Monday, October 3, 2011

Me Cheat? Never!!!!

Would you (or have you) ever lied about your grades?  Why or why not?  Remember to SEW it up!!!


Alex Z. said...

I would never lie about my grades because lying would get me into more trouble than just owning up to my grades. If I lied, my parents would take away my electronics, not let me make plans with my friends, and most importantly, I would lose their trust. These consequences are worse than telling them the truth. For example, I got a D+ on a recent test. I told my mom, and she said that it was okay as long as I tried my best. I would lose much more than I would gain by lying.

123abccomewithme said...

mabe, I would lie about my grades because sometimes kids lke me and including me are pressured to get good grades i know this because in an artical about cheating writen by says"According to Jacobs, research at this age shows that middle schoolers are motivated to cheat because of the emphasis placed on grades." this shows that kids cheat because of their grades because what if you were were pressured to get good grades and school wasn't your thing? I'm sure you would consiter cheating or mabe even cheat.

Anonymous said...

I would not lie about my grades because it could get you into trouble. It could get me into trouble because someone can find out that I had lied and they could confront me about it. For example, in the above comic the boys father is suspicious about him having a B in science and an A in math. You can tell because in the text the father says, "HMM.". Also the father shows in his face about how suspicious he is about his son lying about his own grades because the father is narrowing his eyes at his son. Also the blue marker over black isn't quite convincing and as a result the man can call the school and ask about his son, getting the boy in trouble. Therefore, that was only one example of how you can easily get in trouble for lying.

Man on the Moon said...

I think if I lied about my grades it would probably be a bad idea because it would get me into more trouble.This would get me more trouble because if I lie the consequences will be that I lose all privileges , contact with my brother and worst of all I would a have deeply cut our trust. This information I know because these were the consequences that my mother told me would happen if I ever did something like lie or anything else. So therefore If you lie about anything like your grades the consequences will be quiet bad physically such as privileges taken away and mentally because you feel bad about your actions.

Ryan said...

What am I supposed to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

G-MAN said...

I would never lie about my grades because 1. It is bad to lie and I never lie unless I need to & 2. Because I never have a grade worth lying about. If I ever lied about something I know that my parents would be extremely upset and would never trust me again. I would also lose what few privelages I have such as being able to go on the internet when I want to. Therefore, I would never lie on a test.

G-MAN said...

@123abccomewithme you shouldn't cheat or lie because it will only make things harder for you later in life. For example if you cheat then people will have expectations to high or you to meet and you will end up being embarassed. Also, it is not good to lie because it will end up being a burden on your concious and eventually it will gnaw on your insides or you will end up telling the truth later. Therefore, it is not good to lie because it will make thing harder for you later in life.

The Big RU said...

I would never lie about my grades because my parents would get really mad at me if I don't tell them the truth. I would get in a little trouble if I tell them and I would get in alot of trouble if they find out themselves. Also, my parents would not trust me anymore and also I would lose privelages like going on the internet or playing xbox. Therefore, I would about a test grade.

Logan S. said...

I would never lie about my grades to anyone because all of my grades are on power school and I would get in even more trouble if they found out that I lied about my grade.

I think that the boy changed his grade so that he wouldn't get in trouble. In the comic it shows that the grades are changed to better grades. The father will find out sooner or later and will get in even more trouble then before so he should have just told the truth.

The Big RU said...

@123abccomewithme your idea is not good because your parents will not trust you. When you get bigger there is going to be more challenges for youand if you don't tell your parents about your bad test grade then it's going to affect your life. Also, when your parents find out they would yell at you more than they would if you told them in the first place. Therefore, it is not good to lie because you will get in more trouble in the end.

Candy S. said...

I would never lie about my grades because my parents would find out eventually and I would lose their trust. Once I got an F on an assignment but I immediately told my mom and she helped me understand why I got that grade and she told me she understands and I will do better next time. However, if I didn't tell her and she wasn't prepared, she would get mad and ask me why I did so poorly and why she didn't know about it.
I think that not lying in the first place is a lot smarter than having to get in trouble later.

m&m16 said...

I agree with Alex Z. about lying will lose your parents trust. I know that if someone told me something and i found out it was a lie than next time I wouldn't know whether or not to believe them. if my parents found out I was lying than next time i was really telling the truth than they might not believe me.

m&m16 said...

I would never lie about my grade because then I would just get in trouble. If I ever tried to lie I wouldn't be able to get away with it and my parents could also find out on powerschool or my teacher could call them. Then they won't trust me as much and they would be mad. If I were to lie about my grades I would be punished.

Sarah G. said...

I would definitely lie about my grades because if my dad knew that i had a bad grade he would be so mad. About a week ago Mr. Horvath gave me an F on my SEW reflection for the shark fin article. When I told my dad about it he screamed at me for 2hrs. That night I went to bed so upset because I knew my dad was disappointed in me. Also, my parents dont cheak power school and as long as i have an A at the end of the marking period then he would never know. I know that lieing is a drastic measure but if it would save me from 2hrs of being lectured and the stress of my father, then drastic measures need to be taken.

