Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Man's Best Friend

submitted by Sean - Some say dogs are "man's best friend".  What do you think the impact of having a pet is on a person or family?


mromes said...

I think t a pet would have a good impact on the family because it will bring the family together. The pet will bring the family together because they will have a common interest in the pet. They could spen their tim together outside running around with their pet. Therefore, having a pet will have a good impact on a family.

Anonymous said...

I may not be a man, but my dog is probably still one of my bestfriends. For example if I'm home alone and I get scared I grab my dog to keep me company, even though he's only a little bigger than my foot. Also when you have nothing better to do on a nice day, take your dog for a walk. It can't hurt.

Briana Moniz

dave said...

I think pets, especially dogs, have a good impact on families because it is one thing the family will always have in common. This is good for the family when they have fights. If the family is in the middle of a horrible fight they may see the adorable dog that they own. This will make the family members laugh or giggle if the dog is doing something cute. That laugh or giggle will put the whole family in a better mood making the fight and situation better. A dog or pet is the key to an even happier family for even the happiest of families.

Anna M said...

I think that a pet would have a good impact on families because getting a pet includes lots of responsibility. This would teach everyone in the family, especially the kids, how to be more responsible and take care of their pet. Plus having a pet would bring the family closer together because they would all have the same love of that pet.

stevef said...

Pets have a good impact on a familey because they help you when ur down and they are good a waching at night if you live in a bad neighborhood

Bella p said...

Pets have a good impact on families because they are good for security and making people happy. For example, when im upset, my dog always comes up to me and cheers me up. He always knows when something is wrong. Also, he is protective. Whenever someone comes to the door, he starts barking and gets concerned. People can be happier and safer with dogs in their house. Therefore, since dogs are protective and cheer people up, dogs are good for families.

Billy P said...

Pets have a great impact on families because they are good security dogs. If you live in a big house or bad neighborhood, dogs can protect your house from a robber. Therefore, dogs are great protection for a family

Jenna C said...

I think dogs have a big impact on people because it teaches responsibility and you never feel along when you have a dog. It teaches responsibility because you have to look after your dog and you learn to take care it. Also if you have a dog you never feel alone because your dog is always by your side. Dogs impact individuals and families by teaching responsibility and always being there for you.

Lauren S said...

pets are good to have in a family. Pets get you to go outside and get fresh air and take them on walks, they sometimes can be a really good friend. They can always be there for you. Also like billy said, they are good for security reasons.

blogblogblog said...

Having a pet has a positive impact on our life because they are very helpful. Dogs help us in many ways like for people with disabilities, security, a friend, and they are fun. People who cant see often use dogs o help them get around and without them they wouldn't be able to do a lot of thing and they help with security because they bark when there are strangers and they bite when they feel threatened. Also, dogs are good friends because they have no choice but to listen to you and they are very caring and dogs have tons of energy so they are always fun to be around. Therefore they are a positive impact on families.

Danielle said...

i think having a pet in a family is a good thing to do. they are said to help lower stress levels and make you haelthier. also, they would probably make a good friend for a little kid.

Nicole Y. said...

Having a pet like a dog in the family is great because they are like your best friend. My dog is my best friend because wether she wants to hear it or not she listens to what I want/have to say. It sounds weird but sometimes I vent my problems out to my dog. But I can also have fun with her. We go on runs, and it is such a fun time! (that also keeps me active which is a plus) Therefore, having a dog is a great investment.

Billy L. said...

I think that having a dog is a good thing because they are great friends. Thats why they are called man's best friend. For instance, when I'm bored I'll pet my dog or play fetch or something. Therefore a dog can always cheer you up and has a very good impact on the way you live.

Anonymous said...

I think that having a dog has a good impact on a family because families have to work together to take care of it. They have to work together because when the "main" owner isn't home, who is supposed to take care of the dog for the day? Another family member would have to take this responsibility. Therefore, a dog teaches people how to work together and makes families closer.

