Thursday, September 9, 2010

Discuss vs. Debate

In order to put students in charge of their own learning, we will be having weekly discussions based around the Socratic method. Quickly put, a Socratic dialog is one where participants hope to gain new understandings by incorporating the ideas of others into their own thinking. Before we can have one of these dialogs, we need to recognize the difference between a discussion and a debate. What is your definition of discussion? Debate? What are some things that make for a successful discussion? Debate?


Anonymous said...

To me the definition of discussion is when you talk about a subject as a group. The definition of debate to me is when you say that you would do and why. For example, if the topic is How would you make school a better place, and I said if we have free ice-ceam because it would help me get better grades. The other person said, we could have less school time because it would be cool. Then i would go on why that person's reason wasn't good.

Anonymous said...

I think the definition of discussion is to talk about a topic in a group. i think the definition of debate is when two people have different views on the topic. things that make for a better discussion would be to listen to what other people have to say and compare it to what you have to say. things that make a debate better is to not argue with each or yell at each other, but state why you think your right and why you think the other person is not right.

Tyler W. said...

The diifference between a debate and a discussion is that a discussion is a conversation in which two or more people are talking about a topic and telling each other facts and staing their opinions. A debate is a conversation which two or more people disagree about a topic and try to prove their point with facts. A discussion has very light mood while a debate is a little more intense. For a succesful discussion to happen all the people have to have interest in the topic,have knowledge about topic and need to respect other people opinions. For a succesful debate to happen there must be an arguement of some sort, people need to be able to back up their opinion and need to have interest in the topic.

Devin L. said...

I think that the definition of discussion is where you talk about one subject as a group. I think the definition of debate is where you talk about one subject, but everyone has and shares their own opinions and then we talk about the opinions. Something that will make a good discussion is where everyone participate and shares their knowledge on the subject. Something that will make a good debate is where everyone shares their opinion and speaks their mind about the subject.

George said...

A discussion is when you get in a group and talk about something like a book. You can have a discussion if you don't get the book. A good discussion happens when nobody argues and you get the people who don't talk often into the discussion. A debate is when there are two sides and you have an organized arguement over the book. Good debates happen when people don't talk when it's not their turn to talk and they respect the other group.

Anonymous said...

I think that the differance between a debate and a discussion is that debates are usually more intense and invloved and discussions are more layed back and enjoyable.
I think the defination of a debate is a conversation that invloves opposing viewpoints.
I think the defination of a discussion is a conversation between 2 or more people invloving similar or differant viewpoints.

Just In Case said...

A debate to me is more of an arguement, where at least 2 people argue their opinions. For example, in polotics, 2 poloticians may fight for their opinion on how things should be run. Like, one may fight heavily for healthcare, while the other tries to convince others that education should be focused on. But both poloticians don't give up on their opinion.

Although, a discussion to me is where people share their ideas, and everyone is open-minded.

All in all, a debate is more of a heated arguement, where as a discussion is a calm conversation.

Anonymous said...

I think the definition of discussion is when you talk about a certain topic with another person or a group of people. Then everyone states their opinions, feelings, and ideas about that topic. A debate makes me think of a discussion, but with people who portray stronger feeling about the given topic. The people are more trying to convince the rest of the group to agree with their opinion. A good discussion/debate is one where everyone participates and shares what they think, but is also able to explain why they feel that way.

Anonymous said...

I think the definition of a discussion is when two or more people are talking about the same subject, but have different opinions about it. They listen to what everybody has to say and comment on it. I think that a debate is when two or more people are argueing about the same topic, but they aren't listening to each others opinion. Sooner or later they come to a decision. Something that makes a good discussion is when everyone is involoved and sharing thier own ideas. Something that makes a good debate is when everyone shares their ideas and say what they think about the subject

Anonymous said...

To me the difference between a debate and a discussion is that in a debate you are trying to convince people of your point of view and trying to get them to agree with your opinion over the other person's. A discussion on the other hand is about bouncing ideas off each other and sharing your thoughts, opinions, and perspectives on the assignment. In a debate you have to be much more agressive and you have to argue many times to get your point across where as in a discussion that is exactly what you want to avoid. It's simply about having a conversation on the piece and discussing it instead of having most of the focus on persuading someone.

Anonymous said...