Anonymous said...

I would never lie about my grades because my parents wouldn't trust me after that. If I lie about anything my parents will no longer trust me for a while and I will have to gain it back. So if I lie about my grades to my parents, my trust with them will be lost.

Sarah G. said...

@123abccomewithme i totally agree with your opinion on cheating because most parents make the impression that you have to be perfect to succeed in life. says, "As the pressure to get good grades and high test scores increases, so does the incidence of cheating". If parents just took the time to to say,"Not everyone is perfect and it's ok to make mistakes just try your best" there would be less pressure on kids and less cheating. Kids are ultimately just looking for their parents approval.

Man on the Moon said...

Sarah. G I do not agree with you because if lied my grades about the guilt of lying to someone and that being your parents I just couldn't take it and they would find out because they check power school anyways.This I know because they get a report of my grades every week and if I tried to lie I just wouldn't feel right because I can't just lie the guilt is worse and will stay with you but a two hour scolding is temporary. So this just proves that that honesty is the policy or at least in this case. So that it is why you should not lie about your grades because no matter what you will get a consequence if you lie that you grades are good when they are not whether it is you parents who punish you for the bad grade or the guilt but guilt will probably always be worse.

Panther said...

I would never ever lie about my grades. I wouldn't do that because if you sAy your smart and your really not, then people will probably believe you and giver you harder work. Also I would have the guilt of lying

Ali Moraveck said...

I have never, and will never lie about my grades, because I know it will always be worse for me in the long run. My mom always tells me, "If you are lying you will get in more trouble then if you tell the truth now." Lying leads to more and more lies. If someone catches you, you will be in way more trouble than to begin with. Therefore you should always tell the truth about grades. Although it might not seem like it in the beginning, it will help you overall.

Ali M. said...

Alex I agree with what you said because you are right, you should own up to your grades. As Alex said, you would loose your parents trust, which would be horrible. I can't imagine how it would be if my mom didn't trust me because I know she would never let me do anything. If I got a bad grade my mom would try and help me for next time, but if I lied, she would be very mad at me, and I would loose her trust.

Logan S. said...

Sarah why would you ever lie to your parents, they would be even more upset and angry if they found out that you lied to them. I hope that you know they can check power school to see what your grades are to so I don,t count on you lying to your parents.

Kayleigh F. said...

I have never and never will lie to my parents about my grades because we want to aviod punishment.On the website it says older children lie because they want to aviod punishment.

Kayleigh F. said...

Candy S. I agree with you becuase I would lose my parents trust to and when I got an F on a reflection for Mr.Horvath my mom was really mad but i told her why I got such a bad grade and she understood. Candy S. you are roght about losing trust because it happens to many people.

sethblog said...

@ Sarah G: I agree. If I had a bad grade, my mom would be so upset and disappointed in me so I would try to sneak it past her but she would eventually find out.

chupacabra said...

I would not lie about my grades because it would get my parents even more mad. The only reason anyone would lie about the grade would be to not get in trouble, but if your parents found out you cheated, it would make them evn more angry at you.I know this because my parents taught me not to lie and they said that if I did lie, they would be very mad. I have lied about my grades once before and when they found out, they grounded me for three weeks.

gleek17AV said...

I think that lying about grades is a very bad idea because I would get in much more trouble with my parents if I lied AND got a bad test grade. My parents say effort is everything. So, if I gave my best effort and still came out with a C, my parents would be proud of me that I tried hard. But if I attempted to cover up that C and make it an A, I would get in more trouble than it would be worth. Plus, my parents wouldn't trust me as much anymore. For example, in the comic the father looks very suspicious while the boy looks nervous. The boy probably knows his father is going to be watching him at his every move. No kid wants his parents following him everywhere and interrogating him! Therefore, when it comes to bad test grades it is better to confess soon and deal with the consequences as they are.

LittleMonster1028 said...

I would never lie about my grades because I would get in HUGE trouble. If I confessed to my mom that I got a bad grade, she would be disappointed in me, but she would know that I tried my hardest. If I lied and said that I got an A instead of an F on a test, it would end up backfiring. My mom would find out and I would get into a big amount of trouble. I would get in trouble for lying, not for my bad grade.

Language Arts Student said...

I would never lie about my grades because I feel that lying will get me more trouble rather than telling the truth.If i would lie about my grade with my parents i would lose there trust and they wouldn't get me the new iPod or whatever i always wanted.For example i got an 80 on a test they said it was fine as long as i did my hardest.I would rather have there trust than lie on one grade.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Man on The Moon, if you lie about your grades, you will get in trouble because lying is a bad thing to do. I know this because people who always lie are bad people and they will go to shell-s=... . So you should never lie or only bad things will happen to you.

gleek17AV said...

Ali Moraveck, I agree with you. My mother bsaically saya the same thing to me. I think lying will definately bite you back sometimes soon,and like you said, lying can become a habit quite easily. Telling the truth about your grades is very important because if someone catches you, you're defiantely in for it.

