Friday, April 1, 2011

Huck Finners

Please respond to this post question and also respond to someone else's response (Meaning comment on someone's response to the post).
This books is often banned/censored due to its use of historically accurately but offensive language.  It is something that I took into consideration before challenging you with this book.  In order to prepare you for the book and context I would like you to do the following...

Think about the following statements, rating each statement using the following guide:

4 strongly agree
3 agree somewhat
2 disagree
1 disagree strongly.

1. Some words are so offensive that they should never be used to tell a story.

2. The names we use for others are not important.

3. The saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is true.

4. Members of an ethnic group can refer to themselves in language that would be inappropriate for others to use.

Choose one of the statements with which you agree or disagree the most, and free write about why you believe as you do. Begin with statements to which you have the strongest reactions—either positively or negatively.


lily said...

In my opinion, books that have "offensive launguage" should not be banned because it is just a way for the author to express how a character is feeling towards someone or thing. Stories that have offensive language often have stronger character developement because it freely states what the character is thinking. Therefore, I choose number four because offensive language is usually in a strong and developed book.

Hamad G. said...

In my opinion, The saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is false. People can get hurt by words or names that they are called, therefore words can hurt you or someone else

Jess C. said...

The statement
1. Some words are so offensive that they should never be used to tell a story.
i disagree with because it is apart of the culture of the time period and helps give the book character. I'm not saying that the words used in some books should be used in today's world but certain words were part of the past and help with the auther's tone of voice. Therefore i would not want to read a censored or banned version.

Bella p said...

I disagree with the statement "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." I disagree because names do hurt people. They don't hurt people physically, but they do mentally. For example, today, a lot of bullying is happening, especially on the computer. Obviously from the computer, you can't hurt someone physically, but people are still getting upset when they see bad things posted about them. Therefore, because words still hurt people, I disagree with that statement.

Lian D said...

I know that there are some very offensive words in the book Hukkleberry Finn, directed towards African Americans, and i know that some people think it should be taken out, but I disagree. It is a historical account. That is the way things were. We shouldn't try to cover up and ignore the mistakes we have made in the past, but instead acknowledge them so we don't make the same mistakes again.

Caroline w. said...

I strongly disagree with the statement "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me." I know from personal experience that words hurt the most, whether they are meant to hurt some one or not. They bring on mental distress and lower the self esteem of others. People don't realize that they need to watch their mouths more closely. There is more verbal abuse between kids than physical abuse. Therefore, I disagree because words do hurt, sometimes more than sicks and stones.

will said...

i think historical books that have offensive language should not be censored. I think these books should not be censored because it helps bulid up effect and shows how people talked back then too.

Maren said...

I strongly disagree with #1, and I don't think the language in this book should ever be taken out. If it offends people, then they can choose not to read it. However, as other people have said, it demonstrates the culture back then and simply how things were. It also builds character image. A character who swears/uses offensive language would not be the same if he didnt swear. If the offensive language were to be taken out of this book, then it would be an entirely different book. The tone, characters, and even setting would be portrayed differently.

Colleen O said...

I strongly disagree with the statement "sticks and stones my break my bone but words will never hurt me" because it is completly false. One of the many reasons why people are or become depressed is because of the words people say. Words are definitally something that hurt people mentally.

Kami said...

I strongly disagree with the quote, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." That is because name calling has been a constant form of bullying which has led to many children being so scarred that they turned to depression, cutting, or even suicide. Recently a girl from Westport posted a video on YouTube titled, "Words are Worse than Sticks and Stones," writing down the effects of bullying and how the words of other children have really hurt her. Therefore, I strongly disagree with the statement, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," because let’s face it, words hurt some people MORE than sticks and stones.

Kace said...

Ok, so I'm going to be odd here and put it out there that I agree with "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". I'm not going to remember for the rest of my life that someone called my a name, because you can talk your way out of it, or just ignore it. Name-calling is the last resort of the weak minded. But on the other hand if someone broke my arm or chucked a stone at me and hit me in the head, I think that's going to stay with me. I'd rather have someone insulting me and making me feel mentally bad, than to have them trying to beat me up, because then someone could get seriously injured. Maybe I just have tough skin, but I don't think a petty word should make you feel bad.

Just In Case said...

