Monday, January 9, 2012

A for Activity

This is an interesting article that links exercise to success in school.  Do you think you get enough exercise?  If yuo got a little more do you think it would improve your grades or concentration in class?  How about something like recess?  It looks like recess might be more than just a little break in the day, it could actually help students perform better in school.


Ryan said...

I don't think it will help get a clear mind but I would not mind having recess.

:D said...

Do you know that you spelled you wrong. You spelled it yuo.

Sweet said...

I think that I get a good amount of exercise because of gym and running around with my dog. But, I would still love recess!

Kayleigh said...

I think that some kids would do better in school. I also think that recess would help with academicly. I think this because kids just sit in seats all day and no exercise except for two days a week thats gym. And gym is atleast 20 min and on the article it says atleast 20 min a day so recess would give us that exercise. The article also says "exercise is known to promote additional blood flow to the brain aiding brain activity performance." This proves that kids/students need exercise everyday and recess would give us that exercise.

AVgleek17 said...

I think recess would be nice, but it wouldn't really affect my school grades in a positive way. Although it gives brain activity performance and all of the scientific stuff, I feel like recess would just be a hang out time, where I don't really think about school. A lot of kids adore recess, but I highly doubt kids think, hmm so how is the helping my grades? or What is going to happen in science today when they are hanging with friends. Therefore, I do think recess is a very fun activity for kids, but I don't think it helps children with their academics.

AVgleek17 said...

@ Kayleigh,
I have to disagree with you. Although the article said that, but I don't think that really helps kids academically. After gym, I don't feel super smart or even way to focus more in my next class. When you talk about sitting in seats all day, we can find many ways to stay up in our seats, especially at STEM. Due to all of tis, I have to disagree with you.

Kayleigh said...

@ryan.....I have to disagree with you on one part. I doesnt clear our minds. I disagree with you because doing exercise lets us think about other things unlike school where you think of one thing like volcanoes or intergers

Sweet said...

Oh, I think it would also give kids a break between classes and a chance to relax because we rush to class right after lunch and jam more knowledge into our brains.

steve1 said...

I think that this might help us. Recess is fun and exciting after recess last year I didn't feel smarter but I did better in school. Kids should be able to have a fun time after lunch to burn off their lunch and to socialize with friends. At recess I used to play basketball. I personally think that I get enough exercise but recess should be allowed.

Temple Run Master said...

I think that this article makes sense because it is proven when we move around and excrise our blood pressure goes up making all of the organs get blood that much faster. How does this relate to the article well when your brain is working faster you are going to remember the info better and you are more aware so on tests when you need to recall things it will be easier for you. Therefore that is how excise give you good grades.

G-MAN said...

I know that personally I do not get enough exercise and I believe that getting more may help my concentration because it has been shown that exercise helps grades. To address my first statement I do not recieve enough exercise because I never exercise out of gym class which is extremely unhealthy. In the article it said,"Children have been observed to have enhanced concentration and better behaviour patterns when they have been involved in physical exertion." This evidence supports my assumption that my concentration in school may improve. I do not know if it will improve my grades because the percentage of smart students is so tiny that it may be taken as an outllier and when you deal with average students who either exercise or waste time those who exercise may do better but that may not affect me. They should a student who studies and does homework for large periods of time and the make them exercise for an hour a day and then see what the effect is. In conclusion, my concentration will be improved if I exercise more because studies have shown that students who exercise more concentrate more in the classroom.


I agree with you that excise and recess make you smarter because its not something larger that you will see its "Smartness" that you will build up in the long run. I think that you blood pressure is the key factor in the because the fast its going than the better off you will be because you will retain more info. Therefore that is why i agree with kayliegh and why i think that excerse will make you more smart.

Anonymous said...

I think that I would exercise to get better grades because that way I don't have to study as vigorously right before a huge test. When I have a test coming up, I usually have to study very hard. But if exercising really increases your grades, that would help decrease my stress level about the test.

Anonymous said...

I think that getting exercise is very important because it helps teens stay healthy and fit in their life. I think that I get more than the average amount of exercise that a teen my age normally gets. I think that a nice break in the day would help kids forget about some of their work and just have a time to relax and do what they enjoy. I don't necessarily think that if I got more exercise it would help me because I believe it would make me more tired which would make it harder to concentrate.

Anonymous said...