Lions44 said...

I think a mans best friend is a dog because it keeps familys calm. A family pet can allow fun for all the members of the family. Dogs are full of fun. Therefore a dog is a mans bestt friend.

Leann said...

I do believe that a dog is a man's best friend. Even though I might not be a man, I still love animals and dogs. Dogs make the family safe and any other animal wouldn't. Dogs are a fun pet to be around. Therefore I think a dog is a mans best friend.

julia h said...

I think a dog is a mans best friend because they are always company. They are there when no one else is. They make you feel safe more than any other animal. Also they cheer you up. Therefore, a dog is a mans best friend.

Kevin T. said...

I do not think it really matters if you have dog or not in your family because it does not really affect your life in any way. For example, like myself, I do not have a dog but I am still doing pretty well in my life. Having a dog is not really a best friend to a kid or a man, but it is no more than a back-up friend. I think so because if you have absolutely nothing to do, you walk your dog or go play with your dog. So having a dog or not having a dog is good either way in my opinion.

Kelly said...

I think that having a pet in a family is a good thing because it's someone to give you company. For example, someone may be having a bad day and just want to come home from school or work and spend time alone with their dog. While it may sound silly, a dog can be someones best friend/ companion. Although I dont have a dog, I love all of my friends dogs. Therefore, I think having one will help people who are feeling lonely.

zSchulz said...

I think a dog is always good to have around the house because it is always there for you. For example if you are sad or mad at someone or something, they are always there for you. Eventhough they can't talk back, they will still always be a friend. I know my dog was my bestfriend. Therefore, I think dogs can be a bestfriend because they are and always will be there for you.

Sousa said...

This is a good question. I think having a dog or cat as a pet is a great thing because they give you company and also give you a job to do when you are bored. My brother just recently adopted a new purebred English lab. It is a puppy, but rather expensive. $1200 to be exact. What I am saying is that my brother is lonely at his house and wants company. I even watch the dog, Bodie, on nights and have to get up at 1:30, 4-4:30 and 6:30. This is a very tough job for me. therefore, having a pet can be a lot of work for you, but end uo being fun because they become trained and learn to be like humans...in a way.

Katie Sebben said...

I think that pets have a great impact on a person because they keep you company. An example is that when I am bored my dog is always there for me and when i get scared she is there. Therefore pets have a great impact on a person.

AnnaClaire said...

I think dogs really can be Man's Best Friend. When someone comes home from school and they are depressed, their dog would happily come to them and say hello. They are awesome and unless ur allergic or a cat person (eew) everyone loves dogs!!

Rory said...

I think that dogs have a positive impact on families because they teach children responsibility, and they are just exciting pets to have around. For example, when having a pet, kids are obligated to take care and love them by also playing with them! Therefore, pets are a positive thing.

Brooke H. said...

I think that dogs have a positive impact on families because they are a friend that is always near. Say you got into a fight with your friend and needed someone to talk too, your dog is always there with open ears. I know that when I got into a fight with one of my friends last year and I didn't have anyone to talk to, I went to my dog Cooper. Therefore, dogs are wonderful listeners that are always there for you no matter what.

Kami said...

Pets have a very positive impact on individuals/ families because not only do pets teach responsibility to the kids, but they also keep company to those who are lonely. Before my mom had my sister, she was always bored at home, due to my dad working all day and having no one to keep her company. She longed for something to keep her busy, so she got a dog. Now dogs are a lot of responsibility, they are almost like a child, so it kept my mom busy and in a way, prepared her for parenthood. Therefore dogs are positive because they keep lonely people company/give them something to do, and often parents use pets to teach their children responsibility.

Kristen L said...

I think dogs, or any animal for that matter, is a great addition to a family! Animals for a family is a great idea because it provides an extra pair of ears that are not willing to judge and always listen. For example, whenever I have something on my mind, (don't laugh) I will just talk to my dog and let everything out. He is aways there and always willing to listen, or so I hope.