Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Remember in class when we discussed theme in regards to art...look at the following painting and write a people statement for it. Check out some other people statements and respond to them...are they explicit? related? do you agree with them?


Kitty said...

Some people appreciate the things others take for granted.
Some people appreciate what they have even if it's a little beat up, instead of wanting whatever's new.

mrs.pete wentz said...

this first one is implicit but the second one is explicit because the shoes are beat up. but i still agree

Jewlz said...

Some people are happy to have things others don't want.
Most people want the newest thing out there, but some are happy with what they have, no matter the shape its in.

Kirynn said...

Some people will appreciate what they have no matter what shape its in. Jewlz first theme is implicit.

JBruce said...

Some people tend to not take care of things that are either old or beaten up.

ds11 said...

Some people take what they have and use it to the fullest. Jewlz first theme is implicit.

Tripod :D said...

Some people are used for the wrong things

tkuch said...

some people dont care about old or worn out items

Mariana said...

I agree with what Kitty's first statement that says,some people appreciate the things others take for granted.This is true because we are appreciating the beautiful picture and the owner of them left the worn out shoes outside not caring for them.That's one way to look at it. Another way would be that people that have the money would look at the shoes and just throw them away but others with less money would see that their still is some quality in them and keep them

Albuturkey said...

some people don't appreciate things as well as others.

Joey M said...

Some people want something so much the will do anything to get it or take it in any condition.

Rfitz said...

Some people work hard for very little.
I think Jbruces is explicit because the shoes are oviosly beaten up in the picture

BowenS said...

Joey M your theme is a little out there. It doesnt really say that the person wanted something

Anonymous said...

whats old can be new and wants old can be new

Mdancer xo said...

Most people disregard things when they're old or used.
i also agree with kittys people statements & they are implicit.

mike said...

most people take what they can get
most people cherish the things they have

alec said...

people go throw alot and it wears down the shoes.

Were in the playoffs! said...

I agree with what Jewlz said,some people are happy just to have simple things like shoes, while other people want the newest phone, game system, ipod, etc. Also, these shoes look preety run down and old, so it also says that not only will some people take what they can get their hands on, they do not care what condition it is in.

chris strachan said...

I also agree with jewlz. she is right that most people take things for granted and dont apreciate things. People should be more apreciate things more

sarahmcc said...

Mine is: People aren't quick to judge and appriciate things for more than just their apperence. (I don't agree with that.. but it applies to the painting.)

Regarding Alec, I'm going to have to go with explicit, because that doesn't apply to society or the world in general. Maybe if you had said, people go threw lots of hardship that make them worn-down externally, but strong and perserverent internally, that could have worked. (same concept, just reworded.)

sarahmcc said...

By the way, i meant through**

C.J.Massar said...

Anonymes said what's old can be new and what's old can be new is such a irrelivent response and is definetly a realted theme.

People that use their items to the fullest may not be the wealthiest but their cuts and bruises tell that thier a good person and beauty is not the only thing that matters . It's that old overused cleche don't judge a book by the cover

JMAC-Per-8 said...

i agree with kitty's first statement which is implicit people run alot which is another one which is related

umasslax said...

my people statment is just because something is old it doesnt mean that i t is worthless, and anonymous post doesnt make any sense its like they are saying the same thing twice.

Julia said...

I agree with what most people said. Maybe a people statement could be, Some people would rather have things that have belonged to them for a while than new things. or... Some people don't a a choice for new things.

word2222 said...

i really need help with statements, not that i'm not doing good i just want to do better.

sparkles45 said...

Most people put there belongings to good use.
Some people often don't care about there old/torn up belongings.

Anonymous said...

Jewlz first theme statment is implicit

Kitty said...

I used the words 'beat up', and the shoes are beat up and mrs. pete wentz said it was explicit. 'Beat up' could mean the same thing emotionally and the shoes could be a metaphore. Jewlz's statement was almost the same thing, "people want the newest thing out there..." and mine was "...instead of wanting what's new." If you still don't see what I mean please explain.

Kitty said...


LaUrA loves SPOONS AnD PUDDING<3333 said...

people think that new is what's needed, but old can be just fine, it just has to do its job.

sparkles45's people statement i think is explicted.

Anonymous said...

1. some peole don't like to wear shoes.
2. some peole are too lazy to do things.

Dana K!!! said...

Some people see things sentimentally. ( the shoes may be beat up but they may mean something to someone. Some memory they hold)

Few people really use belongings to their full potential. (yes, it's explicit. deal)

Pintobeanz said...

Some people see things differently in their own eyes. I think it is implicit because one person may see them as "beat up" like kitty said while others may look at them as the coolest shoes. I think that Dana K. has an implicit theme and i agree with her

AF313 said...

I think that a people statement for this painting could be that some people like material objects for their sentimental value rather than having things just to have them. This is because the shoes are well-worn and the person has obviously worn them o many places. They sort of took trips and labored with him or her, so they must be a sort of companion to them. With that said, they obviously have sentimental value and are not just another posession. I definitely agree with Dana K!

Jess:) said...

Some people will take anything no matter what. It could be in any condition. Someone else's trash may be another person's treasure. And I agree with Dana K.

I'm Joe King said...

Some people forget the old when they get the new

claire:D said...

I agree with ds11, that people use things to their fullest and get the full use out of them. It could also mean that people see things differently. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Those boots could look old and beat up to someone but to another man they could be perfect.

BillyG said...

People only like what they have until something new comes along.

Maggie S said...

Many people are saying how there is beauty in old, "worn down" things, but I agree with Alec. I think the shoes symbolize the difficulties people have to go through.
To the students commenting: The idea is to come up with your own idea, and I feel like I've been reading one person's ideas in twenty different forms! Be creative!!

KENDALL (: said...

I think a theme would be that some people work really hard in life and they appreciate what they have, even if its not the best. I think this because it looks like the boots in the picture have been through alot and they look like someone has worked hard in them, and the person wearing the shoes is still proud of them even though they are not the nicest boots. I think its because the person wearing the boots is proud that there his, and they got them on there own.

Rachel said...

People don't take care of worn items. I agree with tkuch on this.

aidan said...

some people over use things. The shoes are messed up and dirty. They were well over used and should have been thrown out. Instead they kept on using the shoes. They wanted good use out of them.

Were no longer in the playoffs but used to be said...

I also agree with Pintobeanz. It depends on the person looking at the shoes. If some one is not in need of shoes, then they will see them as beat up. But, if some one is in need of shoes then they will see them as the greatest shoes in the world.

MOLLY(: said...

i agree with kendall. the boots represent struggles the person has been through to get certain thing they want even if they are not the best.

Mrs. Bieber said...

laura likes spoons and pudding i agree with because like she said alls it has to do is its job

Tommy Killoy said...

Some people dont care what they have but if they do have it they are happy with it