I agree with @steve1 because I also think recess could help me do smarter in school. I think it is a nice break in the day that would help me forget about school for 20-30 minutes and not have to worry. It would help me to concentrate more when I get back to class so I can stay focused and can pay attention.

Emerson34 said...

I think exercise does help us get better grades. I think this because I exercise a lot (at least two hours a day) and I am pretty smart. I also have friends that are athletic and smart or kind of smart. Therefore, since my friends and I are athletic and smart, exercise does make us smarter.

Emerson34 said...

@ Kayleigh I agree with you that recess makes us smarter. This is because recess gives us a break in our day, which makes us less stressed so we can focus better. Also, exercising makes our grades better, so it makes us smarter. Therefore, since recess makes us concentrate better and higher our grades, it makes us smarter. (We should also definitely have recess at school.)

chris g said...

I think that reccess is a good thing because it get the blood flowing to our head but not only that it gives a special stimulant to help you do better. This is why i think that reccess is a good idea in school

chris g said...

I agree with steve1 because reccess is a good time to socialize and hang with our friends. I also used to play basketball during my break.

JVG412 said...

I don't think that recess would make me smarter but it would definitely be nice. It gives us kids time to socialize and get the physical activity American kids need.

KirillR98 said...

I think I get enough exercise each day. If I got more exercise during the day, I think I would improve my grades and concentration throughout the day. According to Hive Health Media's article, recess is more than just a break in the day, it could help kids perform better in school.

singdancelive said...

i think that i get more than enough excersise with 11 hours and 15 minutes of dance a week. i think that recess can help students be better in school because people need fresh air and i can be healty and help to stimulate the brain.

Ali M. said...

I personally think I get enough exercise, and this helps me stay focused in and out of school. Out of school I exercise much more then the average person. I have gymnastics for three hours and fifteen minutes Monday through Friday. I also have two hour soccer practice on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. I think that this really helps me in school. I am a very hyper person, and I know if I did not get this physical activity I would be even crazier in school. For example, our first week of school we did not have gymnastics. I was very excited and crazy in school not setting a good first impression. Out of school sports has taught me time management. When I am getting home at 9 at night in order to get to bed as fast as possible I have to finish my homework and not get distracted. These are my benefits from having a lot of physical activity in my life.

Ali M. said...

I agree that recess would help kids focus during the day. On my schedule I have period three spanish, period four language arts, period five social studies, and period 6 science. That is four brain stimulating academic classes in a row. By sixth period my brain is fired and I have trouble focusing on what we are learning. I we could have recess in between these classes, I would enjoy it. I would be a good chance for me to stretch my legs and let my mind rest. In the article, they say, "Targets for the amount of time considered necessary for a healthy lifestyle include two and a half of activity and 20 minutes of recess every day." In my school we do not have any recess, and I know that I and many other kids would benefit from it.

CandyS. said...

I believe that recess, or a longer, more exciting gym class would benefit students because it gives us a break from normal everyday studies. Kids always study and prepare for test after test, and getting recess or a longer gym period would help us forget about the stress of schoolwork, and allow us to run around and have fun. Everybody has heard of the expression, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"...If students only have to study, take quizzes and hear teacher drone on and on all day, we would become bored in school. Therefore, since gym or recess gives kids a break from normal, day to day routines, it will help kinds.

Lauren said...

I think exercise is very important because it helps people stay healthy and fit. I think that recess is important because not all teens get the right amount of exercise each day. If we had recess than it would keep teens staying activity for a little longer each day. We only have gym maybe twice a week and with heath now taking its place some teens aren't getting any exercise. If they did get exercise than it would help them in school because the article says adding 90 minutes per week of exercise help on the performance of spelling, reading, and number work.

Cav98 said...

I think that more time being active is very important when it comes to academics. I think this because being active give me a time to get all of my energy out so later i am able to learn. When Im ready to learn i act better in class. Also if you are an active kid you will get a better education in college because colleges like well rounded kids. So activity can get you a better educational opportunity.

Cav98 said...

I agree with CandyS because i also think that recess or a longer gym would benefit all students. I Think this because it will give everyone more exercise. This will keep the kid here healthy and fit. Also it will teach kids good habits of getting good exercise that they will then take home. Lastly as it said in the article the the exercise will help our academics. These reasons are all good things that recess or a longer gym will bring.

!DANCE! said...

