Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Student Submitted Blog Posts

Last year some of the best blog posts and discussions were centered around ideas from students. If you want to create a blog post for the Horvath Report all you need to do is write it down on a piece of paper and give it to me. I will post it here for you and it will count for your weekly blog submission plus some E.C.
Just remember, blog posts on The Horvath Report should be focused around literature, film, music, art etc and deal with interpreting etc. If you are looking for some ideas you can go through the blog archive from the past two years and see what some of the old posts were.


Sousa said...

Ok, I willl think of some ideas. I would like to see what other people blog about on my topic. I need that extra credit!

AnnaD. said...

I think this could be a really good thing for the discussion factor on our team. We could talk about all the things that we view as our opinions and then everyone willl give their opinions and it won't just be posting on a post so that they won't get an F on their comments, but they will actually be having fun with their comments. The only problem is thinking of an idea....oh well I'll start thinking. And like Nick said I need the extra credit!

caroline w said...

i completely agree with Anna. i also think that students will be more encouraged to and have more fun with blogging if the posts are chosen by us. a great topic to post about would be a recent movie and what you thought of it. this will interest pretty much everyone. for example, there could be a post about the movie "Inception". people can discuss the movie and share what they didn't understand. hopefully their questions will get answered by some one else.

George A said...

Yeah, like Sousa said it would be great to get extra credit, I could use it now, since I have a D. Also students will be more encouraged to use the blog and not just post for homework, like Caroline said. I need to think of an idea to post.

emilyfry. said...

I think it would be a good idea to let students contribute to blog posts too, because it would make it easier to thoroughly comment if it is written in the opinions or views of someone closer to our own age.

WILL said...

i agree with emily because with someone our own age we have a better understanding of their ideas

Abby said...

I think this would be a great way to eget extra credits, but I also think it would be fun to write about something that interests you, and our classmates that are our age.

Georginax82 said...

This is a really good way to get extrs credit and it would be fun to write a blog on here and see what other people think about it.

julie said...

i think this is a good idea beause we could get credit for it and then you wont have to do a blog that week.

Jocelyn said...

i agree with julie. but dont we get credit for the blog every week??

kami said...

I definetly agree with emilyfry, by having our classmates post things it's easier to relate, so it can lead to better discussions. It also gives the student who made up the posts/ discussions do get ideas from their classmates they wouldn't usually talk to in school.

Julia S said...

I think this is a great idea because people will have an easier time thinking of how to respond because we can relate to the topic better.

Brittany said...

I think that this is a good idea. It is a good way to express our opinions. I also agree with AnnaD. We won't only be doing the blog post to not get an F, but because we want to. We want to help others by answering their questions. Also the questions are interesting. I read maya's question and I thought that is was a good question. It made me think not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I also couldn't answer her question because I thought it was too confusing, but it was a good question.

Nick.F said...

I think that its a good idea have students help with creating becasue its coming from kids our age and makes it easy to respond to.

nygiants1 said...

i think this is a good way to use this blog because its fiven students a chance to talk about topics that we want to talk about. Plus we can get extra credit for it.

Rockelle V said...

sorry this is kind of off topic but I think it would be awesome to maybe try to come up with meanings from song lyrics or movies for a socratic circle one week, maybe different people can choose songs/lyrics and Mr. Horvath can pick which one would be an interesting one to talk about. Maybe that can get us more involved in socratic circles because we all like music right?

Joey Palermo said...

I think it would be good to get the extra credit and if you cant figure something out like maya you could see what people that you wouldnt usualy ask think

mike d said...

This would be a good way to get extra credit. It would be fun and you would get to see what other poeple think about your thoughts and posts.

julia h said...

I think Rockelle had a really good idea. We all listen to music, and that would be something good to dicuss and talk about, since we can all relate to it. Overall, i like how we can post our own ideas on the Horvath Report blog because you get to see the whole team's ideas. Also, you can get a few extra credit points. Since students can now post, we will have more options to write on instead on just Mr. Horvath's ideas.

dave said...

I think this is great because it allows others to ask questions and share there opinions on how they interpret literature. It is encouraging for me because I would receive extra credit and the blog post for the week. I wish to know if submitted post will count towards just one blog comment or if it counts for both that week.

