Friday, April 1, 2011

April Book of the Month Picks

Mrs. Lever's Picks:
My Most Excellent Year by Steve Kluger
The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt

Mr. Horvath's Picks:
White Fang by Jack London
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett

Parter Pick:
The Uninvited by Tim Wynne-Jones

JHS Book Club Pick:
Undiscovered Country by Lin Enger

Classic Picks:
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Author to Know
Agatha Christie

Celebrity Pick


jenny said...

I read Undiscovered Country last marking period and it was really because it had excellent discriptions. I could picture the main character's discussions with his dead father. Since it had good discriptions, I was interested the entire time and I wanted to read it.

joey said...

My book club book for mystery is by Agatha Christie. It seems like a great book write by a great author. On the back of the book it says her books are only out read by the Bible and Shakespeare. I’m looking forward to read it.

Blogblogblog said...

I would like to read wendsday wars because I have heard many people say it was good. When people my age say a book is good I usaualy think it's good to because I do not dislike many books so most likely I would like it too. Also because it's a book of the month it obviously means it's good because it was sellected from thousands of other books. Therefore, since many people say wednesday wars is a good book I would like to read it because I will most likely like it too.

Kace said...

I just finished My Most Excellent Year, and it was postivly awsome. It was endearing and funny and I couldn't stop reading it. I loved Augie, he was so catty and prim.
I also loved how it was set up. You only got info you needed, there was no exstrenous about the weather. All the info was from their diaries and emails/texts/im's, so it was all their actual thoughts or words.

And I read Undiscovered Country in the second marking period (of course) and I absolutley abhored it. I love the basic concept, which is a jump from Hamlet, but there was so much detail that it put you to sleep. I didn't need three paragraphs about the tree, or the girl, or about you isane guilt. But if you like a book with lots of descriptions and a slow pace, thats what Undiscovered contry is.

Abby said...

I will probably choose to read My Most Excellent Year because the storyline seems unique and funny. By the way Horvath explanied the book, it seemed like one many people would enjoy, especially if they enjoy books with lots of humor.I think this will defineatly be a well written book, that it is worth while reading. Therefore, for my April book of the month, I will choose to read My Most Excellent Year.

mromes said...

I just finished "Hamlet." This book was a great book because of Prince Hamlet himself. He is an excellent, dynamic character. For Example, when he goes out to see his fathers ghost and follows it into the woods without asking any questions. This was a great scene that made me have to read on to find out what happened next. Therefore, Prince Hamlet makes the book excellent.

Kristen Liburdi said...

I love scary books and I would like to get some extra credit and I have found the perfect book. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. For anyone else that is looking for a scary and creepy book, Ihave heard that that book is! I cannot wait until I start to read it!

lily said...

I want to read White Fang by Jack London because it will make T2T Connections easier in the Call of the Wild essay we have to write. The two books are very similar because White Fang is also about dogs who live in the wild and will probably go through similar tasks that the dogs from The Call of the Wild. Therefore, this would make connections easier because the books have the same story outline.

Billy P said...

I would like to read "white fang" by Jack London. I say this because I read a Jack London book called,"Call of the wild." It was a great action book with much suspense. I trust this book will also be good as well. Therefore, I would like to read "White Fang."

Bella p said...

I am looking foward to read "And then there were none" by Agatha Christie for my mystery book. I heard great things about this book. Also, Agatha Christie wrote "Murder on the Orient Express" which was a former book of the month. Agatha Christie is a great mystery author so I am excited to read one of her books.

Caroline w said...

I am going to read "The ABC Murders" by Agatha Christie. She has written many mystery novels and I have heard good things about her books. I am excited to start it.

jenny said...

I just finished "White Fang." It was good because it dealt with big ideas and issues. For example, White Fang was questioning himself when he was forced to fight other dogs. Another idea is that bigger creatures are more powerful and influential than smaller creatures. In fact, White Fang called humans "gods." This book is boring if you take it literally, but if you think about it then it is really good.

Sousa said...

White Fang by Jack London sounds good. The reason why I choose this is because one, you get extra credit. And two, this book by the synopsis of it, is almost like Call of the Wild. There are dogs, and theyu seem to be taking a journey like the dogs in Call of the Wild. This is good because I now have something to relate to when I am evaluating it. Therefore, I can do better on t2t connections and back up my evidence in other questions.

connorb said...

I think I am going to read another Agatha Chistie book. I want to read another book by her because last time I read one of her book I enjoyed it alot because she writes very goof mistery books.Therefore I am looking forward to read another book by her.

Andrew C. said...

I am going to read an agatha christie book because i am farmiliar to her work. I read ABC murders, and enjoyed it very much. Therefore, i am eager to let my mind wrap around another book of hers.

Kim said...