Yes, I do think I get a good amount of exercise. I think this because I dance 6 sometimes 7 times a week. Also, I go outside and run around and hang out with my neighbors. I exercise also at home by practicing dance and stretching. If I got even MORE exercise I think that it could improve my grade a little. If studies show that exercise improves concentration and help makes student perfom better, then i think that even at this age we should have recess of some time outside and running around. I know it might sound strange for a 7th,8th or even high schoolers to go outside and have a free period to just run around and get some exercise but, it is good for them and studies show that it elps their grades and concentration during class time in school.

!DANCE! said...

@ Lauren
I agree with you when you said in your entry, that now that we have health instead of gym, teens do not get enough exercise. I agree with this statement that you made because I know a lot of people that just have gym class at school count as their exercise. These people I know do not get good grades. In order to stop this problem/issue that we have, I think that health and gym should be two separate classes. With this, kids can learn about health while getting the exercise that they need. This is why I agree with you saying how health is getting in the way with gym and teens are not getting a good amount of exercise like they should be getting weekly.

Kibble said...

I believe that I get enough exercise, however I don't think getting more exercise, would improve my grades, or concentration in class. In fact because of the activity I do outside of school, getting more exercise would probably take away from my learning, and concentration in class. I mean I wouldn't have time to do homework, to practise what I learned in school, and let alone focus MORE on school work. But I do believe that getting a break in the day like a recess would be benificial, to teachers, as well as students. For 6-8 hours a day we are stuck in our seats, unable to move learning. By getting outside we would be able to get a mental break, that would also give us a chance to 'reboost' you could say, and then carry on throughout the day. After all the article also says that 20 minutes outside doing a physical activity every day would be acceptable.and These are my thoughts on why having a recess could be benificail durring a school day sometimes.

Kibble said...

@ CandyS.
I agree with your statement on having recess, would lower students stress levels. Although it would be odd to have 7+8th graders outside, for recess. I believe that some of the most stressfull events at school during seventh and eighth grade including tests, and projects can build up inside of students, and they never get a chance to take a break from school, and get away from the thought of being stressed out. Due to being drowned out with work. Although 20 minutes of being outside isn't long its something more than what students have now.

MRAjGE said...

I also think that recess is a good idea, but not for the exercise portion. You said, "...I feel like recess would just be a hang out time, where I don't really think about school." I think most kids would agree. I think recess is an important part of a school day. However, most kids/girls use recess as social time instead of "exercise time". In 6th grade, most kids would just hang around and talk during recess and barely get any physical activity. I think this is not right, because the school is willing to give students recess and then they miss use it by socializing. Then if recess was taken away, it wouldn't be fair to the kids that were playing basketball or four square. However, it is important to be able to socialize with friends because I know some of my friends aren't in any of my classes and I only see them at lunch. If recess was given, then I could also use that period to hang out with them. Although recess is given for exercise, it is also used for socializing.

Anonymous said...

I think I do get enough exercise because during the winter, I either have a basketball game or basketball practice every day. I play for two teams. Also, I practice soccer at least once a week in the winter and multiple times a week in the spring and summer. Moreover, I play premiere basketball in the spring along with lacrosse. I think if I got even more exercise it would improve my grades a little more. In addition, I think recess would be a good idea because it would help kids get a little break and fresh air from learning. At school, we have our two objective classes during the first two periods. Then we have four academic classes in a row, finally getting a break from lunch with one academic class left. It’s hard to try my best during those four classes because it’s constant learning with no break. If we had recess split in the middle of those periods, it would be great and kids would have a fresh start for the next coming period of the day. Their minds would continue to keep working throughout the day and help them concentrate better.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you @Ali M because I also think recess would be a good break and kids focused during the day. I have the same classes as you and totally agree that by 6th period I can’t think straight. All I think about during that class is getting to lunch because I am always in a desperate need for a break and am always hungry. Recess would be the great idea that would help my mind rest. Therefore, I agree with you that recess would be a good idea for students.

u don't know me said...

@chris g
I will have to disagree with you when you say that recess gets your blood flowing to your head and acts as a stimulant that helps you do better. There is nothing in the article that says, or even suggests that recess will do thes things. Therefore, I disagree with your belief that recess is academically beneficial.

Unknown said...

