Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Replacement

submitted by Bailey - A lot of students read the book The Replacement for the book club discussion in October, but some students were unable to participate in the discussion itself. This is a place where students who have read or are reading the book to talk about or continue to discuss the book.


Kace said...

i was in book club but i like to discuss books when ever i can. in book club we picked this book to peices. i love the protagnist, Mackie, and how relatable he is, but this book has many flaws, it starts a plot line then stops. the book does this many times. then it didnt really devolp the ladies evilness until the end and then she died. the only part i liked about this book was the ability to relate to mackie and emma, how she was the the only charcter had the light and dark sides to her that a well devolped charchter should have.

lily said...

I was not able to make it to the book club, but I did enjoy reading the book. I think that Makie was very kind-hearted but was also kind of protective about his flaws. I think overall this was a great book.

Lian.D said...

I went to the book club, but may I say I HATED it. The plot was weak, the characters where lame and poorly developed. And that isn't even the worst part. The worst part is that I actually bought the book. Such a waste...

Anonymous said...

why did u buy it when u could have checked it out from the library

ZoZo V. said...

I have definitely read better books but for a first book, I thought it was ok... My favorite character was definitely Makie's sister because I think she was well developed. Thanks for posting this bailey! I did go to the book club but I always like the opportunity to talk about a book.

Nick Z said...

i did not read the book, and i would like to know if it is worth reading. So tell me if you think i should read it or not.

Maren said...

Yeah, I didnt get to go to the book club either. I cant remember specific details as to why I liked/did not like this book, but I do remember how I though the plot was neat. To me, it was far from any typical story line, and that kept me interested. As I read more and more books, ones that basically recycle the same plot start to bore me, so this was good as something new!

Bailey H said...

Lian- Why do you think this book is bad? Why was it poorly developed? I thought the characters were relatable and interesting. What could the author have done better?

RoryO. said...

I completely agree with Kace on how the plot was there and then it wasn't. It just seemed like there were tons of holes that could have been filled in to make it sooo much better. The only thing that was good, like Kace said, was that there were two very strong characters. My favorite one was Emma, Mackie's sister. She was definitely individual and loved her brother with all her heart. In answer to Nick Z.'s question, I'll just say that think that you could find a bit of a better book!!!

Nick Z said...

Okay, Thanks RoryO. That was very helpful and i will look for a better book to read.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the help captain obvious

caroline w said...

I was interested in reading this book. However, after reading the comments above I think I won't read it. I don't enjoy books that don't have a strong plot and according to others this one does not.