I read the Uninvited in the beginning of the year and it was pretty good but not all that creepy. I love creepy book but they can't be stupid scary. The book was about a girl who goes to a house she is going to stay in but finds someone already living there so it's about the mishaps that occur while she there. Therefore since this book was good but not very creepy it was ok.

George A said...

I suffered throught the Uninvited at the beginning of they year. I only read it because I had no other books to read. I hated it because it was romantic and confusing. There was very little action in it and the book was hard to pay attention to because it was so broing with all of the romance and daugther father relationships. Therefore, I would recommend it to girls because they like romacne more than boys do and character development.

Nick.F said...

I would like to read White fang by jack london because he seems like an excilent author. For example i read Call of the wild and thought it was great.Therefore i want to read white fang because i have read a previous book by him and it was a good read.

AnnaClaire said...

I read The Uninvited and it was amazing!!! I was actually surprised that I liked it because I saw the movie The Uninvited and it was very different and I wasn't sure if I would think it better than the movie but it is a close tie!! Good pick!!

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in the book "The Uninvited but I don't want to read it if it isn't any good. Does anyone recommend that book or have any feedback on it?

Briana Moniz

mromes said...

I just finished the book " The Good Earth." This book was really good because of the tone the book was written in. The tone is solemn and detached. The story is told with a great deal of seriousness. Even though the language is kept very simple and remains calm even when describing events of great trauma and upheaval. Therefore, the aspect that made this book great is the tone of the story.

AdamV said...

I think that the book White Fang will be good because Jack London is a great author. He has written many great classics and they are all great pieces of literature. i have read The Call of the Wild that is also by Jack London and it was really good. A good theme was tracked throughout C.O.T.W. I feel that the theme in White Fang wuld be just as good

Rory said...

I think that I am going to read the book "Hamlet" because for some reason it interests me, but I'm not really sure why. Also my older sister previously read it for class and I looked at it with her while she was doing questions for it, and it really looks intriguing! Therefore, I would like to read that book.

will said...

I just finished reading White Fang by Jack london and thought it was a great read. I think people who enjoy reading call of the wild would really enjoy this book because both stories take place in the north and the perspective is coming from a dogs view. this book had some good symbolism like gray beaver and the club and had laws like in call of the wild. an example of a law in white fang is the law of meat which takes place in the somewhat beginning of the story when white fang is still a puppy exploring the new world. overall i thought this was a good book and enjoyed reading it

Kristen L said...

I read the book And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It was so good because of the mysterious and creepy feeling it gives to the reader. For example, whenever a character is killed, I never knew who killed him/her and I loved trying to put the clues together and solve it. Therefore, I reccomend this book!

mromes said...

I finished the book, "The Big Four." This book was another great book by Agatha Christie because of the amazing detective Hercule Poirot. Agatha Christie did it again, with her amazing character Hercule Poirot. He is clueless of who The Big Four are. Even though in the end he is the genious who takes them down. Hercule Poirot made the mystery come alive and jump out of the book. His amazing character made this book great.

George A said...

I thought that Undiscovered Country would be a great book. It sounds intriguing because it had a ghost in it. However, the ghost isn't a spooky haunting ghost, it helps the main character. I find it boring but some others may find it interesting because the book develops character. I know this because I read about 100 pages of it last spring before getting bored and giving it up.

Brooke H. said...

I just read hamlet and it was surprising really good. At some parts, it got somewhat confusing but I had Spark notes to help me understand what was happening. There were a few parts that shocked me. I did not see them coming at first, but then if you think about it everything clicks. I highly recommend this book. I think that many people would enjoy it.

mromes said...

I finished "Death on the Nile" awhile ago and did not blog about it. This book was so good because of the setting of the mystery. The setting was on a cruise ship where everything and anything can happen. For example, after Jacqueline supposedly shot Simon the gun was thrown overboard. This made the mystery harder to solve and everything better. Therefore, the setting made this book great.

Colleen O said...

I just finished White Fang and it was a great book. I though it was to my advantage that I had already read The Call of the Wild by Jack London. If you like Call of the Wild i would definitally reccomend White Fang.

Colleen O said...

I read the book Uninvited and it was amazing. I loves this book because it was creepy and mysterious. I definitally reccomend this book to people that like scary books.

mromes said...

I finished the book "The Mystery of the Blue Train." This book was very good because of the famous detective Hercule Poirot. For example, when they arrest Derek and everyone thinks the mystery is over, but not Poirot. He investigated more and found out the truth. Therefore, Hercule Poirot's genious mind made the mystery.

Michael Benson said...

After rading the book, Murder on the Orient Express, by Agatha Christie. It was a great book with great deatails, although it got slow durring the 2nd part but the first and third parts are the best part of the book. plus with the shocking ending of the person who murdered the victom. therefore, The Murder on the Orient explress was a good book.