I think that the idea of having recess in school is a good idea. I say this because recent studies have shown that 20 minutes of recess helps your academic scores. If this is true, everyone would want recess because everyone would want their grades to go up. In addition to this, kids need time to relax. Working and studying for 7 and 1/2 hours at school makes kids tired. They need time to relax and socialize. Finally, recess gives kids time to play and exercise. With recess, kids stay healthy. Recess gives kids an opportunity to stay healthy, a time to socialize and have fun, and improve their grades. So that's why I think that kids should have recess.

Unknown said...

I agree with you because both of us think that recess is a good idea but kids don’t always get exercise from it. Last year, I saw kids playing basketball games, four square, and on the field. But most of the kids, mainly girls, were just hanging out and talking to their friends. So the time was mostly used for kids to socialize with their friends. So recess will benefit academic scores but not for exercise. That’s why I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Studies say that getting more exercise inside of school improves children's grades, but that was one test. I am unsure on how I feel about this because I believe the results depend on many factors like the age of the children, how long each class is, what class the had that day, etc. When the article stated, "In a second set of studies two separate groups of students were identified . The first. . . students were allocated extra time to take part in physical exercise the second group continued as normal without any change in the time they spent on physical activity. When both groups were tested the academic test results for the control group were higher than that of the second group." I believe this experiment was not valid because the researchers did not consider different factors.

StephanieZ said...

I think that I get a pretty good amount of exercise. I kneww before that exercise provided more blood flow throughout the body with also made blood circulate through the brain. But, what I didn't know was the important part. Blood flow in the brain actually improves how you perform academically and the choices you make. I don't think that recess is something that we should have. First of all, where would we have it? We don't have a playground or anything like that, and most kids don't really like recess after a while. It gets boring and there's nothing much to do. But back on topic, I think that students should try to inculde exersice in their daily plan. Running around with younger siblings, and even spending a day at the mall can be counted as pretty heavy exercise. This is why I think that exercise is important.

Avacado said...

I think that recess should not have been taken away in high school for more academic activites, because recess can bring up your grades and keep you healthy. According to, physical activity can not only keep you fit, but it can bring up your grades. During recess when you run around and are active, it promotes additional blood flow to the brain helping brain activity. So this means that when you run at recess, you do better the rest of the school day. In addition, physical exercise is a great way to stay active, and healthy. So recess can keep you healthier as well. Therefore, since recess can help your grades in school and keep you healthy, their should be recess during high school, and not just in elementary school.

Avacado said...

@ KirillR98,
I agree with you that the more you exercise, the better your grades will be. According to, the more you exercise, the better the blood flow is to your head, which better stimulates your brain and helps you think clearer. In addition, I know that the more you exercise the better you do in school is true because last year after recess, I did a good job on a test, but before recess, I did poorly on a test. Therefore, since physical activity can bring up your grades, I agree with you that the more you exercise, the better you will do in school.

Alex Z. said...

I don't believe that something like recess would help students perform better in school. I think this because putting a break in the school day for physical exercise would cause students to lose focus and have trouble being able to abruptly go back to school work which requires concentration. In my own experience, I feel that taking a break in between work is not effective. I do not think that recess would help a student perform better in school. I think the opposite.

Alex Z. said...

@Avacado I disagree. I think that recess should not be given in school because recess it can cause students to lose focus. I do not think that giving a break in the middle of the school day would help kids. I think it would give them trouble being able to focus after the break. An example of this is either Winter Break, February Break, or Spring Break. We know that we have a hard time being able to concentrate right before it and right after it. I don't think that it's effective.

Ryan35 said...

I think recess would be good for students because it can keep them from getting extremely bored. Sometimes, class can be hard to sit through and if we had recess or something like that, then school wouldn't be as boring. Also, people don't like school because it is not fun. If we had recess, it would be a lot better.

Ryan35 said...

@ Kayleigh
I agree that it could help some people because it does say that it promotes blood flow to the brain so that they can study better.

edemace said...

I think that exercising and working out do increase you concentration because if you exercise and play sports then you will have more determenation. If you do then you will pay attention more and do better.

edemace said...

i agree with you because i know people hwo exercise more have good grades. also you exercise more and the kids get active.

Brian C said...

I think that having a recess wouldn't help with grades, but decrees them. The brain would be all cloudy from focusing on playing at recess. The cloudy brain would decrees grades for some students.

Brian C said...