Nick Z said...

i think this is a great idea. If some students start coming up with ideas for blog posts, then it could make the blog more interesting. And like
Caroline said it will probably encourage more kids to go on the blog and post more. Plus some extra credit isn't a bad thing!!

ZoZo V. said...

I really like the idea of posting something on this blog because it is great when you get feedback from your own peers! I like this for the same reason I love socratic circles, you could connect and talk to classmates. And like . . . . EVERYONE said; it's a great and EASY way of getting a little extra credit!!! C:

Devin L. said...

I think that being able to post our own blog posts is a great idea. I think that by having us post our thoughts that others will be able to connect and write more about the post. Also I think that this would make blogging more fun for people who don't like going to blog everyweek.

Joey m said...

I think this is good for fresh new ideas. I also think it will be cool to see comments on the blog post tat you created.

jenny said...

I think this is a good idea. Like a lot of people said, it could make people want to comment more because the topics are about something we might care about. Also, an easy way to get extra credit!

blogblogblog said...

This is a really good idea because the blog responses last year were way more interesting and this year they are always so boring. If people submit a lot of blog post it would be a lot easier to respond because there are more topics to pick from. Lastly, it is an easy way to get extra credit.

connorb said...

I think this is a great idea because it counts for your weekly blog and E.C. it also lets the students ask for advice or any questions that they need answered

Ted said...

I agree with everyone else that this is a very good idea. This will give extra credit to people like myself. Also people might have more motivation because that might care a little more about the topic. I would personally like to ask questions about movies and music that I don't understand as well as answer questions about things that I do understand. This is going to be great.

jess c. said...

is this now going to be the only posts on the horvath report? student posts?

Billy L. said...

I think this is a good idea because students can ask other students questions and we might enjoy the topic

Nicole Y. said...

I already commented on Maya's topic, and I have to say it was cool. I got to see everyone's opinion on that quote of that song. I think this is a good idea and I wish there were more posts from students up!

zSchulz said...

I like the idea of students posting thier own ideas on the blog. I think other sudents will be able to have more ideas and understand better when students post on the blog. This will be a good idea and should be used often.

Anonymous said...

I think that have students posting their own ideas is a good idea because I think that we will understand because we might like the topic so it would be intersting. I think that thid is a very good idea because we will be more interested in posting.

Anna M said...

This seems like a good idea except if students don't create their own blog and we already commented on every other topic, then are we allowed to comment on one again since there are no others to comment on?

Devin L. said...

I think Rockelle had a good idea with posting lyrics to songs other people choose and then have others post what they think the meaning is to those lyrics.

blogblogblog said...

I think more people need to give ideas to Mr. Horvath because there has not been anything to comment on lately. I'm going to try to find something for him o post to get extra credit and have things for us (the students) to talk about.

kami said...

I really like the idea of students doing blog posts because it may generate better discussions because some posts made by students may be easier for us to relate to. Also the fact that we get extra credit will be a good motive. It will be like a circle online.

Jackie V. said...

I think this is a really good idea, and it might have fewer blog posts because you might have to think about things further to have a discussion about them.

Rockelle V said...

since nobody is putting up their own blog posts i say that everybody should do at least one so like now we dont have alot of posts to comment on and their wont be over 30 posts for just one post.

Rockelle V said...

therefore everybody can get some extra credit and it benifits us all.

Andrew C. said...

I think Rockelle's idea is well thought out. I feel we will run out of posts and it will become difficult to write a comment every week.

AntA said...

i am working on writing a blog post right now ... i think its a great way to earn a little extra credit and to also see what your classmates think about what u write

Tyler S, said...

I like this idea beacuase I can never find a good post to comment on.

Devin L. said...

I think I might have an idea for a blog post, but I don't know if it's good. But my idea was that you have a post every week for the socratice circle story we have to read and then have like a question at then end that makes everyone really think and dig deeper into the text to find their opinion. But I don't know it's just a thought.

Colleen O said...

As a lot of people have said before, being able to come up with our own blog posts is an amazing idea! I will definitly try to think of some strong relatiable topics that everyone will enjoy.

Matt S said...

i think this is a great idea because we can relate to our own peers. i would also like to see what my friends want to talk about

mromes said...

I think this is a good idea, because I want to see what other people think about my ideas and topics.