Language Arts Student said...

Alex Z, I agree with what you said because you are right, you should own up to your grades. As you said, you would loose your parents trust, which would be terrible. if i told the truth my parents would be find with it because they know i tried my best.After that they would help me study. So in the end i would never lie because its not going to help it only going to make it worse and if you have difficulty they will help you so you doing get a bad grade next time.

LittleMonster1028 said...

@Alex Z.
I agree with you because my parents would also give me a worse punishment for lying than getting a bad grade and telling the truth. They would also ground me and not trust me as much. If you lie, it will create a worse consequence than telling the truth.

Matt Winkler said...

I would never, ever lie about my grades. It is a terrible thing to do. Have you ever heard the expression, if you are in a hole, stop digging? This applies to this question because if you have gotten a bad grade(s) (if you are in a hole), and you keep trying to hide it, you are only making the situation worse because you have to sneak around to hide it, you feel awful. Also if your parents ever find out they will lose your trust, and trust is very hard to regain

Avacodo said...

I would never lie about my grades, because if I did the lie would get bigger and they would find out anyways when a conference came around. I know that would happen because it happens to many other people and it is a terrible thing to do. All it does is upset your parents, yourself, and if anyone else who does the same thing. This is true because it has happened to my friends, and other that I know. So, I would never lie because of the fact that it would just hurt yourself and others. You should never lie.
From, Avacodo

Ryan said...

@Logan S,
I agree that you shouldn't lie about your grades. I agree because they can look on power school to see my grades. If my mom checked power school, they would be very angry with me. Also, when I show them the report cards and the grades were lower than expected, they would know I lied.

Pandagirl! said...

I agree with Avacodo because if you lie it would just hurt yourself and your parents. Avacodo said, "All it does is upset your parents, yourself, and if anyone else who does the same thing." This is totally evidence that you hurt yourself and your parents when you lie. Lies come back around and hurt lots of peope!
From, Pandagirl!

LAnguage Arts Student said...

DON'T USE YOUR REAL NAMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whencupcakesattack said...

I would never lie about my grades. It will just hurt yourself and others. If you were to get an F, for example, and you felt bad, it doesn't mean that you should lie and/or change the grade as well as you can (trying to write in a better grade). You should try to improve and work better in classes. I also think that one day, your parents will figure out that you have been lying. In the comic, you can tell that the man has already caught onto the boy and with just the look in the mans face, you can tell he is angry and suspicious. If you lie about something as important as your grades, you can get in a lot of trouble so I would never lie about them.

Devon S. said...

@Sarah G.
Although you might get yelled at for having bad grades, it's better to tell the truth about your grades because he'll be angrier if he finds out you lied to him. If you tell him you are doing good the whole semester and then you end up with a C or D on your report card then he is going to ask you why you have a C or D! When he asks you why your grades were so low you are going to have to tell him about all of the grades you had that weren't very good. Then he is going to be angrier when you tell him about all of your bad grades at once and he's going to be even angrier since you lied to him. If you tell him the truth then you will only have to be yelled at a few times and he wouldn't be so angry if you came home with a bad report card.

whencupcakesattack said...

@Kayleigh F I agree with you. Older children are afraid of getting in trouble with their parents for getting bad grades and the last thing they want is to be punished for them, so therefore, they lie about their grades.

Devon S. said...

I have never lied about my grades and I wouldn't because I would just get into more trouble when my parents found out. My dad would be angry with me if I got horrible grades, but he would be angrier if I lied and told him I had good grades. Anyway my parents could find out when they use powerschool! My dad despises when people lie so he would be less angry if I got bad grades and told him the truth then if I lied and had him find out some other way.

Muffin Man 101 said...

I would never cheat or lie about my grades because if you do that then you will only be cheating your self. Your grades effect you so any damage that could be done has been done just by you knowing about your grade. If you grades effect you then by lying you will be cheating yourself.

lacross2 said...

I agree with littlemonster1028. I agree that its better to tell the truth and have your parents be dissapointed then lie and get in trouble. If you lie thenyour parents will think they can't trust you, but if you tell the truth they will know you tryed your hardest. Its better to have your parents know you tryed hard then not be able to trust you.

lacross2 said...

I would never lie about my grades, because everything from there would be bad. I would get in trouble by my parents and they would never trust me after that. I rather face the consequences then have my parents not trust me. So I would never lie about my grades because I wouldn't want to get in trouble.

Emerson18 said...

It is a bad idea to lie about your grades because when yoru parents found out you lied, you will get in even more trouble. The boy changed his grades from a D to a B and a F to an A. If I did that, I would be in so much trouble. However, one time when I got a D on a paper, my mom said it was ok because I tried. This proves if you lie about your grade you will get in more trouble, and if you don't lie, maybe you won't get in trouble. Plus, lying about your grades won't make your grades better.

lacross2 said...

