Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just Write Blog

After reading the comments on the personal blog post I noticed that many of you were enthusiastic about the idea but did not want to share EVERYTHING that you write. What I have done is created a new blog called Just Write. This blog is linked to my blog on the left of this page. Anyone can post their creative/critical/persuasive writing or ideas there. In order to do this I have to add you as an author on the page. All I need for this is your email address. Once you have given me your email I will add it to the list of accepted authors for the page and then you can post to it whenever you want. Anyone can go to the blog and comment on the posts and I encourage this. This should be a place where you can have an open forum for creative pursuits. Take it and run!


Jackie V said...

Is that what you took our email addresses for this morning? You never told our period...

julia h said...

I think that this is a really good idea. I dont like sharing my writing in class, but its a good idea to write it on a blog where people can read it. Alot of times when i write i want to know what other people think of it. its cool that we get to comment on each others writing.

caroline w said...

its a good way for us to share our writing without having to read it infront of the class. But my question is that is it manditorty for us to post on the blog regularly or no? i heard that we had to post a piece of writing on it once every marking period for other students. is this true?

julie said...

its a good idea because it makes it so people right whatever they whant to say.

brittany said...

Its a good idea. Its a good idea because i dont like sharing my writing in front of the class. I get nervous. I think that it is good that we get to write it on the blog. I also think that if is a good way for us to experss ourself through our writing.

danielle said...

this is a good idea because i really don't like sharing writing in class. if people think its really bad then its embarising and it makes you even more nervous

Zack England said...

I like the idea especially because i like when people comment on things that i write because it is one of the best ways to improve your writing, im going to add in my essays into their

Billy P said...

i will add writing pieces into there, sounds good

lteixeira said...

i think this is a good way to share our writing without out being embarassed by reading it in front of the class.

Lian.D said...

I think this is a good idea as well but I have the feeling that even though we post out writing online, that we'll still have to share in front of the class. So, wonder, if it wasn't mandatory, would anyone still want to post their writing here?

srichard said...

I thin this will be great for anyone who wants an opinion on their writing, but doesnt want people judging them on their writing

Kelly M said...

I think the writing piece blog is a really good idea. It allows us get feedback from our peers on what they recommend to us about our pieces. I like how we can all give each other not only compliments on our pieces, but constructive criticism as well. When I want someone to give my feedback, I only ask my parents or siblings, but now I can ask my friends.

Kim said...

I think this is a good idea. It's good to get constructive criticism on your writing because then next time you write something you can use those comments to help you improve your writing. Also I agree with Brittany and Danielle because sometimes I don't want to read something in front of the class but I still want some feedback on it.

kase said...

i usually dont mind reading my writing, but this would be a good way for people to read it without having to think about what i mean when im speaking.

Ted said...

I think it is a good idea to seperate reading and writing into two different blogs. I think that you must post some writing will help not only me but a lot of people to build comfidence in their writing. I'm having trouble signing up though and not wanting to say it but I need some help.

Kristen L. said...

This is a very good idea. You can read what other people say and get new ideas and tricks that can improve your skills as writer. It would be good to have a link on the home page on this. Also you can read other peoples reading pieces and give advice and critisism to them and recieve criticism which makes me, personally, as a writer.

Anna D. said...

I think this could be a good idea, but i wonder if we can use anonymous as our name so no one has to know whos writing is whos? Because you told us that we had to post at least one writing piece on the new blog and some people might not want to include their name with their writing.

Nicole Y. said...

Yes, I think using the Just Write blog will improve our writing skills. To what Anna D. said: Since you have to put your name to recieve credit, it will probably make you work harder and put a little more effort into your writing. The first writing piece we had to do Mr. Horvath told us our classmates were going to be reading them. The week after made me put a little more effort into the piece because I didn't want my peers to think I was a bad writer. So, I think this is a good thing that we cannot be anonymous.

joey m said...

I agree with every one els that this is a great way to share our writing.

Brandon L. said...

i like the idea of this because we get to share our writing with everyone else

AntA said...

This is a great way to get positive and negative feedback on our writing. This will aslo make it easyier for people to be critics because they arn't face to face the whole time. They will be less nervous to tell the truth.

Sousa said...

This is pretty cool. I don't have any really creative writing though. I would rather share writing on this website than class also.

KaitlynO said...

I really like the Just Write Blog because It's a great way for us to get our writing pieces out there and have other people give us feed back on it. I think we should definantly continue using the blog for writing stories!

Georginax82 said...

I think this is a good idea because i hate sharing my writing in front of people so now people can read it on their own and i can get their positive and negative feedback so i can improve some of my writing.

Katie said...

I think it is a good idea because you can share your writing piece without going up in front of your whole class and read it. I think that other people can comment on your piece and help you be a better writter. I like this idea.

abbie said...

I think it's a good idea because i don't have to read it in front of a group of people and that makes me nervous. But now people can just read it on the blog and give me feedback.

mromes said...

I think this is a good idea so your peers can see your writing ability. Then maybe once they see yours it will inspire them to write one of their own.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea because I hate reading my writing aloud to the class because I feel as if someone will laugh so now by just posting your writing you don't feel forced to wacth someones reaction to your work.
Briana Moniz