@ Ryan 35
I disagree because we need class time to learn the many important things that we have to in school. And being bored can be avoided for some people.

Sarah G. said...

I don't think that creating a recess at this age would get us more excersice because what I can remember not only from middle school but from elementary school was that we all just sat at a bench talking and laughing during break. This got us all very excited for the end of the day and most of the time after this it would take the teachers very long to calm all of the students back down so that they could focus on their work. Though excersice may help you academically I think that in this situation it would not be a good idea considering it would get the students mind off learning and onto what they will be doing when they get home.

Sarah G. said...

@anonomous I don't agree with you when you say that you think that getting more excersice will help you because if you were more tired then you would probably be more likely to fall sleep in class and make mistakes on tests. I know this because one day i had finished my homework and I decided to work out because I had nothing to do. The next day I was sore and tired from all of my working out and I fell asleep in science class. The day after that I had a pop quiz on what we had learned about while I was studying the insides of my eyelids. When she handed the test back to me a week later I found that I had gotten a C+. This is only one of the reasons that I think getting more exercise would not help you in school.

Ryan said...

I learned in humanities that the Chinese get up early because they want to play or exercise because it helps them think more clearly.

DR. Bubblesquash said...

I think that if we got recess we wouldn't really exercise much; we'd mostly just socialize. Our age group is a group of socialization, drama, and LOL. Trust me, whatever we do at lunch we would prbably do at recess (except eat)

DR. Bubblesquash said...

@ Ryan I agree with you, I don't think that recess would help us get a clear mind, but I don't think there is a real downside to going outside every once and awhile during school.

Kate O. said...

I think that this article is very true. I think that recess would defiantly do our school good. Recess would increase our learning skills, and also keep us healthy. We would be multi-tasking and also we would start getting better and better grades in school. This shows that recess would help our school because if we had recess, it would not only increase our schools level for difficulty, but also increase our own grades.

Kate O. said...

@DR.Bubblesquash. I disagree with you. I think that at recess most kids would play games like 4 square, run the track, or even if they did socialize, you would still be walking. I think recess would cause less drama too because you would have time to forget about what happened and play outside for a while. This is why I think recess is necessary.

spongebob said...

I agree with this article because students work for the whole morning and get tired of learning. Maybe a little break in the middle of the day will relax or brains so at the end of the day, we don't have bad headaches from doing too much work. Also, in the article it says, "In addition to this exercise is known to promote additional blood flow to the brain aiding brain activity performance." So the more we exercise, the more activity performance we have. Maybe we won't be so tried and droopy at the end of the day. This is why I agree with the article.

spongebob said...

@ DR. Bubblesquash I agree with you. I think the age depends on it. I think little kids would exercise, but the kids are age love to gossip and socialize. They would probably just sit and talk. They wouldn't really get exercise. That is why I agree with you, I don't think they would get a lot of exercise.

CandyS. said...

@AlexZ I disagree with you that taking a break in schoolwork to exercise is ineffective. I believe that it is very effective because if kids work too hard in school and overwork their brains, they will not do their best work over long periods of time. The whole concept of having a break in the day from schoolwork is so that students will take their minds off of what is going in class, get fresh air, then go back and finish their work with more enthusiasm and energy. If kids go play for a 15-30 period of time during the school then they will have more motivation to finish their schoolwork so therefore, having recess is effective.

BH said...

I do not think that I get enough exercise every day. I usually spend time watching TV or on the computer. I think I should start running laps around the house, or eating more fruits and vegetables.

BH said...

I agree that exercising would help us academically. I think it is because it helps pump up and help our brain work more faster, and that would help us work in class better. So I also think that we should have recess.

Man on the Moon said...

I think it helps me in school because when my parents got mad at me they took away my swimming which my doctor sad was an atrocious and the utter worst thing you could have done. This because and I quote from my doctor "That since in sports you focus on a certain goal one at a time it can become a habit in whatever you do because you are so used to doing it when you are having fun that you will do it everywhere. So in school you will will you concentrate more without even knowing. So if you focus more you will do better. Also I do think I get enough exercise because I swim for about 2 and a half hours and play another 15 minutes. Also after dinner everyday I eat fruit. So therefore I am probably getting enough exercise according to the standards and what I do.

Man on the Moon said...