I would never lie about my grades, because everything from there would be bad. I would get in trouble by my parents and they would never trust me after that. I rather face the consequences then have my parents not trust me. So I would never lie about my grades because I wouldn't want to get in trouble.

Emerson18 said...

@Candy S I would not want to lose my parents trust because they would check everything I do. If I lied about a grade and they found out, they would always be making sure I was not lying. For example, if I was on the computer doing homework, my parents might think I'm doing something different like watching videos when I'm actually doing homework. They would always checking on me which would be annoying. If I was always checked on I would not like it, so I would make sure not to lose my parent's trust by lying to them about a grade.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't lie to my parents about my grades because my parents would find out sooner or later. If my parents find out about a bad grade without me telling them, there would be bigger punishments and I would be in more trouble. For example, when I got an F for the SEW statements for Mr. Horvath, I told my parents and I didn't get into much trouble. If I lie to my parents, I would also lose their trust. That's why I wouldn't lie to my parents.

!DANCE! said...

I would never lie about my grades because it would just get me in to more and more trouble. Some parents get very mad if their child does not do well in school and kids lie so that they would not get in trouble but, what I have observed is that when it comes to lying trying not to get in trouble gets you in trouble. It would get me into more and more trouble because if my parents look online of see my progress report/report card then they would find out that I was lying. For example in the comic it looks like the boy looks up to his father and the father has a guilty and a "not knowing what to say" face. This clearly proves that it is not good to lie about your grades.

Unknown said...

@Sarah G.
I don't think that you are right because your parents can find out that you are lying at a parent/teacher conference. They can also tell by looking at your report card because it will be hard to pull you grade up to an A. When they find out you might get an even longer lecture by your dad and you will be in more trouble for the bad grade and for lying. You would also lose their trust. If you don't tell your parents, they won't trust you again. You will have a harder time to get to sleep each night until they find out about your bad grade. My dad says that people that lie will always get caught sometime. If your parents don't trust you, they will check up on you whenever you start doing something. That would be annoying. So you're better off telling your parents that you got a bad grade in the beginning than face the later consequences.

!DANCE! said...

@Devon S.- I highly agree with your statement about how you believe that lying about your grades is not good because Like you said if you lie you would get into more trouble than if you don't lie. My parents also would check on powerschool and see if I lie and they would not be happy about it either. Lying to not get yourself in trouble gets you in trouble. I agree with you.

u don't know me said...

I have lied to my parents before about my grades.I did this because I wanted to avoid the converstaions my parents start about getting good grades. This is because sometimes I feel alot of pressure on me to get good grades.

chocoholicdancer13 said...

I would never lie or have never lied about my grades because I can get in trouble for not telling the truth and my parents would get not trust me. If you have ever heard the saying "Honesty is the best policy." you would understand that say I got a C on a test and I told my parents, they wouldn't be as angry if I lied about getting an A when actually I received a C. If I lied about my grade, they would be disappointed with me where if I told them the truth, they would still trust me.

chocoholicdancer13 said...

@gleekAV17 I agree with you because even if you put the most effort in you can and don't come out victorious, you still tried and will not be in as much trouble if you lied about getting a better grade. Also, like you said, you can lose trust with your parents and it is very hard to regain.

Janelle Herrera said...

i would have not lied about it.I think its not a good idea.Once i tryed doing it when i was smaller and i got into alot of trouble.You shouldent lie anyways its bad and you loes trust with who you lied to.

AnnaDance2485 said...

I would never lie about my grade because I wouldn't gain anything from it. For example, I once tried to cover up my C on ym test, and good things didn't come out of it. My mom said that she would have perferred me to tell the truth than lie. I could loose things and loose their trust. I would loose more than gain more.

AnnaDance2485 said...

Alex Z. said....
I would never lie about my grades because lying would get me into more trouble than just owning up to my grades. I agree because even though the outcome of a bad grade is not the best feeling, the outcome of lying isn't any better.

Ryan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nate said...

This comic is funny because the kid changed his D to a B and his F into an A. I know this because in the comic is showed that he turend this D to a B and this F to an A. The comic shows that he got a D in science and a F in math and them he changed them.

Ryan said...

yes i have lied once about my grades but not any more. I did it because I got a bad grade at the beginning of the school year.

Ryan said...

I think the kid in the comic needs to study harder and I think the dad being sarcastic is what makes it funny

Peter P said...

I would never lie about my grades because it would only get me into more trouble. I earned the grade and if it was a bad one, it would be my fault, no one else's. The dad in the story is suspicious because the son used a blue marker to change a D to a B and an F to an A. The son wasn't telling his dad about his grades and when his dad finds out, the son will get into more trouble than when he would by just showing them to his dad. Therefore, I don't lie about my grades because I would get into more trouble.

Peter P said...

@Janelle Herrera
I don't think lying about your grades is good either beacause I tried to lie about my grades when I was little. When my parents found out about it, they got even more mad then when I told them the truth. For example you said,"Once I tried doing it when I was smaller and I got into alot of trouble." That happened to me too. If you lie to your parents about your grades, then you will get into more trouble than if you told them the truth.

