying, really flying, like he deserved to in the first place.

tkuch said...

i think kiwi was somewhat like "the ugly duckling" because he was probably the only little bird thing in his colony that couldnt fly and he cries tears of joy because now he can "fly" like all the other bird things. he probably had a deformity because he had such short wings so he simulated flying through the trees on the ground even though they were on the mountain.

nighthawk said...

he had tears of joy because he fineally flew a little even though he is flightless

ds11 said...

I believe that his tear was tear of joy in that even though he wasn't really flying it felt as if he was. The trees nailed to the mountain made it seem as if he was flying upward but he was really just falling down the mountain. I think Pixar was trying to tell viewers to work for your dreams even if they are impossible make them as real as they can get. Also to never give up and don't stop until you fulfilled your dream.

BowenS said...

i agree 100% with ds11. This is totally about your dreams and how you can strife for your dreams just like kiwi does. If you try hard enough or believe enough, you will fulfill it! The tear i think was from contentment of how he finally met his dream.

annie said...

I agree with everyone, the "kiwi" he acheveied his dreams and that makes almost anyone sentamental. WHen you accomplish a dream you have such as surviveing cancer, you would cry as well. This was moveing youtube video, and this deffintly goes deeper than a kiwi crying.

Fitzy12 said...

I agree with everyone too. Kiwi spent his whole life just to achieve his dream of flying and when he did he cried tears of joy. All he wanted in his life was to fly.

*Jess* said...

I think it was tears of joy. Like Fitzy12 said, he was trying to achieve his goal, and all he wanted to do was fly. I think he was expressing his feelings with a tear of joy because he was proud and happy with himself for fulfilling his dream.

Anonymous said...

i think they were tears of joy. i think so because he worked hard and problem solved and it payed off in the end. it just goes to show hard work pays off. and if you want to achieve something you need to work hard and do the best you can

Anonymous said...

i think they were tears of joy. i think so because he worked hard and it finaly payed off. it just goes to show hard works pays off. and if you want to achieve a goal you need to work hard and do your best