Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No Boundaries

student submitted - This is an amazing an inspiring song. What do you think the song is telling you? What message is there in this song?


albuturkey(: said...

I think this song is trying to tell you how you should never stop believing in yourself. Always go with what your heart tells you to do not what someone else tells you because there are "no boundaries."

Mariana said...

I agree with albuturkey, I think that the song represents beleiving in yourself and to never give up. I think it is also telling you to strive for your goal and to not stop. Its a very inspiring song that everyone should listen to. Also, it is trying to tell you that you don't have to blend in with the group becaue there agreeing with something, you should be yourself and do what you think is right.

MOLLY(: said...

i agree with both alexis and mariana. the song is saying to believe in yourself and never give up.follow your dreams because life is what you make it, no one can live your life, only you can. and you have no boundries so nothing is holding you back.

Chris S said...

I agree that this song pushes you to get better and not to give up. You never get two chances in life so why not take one when you can. Great blog idea mr. horvath

AF313 said...

What I get from this song is that whatever you want to do or accomplish, there are going to be things that look like boundaries. However, the song says that you have to jump over any hurdles thrown up in front of you if you really want what you're trying for. You have to "weather the hurricane" to make it through to where you want to get. If you can't get through the obstacles, you don't want it as much as you should.It says you have to make it through all of the non-successful seconds, hours, and days before you can get where you want to go, and if you want to get there bad enough, you won't let any obstacles get in your way( hence "No Boundaries") That;s the message i got out of this song...good song too, by the way!!

Rachel said...

This song is telling me that no matter how hard things can get, you can always make it better. That you can do anything you set your mind to. Life gets hard, and we need to stay strong and pull through the hurricanes.

just annie said...

This song is very inspireing, telling to never give up, but he tells of how hes pulled through, as an example in the song he mentions how he risked being safe but he already knew why, and hearing every lie. He shows he understands how it feels when you think the road ends. As the song inplys stay strong and still strive for better, and continue what your doing. This song is very up lifting and inspireing... good song :)

cutiegrl24 said...

i agree with just annie when she says the song is verry inspireing. The lyric were it says "with every step you climb another mountin" its saying everything you do to work at somthing gets your closer to your finnal goal. Lastly i relate this to miley cyres song "The clib" saying the same message about working towrds what your really want.

mykaela said...

I think this song is about fighting for what you believe in and working your way through life. Sometimes we hit bumpy roads and other days we soar with happiness. Some people will bring you down when you are striving for the impossible but you still move on. I think that this song represents both of those things and is very inspiring as just annie said. GREAT song!!!!!

Kayla =) said...

I agree with mykaela, I believe this song tells you to shoot for your goals in life that you never thought you might have.

Mdancer xo said...

The song title is pretty self-explanitory.There are no boundaries in life. You can do anything you set your mind to. I agree with alot of the people who blogged. I was thinking that maybe Kris Allen wrote this song because of winning American Idol. He didn't give up during the entire contest no matter what comments were thrown at him. He pushed past it all and won.

Jewlz said...

I pretty much agree with everyone that has responded so far. We all are on the same page agreeing that this song is pretty much self-explanitory. There are no boundaries in life. Chase your dream, live life to the fullest , and always think positive. Your future can change any minute, so take advantadge of every second that passes. Like Mdancerxo said,Kris Allen could have written this song because he won American Idol. He didn't give up on his dream, and took chances. He didn't let the comments, both good and bad, form a boundary before him. GREAT song!!!!!

mae-neko said...

this song represents living threw all the troubles to get to where you want to be. Despite the discouraging roadblocks along the way. Easier said than done in my opinion.

MarissaD said...

The song is telling you that there are no things holding you back like albaturkey said and that you should go do what you want to do. It is saying that if you try you will succeed.

Kathleen said...

i agree with Mdancer xo. There are no boundaries in life, if you don't make any. What i mean is like what Mdancer xo said that Kris Allen didn't give up even if people put him down during American Idol. He just tried his best and that is how he won. So i think this song means to always try really hard and never give up because good things will happen in the end.

I'm Joe King said...

I agree with earlier posts. The song title seems to be what the song is saying. Although unlike other posts I read I think the song is saying there is nothing to hold you back with no boundaries. The lyrics, "You can go higher
You can go deeper There are no boundaries Above and beneath you Break every rule" cause me to think this because I think he is saying he broke every boundary and now can go deeper, higher, etc...

TRIPOD :D said...

I agree with Joe King, the song is telling you to go for whatever you believe in. Even if it means going through deficulties through the way. I think that Kris Allen (american idol) had sturggles to get to were he is, the audition, performing, getting past simon every week :D .its telling you nothings going to stop you from what you want to do

Anonymous said...

Yay this song does tell you I also agree with earlier posts. I do think this song is about doing what you believe in.

Chris S said...

I once again agree that this song is very inspairing. I think that the theme of the song is never give up because you never know what might come next.

fitzy12 said...

I think this song is saying to never give up and their is "no boundaries" to what you can do. And to do what you believe in

melissa said...

I agree with alexis.I think this song is about never giving up in yourself and also to believe in yourself.In addition i think this song also represents that there are no boundaries when you are trying to go for your goal.

erin said...

I think this song is about you can do anything you put your mind to. I think this because in the song it says "There are no boundaries". which to me means never stop untill your done

ballo18 : ) said...

i agree with everyone. i think this song is about never giving up until you suceed in what you are going to do.

I'm Joe King said...

Although I already responded to this post, I think what later posts are saying could be another point of view the song is talking about. The new addition to my understanding of the song is "never give up" as post by others before. Lyrics that suggest this to me are, "one good reason to fight and never walk away". they show that someone gave him a reason never give up and fight for what he wants and not try to forget about it.
earlier post:
I agree with earlier posts. The song title seems to be what the song is saying. Although unlike other posts I read I think the song is saying there is nothing to hold you back with no boundaries. The lyrics, "You can go higher
You can go deeper There are no boundaries Above and beneath you Break every rule" cause me to think this because I think he is saying he broke every boundary and now can go deeper, higher, etc...

I believe there could be many interpretation of the song that are valid because It is arguable as to what the true meaning is.

aidan greatness said...

I think that it shows to never give up on anything because you only got one shot. Allways give your best and never let down.

ChristaB said...

What i took from this song is that you should always follow your dreams, and through the journey there is going to be doubts and struggles. Like kris allen sings in his song,"What if my chances are already gone" is a perfect example of doubts. In a real life situation of this is in american idol. The contestants have to wait hours and hours just to get into their audition and they have to face fate. Through the waiting tons of things run through their minds, espically doubts. Also if the judges deny their hopes are crushed. This song was representing that we should always keep going after what we wants. Also this song uplifts me and the saying,"The sky is the limit" is no longer true from this song. :) Great songg!

Anonymous said...

another inspiring song

lil jon-get low

really makes u think twice about life

TRIPOD :D said...

i think it means do whatever you want to do dont let anyone stop you from your dreamm!!!

Dragon said...

i think it means dont stop beliving in yourself. It also means try your hardest in everything.

tbuckley said...

my interpretation from this song is that there are going to be 'bumps in the road' but dont let that stop you. i think that there are supposed to be tough patches in life because without them life would be easy. which is not challenging, therefore, you wont really achieve anything. if people stopped believing in them selves as soon as things get rough, no miracles would happen.