Soccer #43 said...

I would lie about my grades because, i want to learn more. Being honist is important if you want to succceed. If you choose to lie about a bad grade, you will never improve. My teacher would not be able to help me, if they do not know how well i did or how poorly i did. This is why i would not lie about my grades.

Evan F said...

I would never lie about my grades because I get good grades and I would only get in more trouble. Lying is not a good thing because it gets you in trouble and doesn't help you very much and even if it did it would only be for until the other person foundout. I don't think lying would ever even help me so I don't Think I would Do it in thish situation.

Anonymous said...

I have never lied about my grades,
if I had ever have lied about them my parents would be truly disappointed.
I know this because my parents want to help me as much as they can so I can succeed in life.They are very helpful and would never want me to do that for my own sake

Evan F said...

Logan S. I agree with you Sarah should not lie because it will only get you in more trouble and isn't even that helpful.

Rovert said...

I would never lie about my grades because 1 lieing is not the right thing to do and 2 I would not lie because if my parents found out then I would get in even more trouble then if I had told the truth in the first place.

Rovert said...

I would never lie about my grades because 1 lieing is not the right thing to do and 2 I would not lie because if my parents found out then I would get in even more trouble then if I had told the truth in the first place.

chris g said...

Iwould not lie because if i did i would get in bigger trouble than if i just showed my original grade.
I also wouldent lie because it would be horrible to know that you lied to a parent about a grade. Plus i would get in trouble if i did lie so i wouldnt. This is why i wouldent lie

Soccer #43 said...

Anna said....
Your loosing more than your gaining. I agree with this
because, when you lie about your grades it does not help
you at all. This why i think you should never lie about your grades

Rovert said...

I agree with you Peter p you are right if you lie about your grades then you will get in so much more trouble.

Rovert said...

I agree with you Peter p you are right if you lie about your grades then you will get in so much more trouble.

chris g said...

i agree with jannell that you should not lie because i also tried when i was younger but i did not write on my report card but he is still right about not lieying

Kibble said...

I have never lied about my grades to my parents before, and I don't plan on lieing about them any time soon, because if I ever get a bad grade on something, then, yes my parents will be disapointed in me, but if I lie to them they would be even more disapointed in me, and I would be disappointed in myself as well. My parents would understand eventually, after all they were kids too. And I know they wouldn't be disapointed in me forever. Plus, it's just not worth lying over. And if I ever lied the guilt would never go away for me, I would costantly be thinking about the terrible thing I did, and be beating myself up even more for lying, then about getting the bad grade. One time I lied when I was little and it only took me about five minutes to tell the truth, and apologize to my parents. Also in the comic the kid looks a little nervous making it more obvious for his father to tell he is lieing. Wouldn't it be that way for any other kid as well? I know when I was little and I lied my parents already knew I was lying from the look on my face. For those reasons alone I would never lie about my grades.

Ryan T. said...

I would not and have not lied about my grades. If I lied about my grades, my Mom would kill me! This is because my Mom is a teacher and takes school very seriously. Also, if she found out that I lied, she would punish me terribly. Mom is always telling me that I should do my best and tell the truth no matter what happens. I know that one lie will need to another and my Mom is very good at determining a lie. Therefore, since my Mom would be very disappointed if I lied about my grades, I would never do this.

Ryan T. said...

@Alex Z.
I agree. I would never lie about my grades because I would get all of the punishments that you got too.I would be very upset if I lost my privaleges. That is why agree with you Alex Z.

Kibble said...

Ali Moraveck said "lying leads to more and more lies." Well I completely agree with that statement because some people think nothing of it when they lie about something like grades. So when they get bad grades perhaps they think that they can cover it up so they won't be letting others down. But by saying they got a good grade when they didn't then leads to their parents praising them. Which then in certain situations can lead to a parent saying "aren't you proud of yourself?" or maybe "my child got all A's" lieing even more. So really when you lie you are just digging a hole which gets deeper and deeper as time goes on.

marktex5025 said...

I wouldn't lie about my grades! This is because my parents, more of my mom, would be really dissapointed when she found out, because trust me, she'd find out. One time I did lie about my grade. My mom got really mad and gave me consequences. Therefore, I will not lie again about my grades because I know I will get in trouble.

marktex5025 said...

@Sarah G.
I don't think it's the best idea to lie to your parents. I'm sure that if you talked to them, they would feel bad they're making you feel this way. I think that you should tell them if you get a bad grade, and if one of them starts yelling at you, you can tell them how you feel when you tell them the truth.

Kurtisery Chicken said...

No I have never lied about my grades.I was always afraid that my mom or dad would find out...

kurtisey Chicken said...

i don't think its a good idea to lie about grades because you will always feel the guilt. also they could find out and your conciseness could be even worse if you had good grades.

u don't know me said...