A discussion is talking between people who are on the same side. People can share their thoughts and opinions. A debate, there are two different opinions and people are arguing on whose is right. Things that make a succsessful discussion is to have an open mind and listen to other people's opinions. In a debate it's important to know facts about what you're debating about. You need to have a good attitude and try to conivince the other side of the debate that you are right and they are wrong.

Ant A said...

My defintion of a disccusion is when two or more people are talking about something that they either agree on or disagree on just to talk about it. A debate is when two or more people are disagreeing on a topic. The debators are trying to state facts supporting their side and also stating some opinions to try to persuade the other person. to have a good debate you must be open minded and also listen to the other persons views. To have a sucessful discusion, the two peolple talking must also state their facts and opinions on the topic and either choose to agree or disagree with what the other person has to say.

Rockelle V said...

I think a discussion is something you talk aout whether it is important or not so much. It can be about anything and people can have different point of views. I think a debate is where two people have different opinions on something and discuss the topic. Some things that make a sucessful debate/discussion is to be confident about where you stand on the debate/discussion and to have a lot of information about what your discussing.

Kace K. said...

ive always thought of a dicussion as something where both parties are trying to decide or comminacate and understand each other. a debate through is like an agruement, where each party is trying to prove theyre right and the other party is wrong.

Nicole Y. said...

I think the meaning of discussion is when two or more people are talking about a certain topic and everyone shares their different ideas. Sometimes people can change their opinion from someone's idea. The meaning of debate is when two sides of a topic are trying to convince one another that their side is correct. Rather in a discussion you aren't trying to prove anything, you are just talking about the topic.

Anna M. said...

Discussion and debate can be very alike but a discussion is a conversation about the purpose of understanding a question or subject. A debate on the other hand is talking about a subject by giving arguments on both sides. A discussion is just expressing your ideas while a debate is arguing for your ideas and what you think is right.

Julia S said...

A discussion is when 2 or more people talk about the same subject and they share ideas with each other. A debate is when 2 or more people take sides on a subject and they are trying to prove each other right or wrong. In order to have a good discussion they people participating need to build off of each other’s thought’s and ideas. In order to have a good debate the participants take sides and state their own opinion.

Lidia said...

When people debate, they are trying to prove their position on a topic. Whereas, when people discuss, they are simply talking about the topic. For example you could debate which nailpolish color is the best, or you could just talk about (discuss) different nailpolish colors.

jess c. said...

My deffination of a discussion is when a group of people (2 or more) talk about a topic and add their opion. A debate is when there are diffrent sides to an arguement and each side is trying to prove their opion right.

Matt S. said...

A discussion is when you are talking about a topic with group of people and each person adds their own opinion to keep the discussion going. A depate is when there are two sides argueing about a topic to prove their opionion right.

Billly L. said...

I think a discussion is when a group of people are talking about opinions. I think a debate is when a group of people are arguing about what to do or what is right.

danielle said...

i think a disscusion is when a group of people are talking about a specific topic. i think a debate is when a group of people have different opinions on one topic and they share their oppinions.

Luke R. said...

I think that a discussion is when a group of people share their opinions on a certain topic and the other members give feedback about their opionion. I think a debate is when a group of people try to change the opinion of the other members with their opinion. Some things that make a good discussion or debate are when everyone in the group gets to share their opinion and all the members talk about what the others have said

Anonymous said...

Discussion-people conversing about a certain topic by sharing their ideas, being open minded, & having good eye contact.
Debate-an oral conversation between 2 or more opposing parties arguing about a designated topic where the groups are sharing their knowledge trying to prove themselves correct and the others wrong.

Caroline W. said...

A discussion is just a conversation between two or more people that can be about anything, where as a debate is where two or more people are on opposing sides and you are trying to prove a point. A successful discussion would be when the people involved comment and add to the conversation. A successful debate would be is how well you made your argument.

Bella P said...

A debate is when people with different opinions defend their sides or point of views. A discussion is when people talk about anything. A successful debate would be when you get across your point. A successful discussion would be everyone contributing to the conversation.

Lauren S said...

A discussion, is when you two or more people discuss anything. It doesn't have to be something in particular.A debate is when two or more people discuss there opion or what they believe on the topic, they are discussing.what would make a debate successful is when your point has been made.

Kelly M said...