Kayleigh I agree with you because I also think recess is good. This is, just like you said it improves blood flow to your brain which can help you a lot. This because since you are more alert you will ready for what is coming up in the day and find more mistakes so you will do well.

Ghost said...


Ghost said...

I think that physical activity is very important in a young kids life because it gets rid of child obesity.
Many kids suffer from child obesity and/or getting teased on their weight. like Michelle Obama says! with more physical activities we can stop child obesity in America!

Ghost said...

@ Man on the moon I disagree i think that parents punishment will drive you to work harder and excel in school and not fail!

Logan S. said...

I think that i get enough exercise because I have basketball practice at least 2 times a week and I am running most of the practice. I think that exercise could effect your grades in 2 ways. 1 is that if you are to busy thinking about how sore you are then you will not focus on school that much. Or it can improve your school work and make you focus more on school. So if there is an exercise they will not make you sore then do that exercise.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it would help you concentrate but it might with goals to lose weight. This recess thing would give kids somthing to look forward to. This can be important because if we did have this this could help people get healthier and feel better about themsselves.

Anonymous said...

I agree with spongebob cause kids are age proablly aren't gonna there gonna talk unless theres a teacher constantly yelling. This is importent cause people arent gonna get that much exersise.

Logan S. said...

I agree with you Ghost because exercise will stop child obesity. It will cause children to be more active and not be a couch potato. I have seen shows on kids who get bullied because they are not athletic or they are overweight. Exercise will solve child obesity once and for all.

Peter P said...

I think that I get enough exercise because I have soccer every Friday for an hour and a half. I am also always outside during weekends doing something. I think if I got some more exercise during the week, it would improve my grades and concentration in class. Recess would be nice because even though you're not running all the time, you're outside getting fresh air and having some source of exercise. The people in the article performed the test and exercise does help kids with their grades. Exercise will solve kids problems with concentrating in class.

Peter P said...

@Logan S
I agree with you because exercising a lot can be good and bad. Kids would think about how sore they are or it can help them concentrate. Therefore, exercising can help kids' concentration.

Patrick Monaco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
whencupcakesattack said...

I think I do get enough exercise, but I also think that you can never have enough exercise. Exercising makes you tired, so if you exercise out of school, it will make you sleep more, being better rested for school. I do think that recess is nice for kids to get their "ya-yas" out, but also it just makes the kids really tired, making the students not pay attention in classes afterwards. In school, I do believe kids are not getting enough exercise, so I think it is worth the risk to give the kids at least a 30 minute recess. Kids only get some exercise in gym classes, which they only have maybe 2 or 3 times a week, not even every day! Therefore I do believe kids should have recess.

whencupcakesattack said...

@ Anonymous
I agree with you. I think that exercise will help lower stress levels, making it a good thing if you have a big test or you need to present a project in the next class. it will help relax you, making you more calm and less up-tight and stressed about it. I also believe it will help with your nerves.

Anonymous said...

I think that kids who gets recess and free time go outside gets more exercise is that it is healthier for the body and it gives kids time to get out all of their energy and that it gives them a chance to stay concentrated on their school work.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Ryan because it gives more exercise to kids who need it plus we sit in class for 54 minutes doing nothing but sit there doing class work we need time to go outside and play and hove fun.

Muffin Man 101 said...

I don't think that it will help kids in school because some kids already exercise enough. They could benefit from a study time but a recess will do nothing but make kids more distracted then they already are. Studies can show many things but this will be different for each student.

Muffin Man 101 said...

You spelled you wrong. In Formal English which is apparently the only language that you speak, we spell you like you not yuo. When I hand this in to you, you are going to be mad at me. Sorry in advance.

The1 said...

I do not think that I get enough exercise. I think so because we do not have recess during the school day. It has been proven by "HiveHealthMedia" that kids who received an extra 90 minutes of exercise during the week received better grades and gained less weight. They specifically say,"In an extensive three-year study of young children from the U.S in the age range of 5 to 8 it was noted that when these children were given extra exercise time of 90 minutes per week they improved their academic performance on spelling, reading and number work and also gained less weight."

LittleMonster1028 said...

I think having recess would improve the majority of kids grades. This is because many children can't concentrate in school because they are too eager to talk to their friends. If we had recess for 30 minutes a day, we wouldn't have to worry about whispering to our friends, trying not to get caught because we would know that when recess comes around, we are free to talk as much as we want. This would help us concentrate in school more and in effect of that, it would bring up our grades.