@Rian T.
It sounds like your mom is the only person your're afraid of being reprimanded from. I say this because you say that your mom would punish you terribly if you lied about your grades. For example, you also said that your mom would kill you if she found out you lied about your grades.

Anonymous said...

I would never lie about not doing homework because if the teacher found out he/she could take points off the final grade. The teacher could easily go onto PowerSchool and press a couple buttons and all the sudden your grades decreased even more. Therefore if the teacher found out that you were lying about doing homework. Your grade will decrease.

Avacodo said...

@Sarah G.
I don't agree that you should lie to your dad about your grades, that's a terrible idea.(no offence)It's a bad idea because when you lie it just makes others more disappointed at you. Ever since I was little whenever I lied, I was eventually caught and got in bigger trouble. This has happened many times to me, and I know it has happened to others and you before. So I think that not lieing will still get your dad mad, but telling the truth and saying you'll do better is better than lieing.
Therefore, since not lieing gets you in less trouble, you should not lie.
From, Avacodo

NYRangers#1Fan said...

@Sarah G.
Let me be the first to say this but...
I agree with you because as long as your grade is good at the end of the marking period, the grades in between don't matter. In her post she said,"Also, my parents don't check power school and as long as i have an A at the end of the marking period then he would never know." Personally I would tell them my bad grade, but the one grade is not that bad if you have 5 or 6 other great grades to average it out. Therefore if you can bring up your grade, I agree that the one bad test would not make a difference.

pandanut12 said...

I would never lie about my grades or in general because your consequences are doubled if you lie (not to mention that it's not right!). I know this because I once lied about homework and I got TV taken away for the night and large amount of chewing-out from my dad. I DID NOT like it, so that is why I would try to never lie about anything regarding school, home or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

If I were to lie about homework or a project, I would get my xbox privliges taken away and I would not be allowed to hang out with my friends.I have lied about my homework before when I was little and my parents got really mad and talked to me about lying. Needless to say, my parents were very mad at me and i was mad at myself for lying about it.

JMM126 said...

i lied when i told my mom saying i got an 80, but it was a 65 because i forgot to study. i didnt want her getting mad at me because she was in a bad mood. she was in a bad mood because of my sister and i didnt want to add on to the pile.

DanceTilYouDie said...

@Sarah G
I do not agree with you at all because i know i will get a super long lecture from my parents about lying when they found out. I know this because when my parents even think i lied they give me a really long lecture on it. also because my parents take my grades seriously and hate when i joke about them. That's why i would never lie about anything.

JMM126 said...

@Alex Z

I agree with your theory. I have been in trouble for lying acouple times. I have learned though, I 100% agree with your comment. Good Job!

JMM126 said...

@Alex Z
You did a really good SEW statement! I agree with you 100% because lying just got me in more trouble than ever. Like when I lied about my grade, this was before my Mom knew about power school. I told her i had an A+ but i had a B+. I didnt feel good about it, but I got my punishment. So I don't feel that guilty anymore.

DanceTilYouDie said...

I would never lie about my grades because it gets you absolutely nowhere. it might help you stay out of trouble for a while. but in the long run you can get into some serious trouble. it can also make you feel really guilty about it. that's why i would NEVER LIE

Sir Awesome said...

I wouldn't lie about a grade because that would just get me in so much more trouble than I would already be in. For example, if I got a D and I lied, then my parents wouldn't trust me very much for a long time. I may also lose the ability to play video games for a while. This would prevent me from lying because I really don't want these things to happen to me.

Sir Awesome said...

I agree with your statement because lying does get you nowhere. If you lie, it's just delaying the inevitable. Somebody is bound to find out eventually and the longer that takes, the more trouble you'll be in when somebody finds out. That is why I think it is useless to lie.

pandanut12 said...

Sarah G., in my oppinion, should not lie because if she lies and her parents find out, then she will probably get into even more trouble than if she just told them. This is because from my past experiences, I know that it is better to tell them straight than lie. For example, I once lied to my teacher about something and that is probably one of the reasons I got detention. It was a really bad scene, and it could happen again if I lied, so that is why I wouldn't, if I were her. P.S.: wouldn't her dad be more dissapointed if she was caught than if it were normal?

pandanut12 said...

@Sarah G.
In my oppinion, you should not lie because if you lie and your parents find out, then you will probably get into even more trouble than if you just told them. This is because from my past experiences, I know that it is better to tell them straight than lie. For example, I once lied to my teacher about something and that is probably one of the reasons I got detention. It was a really bad scene, and it could happen again if I lied, so that is why I wouldn't, if I were you. P.S.: wouldn't your dad be more dissapointed if she was caught than if it were normal? (disreguard former comment; I forgot @!)

maia said...

I would not lie about my grades. this is so bcause if my parents found out i would be embarassed about my bad grades and be in trouble. Also i would just feel bad about tricking them. the father in this comic is very naive because he believed that his son got the grades he didn't (and there was blue pen on it)

languagearts1 said...