In my opinion, a discussion is when you speak your thoughts on any topic with one person, or a group. A discussions is when you converse with someone on just about anything, like a conversation. A debate is when you are talking with one or more people on your opinion and what you believe. A discussion can usally turn into a debate when the person you are talking to has a different opinion than you.

Abby. said...

My definition of dicussion is when you explian or discuss your thoughts on something with an individual, or a group of people. A debate, is where you defend your side by using an opinion. A successful debate/discussion would be when you have came across your point on the topic you were discussing.

Nick Z said...

My definition of discussion is when a group of people share their thoughts on a subject. My definition of a debate is when two people argue over a subject. They go back and forth over why its a good idea and why it isn't. A succesful discussion/debate is when the two or more people agree on the answer.

Lian.D said...

To me a discussion is just two or more people stating their feelings and ideas towards a certain topic, nobody is right or wrong and every one puts in their own say. On the other hand a debate is when a group of people are trying to prove each of their individual points and persuade others into seeing things from their perspective. In a successful discussion, everyone shares their point of view whether they agree or disagree. In a successful debate you have proved your point.

nygiants1 said...

My definition of a discussion is when people talk about a topic and it is a very detailed conversation. My definition of a debate is when two or more opposing sides argue about a topic. A successful discussion is when people can talk about something for a long period of time. A successful debate is when when opposing sides come to a solution or compromise.

SHorvath said...

Some great ideas presented here, but I don't see anyone responding to any of the ideas that were put forth before...try reading what others have said and responding to one specific idea...for example, I really like when Lian.D stated that "nobody is right or wrong and every one puts in their own say". I think this is a big part of defining a discussion versus a debate.

Andrew C. said...

I believe that the difference between a discussion and a debate is that a discussion is a group of people presenting ideas about a topic. A Debate also involves the presenting of ideas but the presenter is trying to persuade the other people in the discussion to believe what he believes in. Another difference between the two is that a discussion is based on facts while a debate is based on opinions.

zSchulz said...

My definition of of a discussion is when a group of people two or more share thier opinions about a certion topic. My definition of a debate is when a group of people argue about a belief, on a topic. A discussion starts off as people giving thier opinions and can turn into a debate when a person or people start to disagree. A successful dicussion and debate is when everyone takes in what everyone has to say. Also when they come to an agreement.

srichard said...

To me, a debate requires a team of individuals arguing with facts and opinions against another on a legitimate topic, both have a stand and will fight for it. the intent of a debate is to convince or pursuade others that your position is correct. Personally, a discussion means people talking about a designated topic WITHOUT a "stand" or trying to prove themselves right/ the other party wrong. Any good discussion or debate has an outcoome where both parties are heard and their ideas are pondered.I look forward to finding out what u think these mean and having debates and discusions in class.

-Sean R

Joey P said...

I think the definition of discusiion is people trying to learn more about something. My definition of debate is people trying to proove that what they already know and think about it is right. A succesful discussion would have people that are looking to learn about the discussion and know at least a little about the topic. A succesful debate would have people that already know a lot about the topic.

dav pizzaboy said...

I think of a discussion as a conversation between people when they share ideas to benefit each other with education about the topic and right and wrongs based on opinion don't matter. Where as a debate I think of as an argument or conversation were you try to get the other people in the debate to be convinced or agree with you. A discussion is sort of like brainstorming because in both you throw ideas together and if they're successful they will come out of it with something useful, helpful, or interesting. If you tell someone they are just plain wrong during a discussion than it is probably a debate or you have been unsuccessful.

Anna D. said...

Discussions and debates are close to the same thing. Sometimes there are debates in discussions. I think that a debate is when more than one person is kind of arguing about a given subject. For example, two people could be debating about what age they think is right by saying what age they think appropriate and then reasons why they are correct and why the other is not. I think that a discussion is when there is a group of people, and one person is giving their opinion on the subject such as the age of voting, and once they give their opinion the group gives feedback. I think that we debate and discuss in class but mostly we discuss.

Anonymous said...

I think that discussing is a sharing of ideas where everyone can chip in and one greater definition or understanding can be found. Debating however is when a poing is being argued from different points of view.

Adam V said...

I think that a dicussuion is when all of the people argee on one general thing and are talking about it yet they have different yet somewhat similar ways of seeing that one thing.
A debate is when the group of people discussing a topic have completely different ideas which the group is discussing while each person is trying to prove their individual point

KThompson said...