Jess M said...

I think it's important for kids to be active and get exercise and that is does help in school. When kids have time during the day for exercise it lets our minds relax, and take a break from school work, allowing us to be more focused when we go back to class. The article says we should be getting 2 and a half hours of exercise a day which most kids don't but should because it was proven that it helps in school.

The1 said...

I agree with you because you say that kids should have recess everyday. Kids should have recess everyday because it allows them to exercise and it lets them relieve stress during the day. This is good because they will improve their academic scores while also slowing weight gain.

LittleMonster1028 said...

@Muffin Man 101
I disagree with you. I think recess is not only about getting exercise, it is about chilling and getting all the "ants out of yo pants". I think it will help you focus better in school because you will know that you will have plenty of time to chit chat and not get in trouble for it. This is why I disagree with you.

The1 said...

@Jess M
I agree with you that it is important for kids to be active during the schoolday. I beleive this because it releives stress, and as you said, gives them time to relax. Also, most kids do not get any or enough exercise at home so it is important to do it during school.This should improve their academic grades and slow weight gain in children across america.

Jess M said...

I agree with littlemonster1028 because we should have a recess. In the article it says kids should have at least 20 minutes of recess. This will help us stay more focused in class and like you said worry about trying to talk to our friends and not think about doing the work and learning. Therefore I think everyone should have a recess even if it is for a short time so we can relax and be better focused for the second half of the day.

LittleMonster1028 said...

@Muffin Man 101
I agree to your second post. This is because "yuo" doesn't mean anything in the English language. Unless it is Hungarian for something, which I doubt would make sense in this text, then I guess this means you are wrong when it comes to grammar.

Jess M said...

I agree with StephanieZ because it's important for kids to get a lot of exercise. Like the article said when kids get exercise, increases the blood flow to the brain allowing it to function better and us to preform better in class. So when we really exercise we are increasing our ability to do well in school so getting exercise is not only important for your body but how well you are able to focus and preform in school.

Isabelle G. said...

I think recess would be a nice thing for our grade. In our grade we are very pressured in all our classes and even outside of school. But recess will provide a nice break in the day. This break will allow us to be kids and not the mini adults everyone is pressuring them to be with all this work. The recess time would be important to the balance of school and play. This is why recess would be a nice addition to the school schedule

Isabelle G. said...

I agree with you on the fact that stretching your legs during a short period of recess would be benificial. I agree with you because I experience the benefits from stretching my legs sometimes too. In class if my concentration is every drifting away while a teacher is giving a lesson I usually just raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom. When I take that long walk down the hall and back I usually come back more focused and energized. This supports why recess would be good idea during school.

Hayley M said...

I think that getting a ittle more excersise might help clear my mind because I feel like fresh air always helps me. Whenever I'm stressed out I like to go outside and just take a walk. It helps me focus on one thing and think clearly. It helps me imagine all the good things and bad things about that one situation and the fresh air clears my head. Whenever I'm stressed out I get a big headache and going outside and getting clean air makes me head feel better and calm me down. When I'm dancing it makes me feel like my world is in slow motion and that I can control everything. It helps me concetrate on getting something. Last year, I was working on getting my double and I had a lot of trouble getting it. I had tp stay focused and concentrate of nothing else. I couldn't think of anyhting else, just dance. And that one move I had to get.

Imagine11 said...

I believe that exercising does help your concentration in class because it helps exercise your brain, too. According to the article, "When children were asked how long they spent in active exercise it was clear that those who were most active performed the best in the classroom. In an extensive three-year study of young children from the U.S in the age range of 5 to 8 it was noted that when these children were given extra exercise time of 90 minutes per week they improved their academic performance on spelling, reading and number work and also gained less weight." This evidence shows that when exercising more, it allows your brain to focus which helps you to also focus in the classroom.

Hayley M said...

@Isabelle G, I agree with you that recess would be a nice break because we've been working so hard and it would provide us a time to just calm down, talk with our friends, and release all of our stress. School is very difficult for some and sometimes it's hard to stay on top of everything in school, on top of out of school things that are happening all the time. It would help us solve som own because we'd to talk things out. It would aso help us get rid of all of our stress. Having recess would allow us to just sit and rest for a little and think thing over. It would give us a time to sit and plan things out.

Imagine11 said...