I wouldnt ever lie about my grades because adventually my parents would find out and it would be even worse. It would be better to show them and tell them you don't understand it, so they could help you or get someone else to help you. I have lied about my grades before and my parents found out because when they saw my progress report they saw I had a lower average than I did before.They went on powerschool and saw that I had gotten a bad grade. It went downhill from there.

languagearts1 said...

@Alex Z. I agree with you becuase your parents will find out anyway. Like you said you showed your mom a test that you got back and your mom said it was ok as long as you triend your best. If everyone does that and doesn't lie about their grades it would make their life a lot easier

hi said...

Yes, i have lied about my grades to people because i was embarresed to tell them the truth. For example, i would say and A instead of a B. i would never change my F to an A. In the text it says,"Hmm... When i was a kid,i got a B in science and an A in math too..." I wouldn't make that much of a difference going from an F to an A.

hi said...

gleek17AV- I totally agree with you! My parents say the same thing! If i covered up a C too, i would also get in more trouble.

Anonymous said...

I agree with sir awesome's first response because my parents also would punish me by taking the things I like away from me. I know this because it teaches you to face the consequences of your actions and tell the truth. It helps you learn your lesson because if you do not like living with out the thing they took away from you than you would remember next time not to lie.

Hayley M. said...

I would not lie about my grades because if I got caught I would lose my parents trust. If I got caught for lying they would be upset that I lied to them and then their trust in me would fall. Once I failed a math project and i told my dad about it. He told me he was glad I told him the truth and that he would help me out if I needed some help. But one other time, I didn't tell my mom about a C I got and she was very upset that I kept it from her. When I tell my parents the truth they are happy and willing to help. When I don't they get highly frustrated with me.

Hayley M. said...

@Sarah G
Oh Sarah. I disagree with the lying part. I wouldn't necessarily lie to them, I just wouldn't bring it up in the conversation. Say you got a C- on an assignment and you didn't have to get it signed, instead of bringing it up in conversation and saying you did well, just don't bring it up! Lying is bad, but is it lying if you don't bring it up? Or is it just saying what you want to be heard. Focus on the good, not the bad. Predict the future, don't dwell on the past. Life is full of mistakes, and we all make them (EVEN HORVATH!). But we can't focus on the mistakes we've made or loved ones have made. We have to forgive and forget. So you got one bad grade? That's not going to determine your future so why dwell upon it?

Isabelle G. said...

@Alex Z.
I totally agree with you becuase the same thing would happen to me if I got lied about my grade. Like you, I didn't do so good on a test. When I told my parents they said they loved my the same if I got a B or D. But if I lied to them I would be grounded and more importantly lose there trust and that is much harder to build back up then a grade average.

Erin said...

I would never lie about my grades because if I did, there would be consequences. My parents have always taught me to tell the truth; lying is never the answer. For example, let’s say I didn’t do too great on a quiz, and failed it. Then if I lied about it to my parents and they found out, they would most likely take away my phone. Or they probably will not let me go anywhere with my friends for a week besides sports and school. I would feel so guilty, get in trouble for failing the quiz, and get in even more trouble for lying about failing my quiz. I would never lie about my grades.

Alex Z. said...

@123abccomewithme I disagree with you. I don't believe that cheating is the answer. Kids have become more comfortable with it because it is more common nowadays. According to, 80% of "high-achieving" high school students admit to cheating, 51% of high school students did not believe cheating was wrong, and 95% of cheating high school students said that they had not been detected. These studies prove that cheating has become a normal thing for many teens. Cheating is not the answer just because it's so popular. It should not be done.

Grace S. said...

I would never nor have lied about my grades, because first off, it would just get me into trouble and my parents would lose trust in me. For example, if they found out I had a D in one subject when I had lied and told them I had an A, they would probably punish me by not letting me see my friends, and taking away my phone. This would probably make me feel like I shouldn't ever lie again, because seeing my friends and using my phone are things that I like to do.

Erin said...

I agree with you @Alex Z, you should own up to your grades because I would also get in trouble. I know that I would have the same consequences, they would take away my electronics, not let me make plans with my friends, and I would lose their trust. These would all be terrible, especially losing my parents’ trust. Usually, if I got a bad grade and told my parents, they would help me. Although, if I lied, I would get privileges taken away, most likely wouldn’t get the opportunities of my parents helping me, and more important, having them trust me.

JVG412 said...

I wouldn't lie about my grades. It would get me in more trouble than just coming clean. For example, i failed a quiz once. I came clean to my parents and they understood but told me to try harder next time. So I told them and everything was ok, so that's why i would never lie about my grades.

Soccerisyourgame13 said...

I think this funny because the grades in the speech bubble.Evidence to show this is that in the speech bubble the D was turned to a B and an F turned into an A.

Cav98 said...

I would never lie about grades because my parents would find out and be madder than if i had never lied. For example one time i lied about having lunch detection and after about a week my parents found out and i was ground not for the detention but for lying. This means that lying about what you did is usually worse than what you did wrong in the first place. That is why lying about grades is never good.

