Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Ashleys

(submitted by student) In my book, The Ashleys, a girl named Lauren wants to get into a popular clique (The Ashleys). Lauren tries everything to be included in their group, including hiding her personality etc. Have you ever lied about who you are to be accepted by a group?


MOLLY(: said...

personally i have never lied to get into any group. i think that you should always be yourself. i also believe that more people will like you if you are yourself. if i was in lauren's postion i wouldn't change to fit in the group.

Liam said...

I have never done such a thing and I do not plan on it. If you need to be different than you naturally are to be accepted into a clique, then I don't think it's a group worth joining. Being true to yourself and having your own identity defines a person, and is very important.

xosuexo12 said...

i have never lied about who i am to be accepted into a group. i agree with molly you should be yourself.

Claire :) said...

I have never lied about who I am before. Like Molly, I believe that people should be themselves and not pretend to be someone else. People should learn to love each other the way they are!

cstrachan said...

I have personaly never lied before as claire:) said to respond to molly you should always be yourself. If these people actualy like you they will like you just the way you are. I would rather have a complete spaz who is themself as a friend rather than a drone that does whatever i say and tag along with everything i do.

Tommy Killoy said...

i agree with strachan i wouldnt want a drone following me and i wouldnt lie about my personality. id rather be in a group that excepts me for who i am instead of who im pretending to be.

meghannnn! said...

i have never lied to anyone to get accepeted into a group because, personally, i think that being yourself is always key. i think that if Lauren really had self respect and wasn't a follower, she would be her true self and want people to like her for who she is and not something she isn't. if i was in her place, i wouldnt be afraid to show who i really am and i would stick to the people who truely love me.

mae-neko said...

no, i havent and i never will. if they dont like you for who you are then you dont need them. when you lie about who you are, your lying to yourself.

Sarah said...

I think that everybody lies about who they are regarding to who they're with. For exapmle, girls way makeup or dye their hair in order to look prettier than they truly are. The song "Demons" by Guster shows this exactly. Saying how the world is made up of people who lie either to protect themselves or to be accepted. At one point in the song is says, "Cause it’s easier sometimes
Not to be sincere
Somehow I make you believe
Believe" meaning that it's easier to just be someone who your not, not revealing your true person

ChristaB said...

I agree with Sarah... everyone lies once in a while, and we can't deny it. I have lied to be accepted with my neighbors. Of course with millions of other people who have lied before, karma came. I will only be myself for now on, because more people will accept me as, well me. A connection of this is, is in the movie "Camp Rock" Demi lies about who she is to make a famous singer like her. At the end of the movie, everyone finds out who she really is and hates her for lying. She then creates a song to sing at a competition to prove she is sorry and to show everyone who she really is. "This is real. This is me. I am exactly where I'm supposed to be now." This is an example of this blog post because she pretends to be someone she's not, and karma comes and bits her in the but.

SHorvath said...

I am with Sarah and ChristaB on this one...think before you write that you never lie to impress people or fit in...even a little white lie, "I like your hair today" is a lie if you don't mean it.

StrawberryBria said...

I agree with the last three comments. Everyone has lied in their life to fit in to some sort of group. either it be "I love this and that" or "you look really nice today" its gonna catch up to you and people will find out that you lied.
skip to 35 seconds in. this is a perfect example.

Marissa said...

i agree with everybody. i have never lied or tried to change my personality to be accepted into a certain group. i think that you should always be yourself and never lie because it will eventually blow up in you face and noone will ever believe you anymore so you should be your self and let people accept you for who you are.

Lidia said...

I have lied about my personality because I wanted to be accepted into a group. I pretended to care about superficial things and agree with the people who were in this group about their oppinions on stupid topics when internally, I was making fun of them. Eventually, my true personality and sense of selfworth overpowered my need to be accepted by these annoying people and I expressed these feelings. These people did not appreciate my witty sarcasm and our friendship did not work out.I learned my lesson and to this day, I am true to myself!