I agree with your comment to CandyS because you thought that recess will lower students stress levels. You said that, " I believe that some of the most stressfull events at school during seventh and eighth grade including tests, and projects can build up inside of students, and they never get a chance to take a break from school, and get away from the thought of being stressed out. Due to being drowned out with work. Although 20 minutes of being outside isn't long its something more than what students have now." This shows that, since I also thought this when I read the article, I agree with your opinion.

Muffin Man 101 said...

I agree with you because we have been working really hard and it would give us a time to relax and calm down. This would give us a chance to rest our minds for a little bit before we have to go back to class. School can get kids over worked especially when you have a test or quiz. This can give kids a time to take a break or even study.

bieber10 said...

I believe that exercise is very important and can help in school. I think this because exercise is a great way to stay healthy and being healthy helps you think. That is why I believe that.

Anonymous said...

I do get enough exercise but I don't think it helps improve grades. I think this because a lot of football players get bad grades but they're really athletic.

Emma said...

i think that exercise does help your grades because it gets your brain working and body moving. It wakes you up and get your blood movong. Also before you take a quiz or test exercising can let you get out your nervous energy.

Emma said...

Emily said.....
"Exercise it a great way to stay healthy" i agree with her it help you stay healthy. Being healthy can help you in so many was including school.

panthers502 said...

i think that exersise could be good because it helps people get rid of their energy and maybe they will be less hyper in class and be able to sit still.

pantheres502 said...

also, if we have had a big lunch, than that means that we could work it off in running around and doing fun activities! its a great way to get active!!!

RyanT. said...

I believe that if students had more time to exercise that they would do better in school. This is not just because I loved recess when we had it, but because keeping an active body could keep an active mind too. I would love to have recess again, and I think that students would do better in school if they did have recess. With recess the students will already be active after recess, wich could keep them active in the terms of learning. Exercise will help students do better in school.

RyanT. said...


I agree. This is because Horvath did spell "you" wrong. He spelled it: yuo. I also think that he is not aware of his mistake. (AND HORVATH SAYS HE NEVER MAKES MISTAKES)Horvath did make a mistake and is probably unaware of it.

Sir Awesome said...

I think that if we had more exercise each day, it would be very beneficial. Like the article said, we should have at least two and a half hours of exercise with twenty minutes of recess. This would improve how we think in school as well as make us healthier. These combined factors are why active living should really be encouraged, especially in schools.

Sir Awesome said...

@ Ryan
I disagree with you. I think that recess would improve your thinking. The research says that it improves your thinking, so it most likely does. There isn't much research, if any, to show the opposite. Due to this, I disagree with you and think that exercise is a crucial part to improve the way that you think.

Pandanut12 said...

I think we should have recess during the day because it will help us have better grades. I know this because on the website it says "Targets for the amount of time considered necessary for a healthy lifestyle include two and a half hours of activity and 20 minutes of recess every day". It also says "it was clear that those who were most active performed the best in the classroom". Schools should do whatever they can to make sure that their students have what they need to succeed in school, which proves that we should have recess during the school day.

Pandanut12 said...

I think that even if you didn't run around, recess would still help your grades. You said so yourself: kids just hang out and don't think about school. Just chilling out with your friends without the pressure at school would relax you so that you can be calm and collected for the rest of school. Would you rather be under a lot of stress or be relaxed when you work? This is why recess would be good for you, even if you don't run around.

simeong said...

i get alot of exercise you should try what i do set a chart saying what i have to do and what i need to do more of every night before i go to sleep i have to do 2 sets of 20 push ups, 60 curl ups, and 10 diamond push ups, and 10 clap push ups, this is what i do every night to keep me fit i do most of these things with the iron gym i would recommend it to people because it really helps you exercise. it also takes time away from doing my homework because i can't go to sleep without doing this.

abc123comewithme said...

i think that this study hows that you are happier when you are healthy. this is because generally, when you get better grades you are happier. i know this because when i get good grades i am hapier then when i get bad ones because it makes me feel good that i'm doing somthing right. if i like this then i bet a lot of other people do to!

abc123comewithme said...

@ ghost :
I agree with you 100% that physical activity is important in young children's lives, but the young children are just sitting around watching hours of T.V. did you know that 1 out of every 3 children is obese? this would stop if we listened to the government about our 60 minutes of exercise a day. I say get out side an exercise!