Cav98 said...

I agree with man on the moon that the worst part of lying is you losing the trust of the person you lied to because they wouldn`t be able trust you again. For example once I lied about finishing homework. When my parents found out, they could not trust me anymore. They had to check my agenda every night from then on. Trust is a very important and as you can see and it a very bad thing to loss.

TheBigFish said...

I have never lied about my grades, and i don't plan on anytime soon. i have never lied about my grades because my parents would not trust me, and also i have never gotten a bad grade to lie about. I think this shows why i haven't lied about my grades because if you get good (or even decent) grades, you would not need to lie.

TheBigFish2 said...

I agree with cav98 because a similar situation has happened with me. The consequence of lying is usually worse than the original consequence would have been. I think this also, because when you lie, you lose the trust of the other person, and that can be hard to regain.

Kevin O said...

I would never cheat. For a couple reasons, one because i would get in more trouble for lying, my parents would look on power school, and it's not good to lie.It's not good to lie because you will lose someones trust. It will be hard for them to trust you.
But I did lie once, when i was younger. I got in a lot more trouble for lying. I should have just told the truth. Plus I should have took the original consequence.

Anirbas said...

I wouldn't lie about my grades. If I lied, I would only get in more trouble. In the past, if I tried to lie about anything school related, I would be punnished siverely. I don't want to lie because I don't want to be punnished.

Anirbas said...

I agree with Peter P, who said that you earned the grade you get, and it is yours to be responsible for, not someone elses. It isn't right to lie, and try to blame it on someone else, because it will only get you into serious trouble later on. Serious trouble is no fun, so nobody should lie about grades.

Matt M said...

I agree with "The Big Fish" I have never lied about my grades ever in my life I do not intend on doing it now because if I did like "The Big Fish" I would lose my parents trust and they would never trust me anymore. So I would rathe get a F instead of lose my parents trust so I 110% agree with "The Big Fish"

Gabby P said...

i would never lie about my grades no matter how much my parents get mad at me. i know that ling is the wrong way to act especially when is comes to when you need help. when you struggle with something you should not face it alone u should have an adult.

Gabby P said...

you are right maia because if your parents found out about your poor grades on power school you would get in more trouble than you were before. you may be able to consider a tutor until you reach your goal and see if you can keep your grade up by yourself.

Brian C said...

I haven't lied about my grades in the past because I know that my parents would find out and then I would be in trouble. I had tried to lie about homework in 5th grade, but I didn't get away with it. My parents used Power School to check, and after I was in even more trouble.

Kurtisery Chicken said...

I wouldn't want to lie about my grades because I'm that kind of person that really feels the intensity of the guilt.

Panther said...

I would never lie about my grades because if my parents found out, they would get mad at me. Also people would call me a liar and that's not true. I don't know anyone who would do that.

Demon under your bed said...

I would not lie about my grades because when your parents find out you get in more trouble than if you told the truth.

Anonymous said...

I would never lie about my grades because it would probably get me into more trouble. In the comic, the boy, probably the son of the man, changes his grades. I would not do that because I had an experience in a class a while back. A student changed their grade and the teacher called their parents, gave them a zero for the semester, and they ended up failing the class. I would never change my grade.

Anonymous said...


I feel the exact same way as you! You said the you are the kind of person who feels the intensity of the guilt. I feel that the littlest thing that I do wrong has to be admitted and fixed. I absolutely hate that feeling, but I guess it is a good quality in some way. I always feel guilty for anything that I do wrong, so changed a grade would literally kill me!

P.S. Nice username :)

DR Bubblesquash said...

@Kurtisery Chicken, I'm with you. If I lied about my grades, I would wonder 'what if...?'

Anonymous said...

I would never lie about my grades because of the consequences for doing so. My parents would probably ground me for the whole marking period, and that would be really boring. I wouldn't be able to play any games, and none of my friends could come over. I would be plain old miserable.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about the fact that cheating will get you an even worse grade than before. Some people will try to change their grades, but the teachers can use a grade book. Then your parents are notified and you get into big trouble.

asdfg said...

you should't lie about you grades becuase it will come back later and hurt you

Jessica T. said...

No i haven't lied to get a good grade. I know this because when i was little i knew that if you lie for a grade you can get a lower grade for lying about the grade in the first place. this is important because when you get older you are going to need these good grades but do not lie about them

alcatrazjail said...

I would not lie about my grade's because I would get in a lot of trouble. Changing my grade from an F to and A would probably get me grounded because I did not tell the truth. Everyone says if you tell the truth you won't get into trouble.

alcatrazjail said...

@Jessica T. I agree with what you said because the teacher can lower it even more from the original bad grade. If you got an 75% F and changed it to an A and she would probably change the 75% to 0%. That is even worse for your overall average.

singdancelive said...

@alcatrazjail i kind of agree with you. if you get an F and then tell the truth, you won't get in as much trouble as changing it to and A. you would still get in trouble for getting the bad grade because it is your fault.