Discussing and debating are very different from each other. On one hand, when you discuss something, you are saying a statement and everyone around you puts feedback on the statement you said. So with discussing there is no right or wrong answers. On the other hand, debating is when two or more people are arguing over which statement they said. They also give examples why they think their statement is right. So from these two definitions, you can tell that debating and discussing are completely different.

jm said...

i think a debate is were people are arguing over stuff whill a discoushion is were people share ideas.

WILL said...

To me i think a debate is when 2 or more people argue on something they disagree with.a discussion i think is when people talk about their ideas. some things that are successful with a debate is supporting your side of the debate. i think in a discussion you have support your decisions that way you could help convince people that your idea is better

shelby o said...

i think discussion is more of a group of me just talking and giving off ideas they all agree on on one topic. and debate is more of 2 topics and 2 sides that are argueing trying to make thier side the right one.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Anna D. said, "Sometimes there are debates in discussions." This is true because if someone is having a discussion and there is a disagreement then they may yell but then go back to normal, not yelling voices. That is what I think having a debate in a discussion means. I have debates in discussions a lot.

Sousa said...

A discussion is is when a group of people are talking about a certain topic. A debate is when a group of people are debating whether or not I should do this or that and also debating and coming up with something.

julie said...

i think it is good to do a discussions and to have groups of people debate and shareing ideas with the class because then everyone will have a chance to say something and you will no how much people work because if they dont work they wouldent have any thing to say and if the people havebeen working then they wold have lots to tell to the class.

Georginax82 said...

My defenition os discussion is when two people talk about what they like or dislike about a story. A debate is more of when two people aruge about what they like and dislike about a story.

Zack England said...

Debate is a synonym for arguing, which isn't productive. People don't listen to what other people are trying to say and wait so they can spit out what they have to say. A discussion is just another word for talking and building on ideas. This is something that should be in the socratic circles rather than a debate, however i don't think i will be seeing an argument in a socratic circle, but maybe later in the year

JamesC said...

a discussion is a group of people sharing ideas on a topic and a debate is when a group of people are trying to convince the others that their ideas are correct. Discussions are more productive because usually nobody listens to each other in a debate.

Brooke H. said...

I think a discussion is a conversation between two or more people talking about random things and a debate is when two or more people are disagreeing or arguing about one thing. Something that would make a good discussion is having an open mind. Something that would make a good debate would be having enough facts to back your opinion up.

jamesC said...

A successful debate is not an argument. It is when you share ideas with a group instead of forcing them.

mike d said...

I believe that doing this in class will be very helpful for our socratic circle reflections. I think this because everyone will learn how to debate about someones oppinion and it will make the circle a lot more interesting.

julie said...

I think it will help everyone make better decision though out life and it will help when you have to persuade in a writing piece

Dr Bubblesquash said...

My definition of a discussion is a calm share of ideas, and basically getting a question in the air to get others opinions. My definition of a debate is to find pros for your side of a discussion and cons to your opponents side of the discussion, and respectfully denying other people's debate. the key to a successful discussion is getting a question in the air and giving others the chance to share their opinions. The key to a successful debate is to have proper research and rehearse what you're going to say, as well as respectfully listening, as that may lead to something you may have never thought about.

Ryan said...

I think discussion is a peroasas of sharing or explaining ideas or facts. Personal though, I think discussion can be hard with more then two people because people just talk over each other if they don't knew when the other people are going to talk

Ryan said...

@ Anna D.
I agree with you because whenpeopledebate, they are trying to persuade the other person to share the same views. Ina discussion, people give an idea and others tell them what they think about it.

Emma said...

Debate is very inportant in a discussion because, it is how our laws are made,presidencies are chosen, and taxes are rased. In an artical I reed it said, "Dedate is a discussion involving opposing view points." This is how we challenge other people's ideas and questions.

Emma said...

Anonymous said.....
I do not agree that debate is agreeing from points of view. I think that debat is a discussion involving opposing views. You are not agreeing on points on a topic.

Ben H said...

My definition of a discussion is talking about a certain topic and staying on that topic. My definition of a debate, is taking one side, while the other person takes another side, and you talk about how your side is better.

Ben H said...

@ DR Bubblesquash
I agree with you that a discussion is a calm talk about a topic. it shouldn't be a loud talk, or fight. It should just be a normal talk.