I agree with Kami, the quote "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," is extremely inaccurate, in my opinion. I have been bullied in the past, and only by words, never physical, so out of experience, words are worse than sticks and stones. Many teen suicide victims kill themselves because of bullying, and most of them are extremely tormented by words. Like Kami's reference, the girl who made that video never mentioned being physically bullied, but she is definitely bullied verbally. And because of those words, she has barely any friends and she is close to cutting herself. Therefore, I strongly believe that the quote, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but word will never hurt me," is extremely incorrect. Words cause more pain than a kick in the chest or a punch to the face.

Ted said...

I strongly disagree with the statement "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" for the same reasons as Kami. Calling people names is the simplest type of bullying and the most common. The result of this can be as bad as suicide. The statment is clearly not true. Therefore, I strongly disagree with it.

Nicole Y. said...

I know that most people are saying they highly disagree with number three, and I mostly agree. But, remember, though not very many, there are some people out there that can agree with this statement. Some people don't let things get to them. And I'd love to be like that. But it's easier said then done. But I do think that words can be very hurtful. For example, a friend of mine's best friend was called a name at school and then when he got home he hung himself. Therefore, some people don't take things to heart, but a lot do. And you don't even know the guilt one would have, knowing that they could've helped or saved someone.

Rory said...

Like others, I give the statement "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" a 1 meaning I strongly disagree with the statement because it is untrue. Words are just as hurtful, sometimes even more, depending on the situation. I don't really know what goes on in the book because I haven't read it yet, but flipping through the pages I saw the 'n' word, if you know what I mean, and right now I don't approve. Obviously I will have to read the book and see the circumstances but it seems like it would be rude anytime. Therefore, because his is an inoppropriate word and offensive to certain individuals, words can hurt just as much as anything.

Rory said...

And for my comment on another's comment, I disagree with Kace because although we should not let words go to our heads, they can sometimes be affective and we can get hurt. Also they may not physically injure us but they sure can mentally; they can get inside our minds and stick there until they build, and build and we can't take it anymore. So don't agree with the statement and realize that words hurt internally, and can sometimes cause he most damage.

Anonymous said...

I would have to strongly disagree with Kace. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words do harm me. Some may have not called you a name but they might have said a simple sentence that gets under your skin and sinks in and after a while you just snap and your emotions explode like a volcano going off destroying everything in its path. I have been hurt multiple times by words and I couldn't believe that Kace out off all people would agree with that saying.

Kace said...

So, to answer Katherine, I believe in sticks and stones because you can walk away from someone insulting you, you can ignore them, block it out, you can not hear them, but you can't walk away from a fight.
And sometimes people let things get under their skins, becuase it's easier to react and give the people the satisfaction of a reaction, than to simply go on your way. It save you a lot of annoyance and repeated conversions, over and over and over again, trust me.

Gabbyn said...

The say sticks and stone can break my bones but words can never hurt me isn't true. Words can be the most painful thing. It hurts more to be verbally abused then physically abused. If someone punches you in the face it will hurt for a few days and then go away. Words can stay with you forever. When kids verbally bullied over and over again they may shut down and freak out in worst cases leading to suicide

jenny said...

I don't want to repeat anyone so although I stronly agree disagree with the sticks and stones one, I guess I'll share my views on the one about the names we use for other people are not important. I disagree with that one because if some names people use for certain ethnic groups or races can be hurtful. Well, I don't want to be a hypocrite and say the hurtful names, but think about what African-Americans are sometimes called and how they were called that a lot many years ago. Bad names create tension betweeen people that usually end in a feud or fighting. I'm not saying that it always ends this way and that the names are not only used in a negative way, but from what I've heard or read about it usually does. People use names too freely in my opinion, when they don't even stop to think about what they could be called.

DThompson said...

I strongly agree with number four: "Members of an ethnic group can refer to themselves in language that would be inappropriate for others to use." This is because the language used shows how close people of the same race are. The words used in a race shows how bonded they are. People outside of the group cannot say the words because it is highly disrespectful. For instance, a white person calling a black "brother" or the "n" word is like a stranger calling someone "bestie" or a guy calling someone's wife "honey". It is extremely awkward and rude. So, I concur with the fourth sentence based on the connections between people of the same race.

maya pirulli said...

I think words hold great power(concerning statement 3). How can any action hold strength without meaning? How do you form meaning without words and thoughts? Still I believe profanity to be one of the weaker points in speech. Words can be sculpted into tall empowering structures but profanity acts more like a stone, they may be staked to appear grand but in reality one touch would send them toppling. All in all words can hold great power when assembled properly, but they can also hold nothing at all.

Kaitlyn O. said...

The statement that I most strongly disagree with is "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." I most strongly disagree with this because like everyone before me has said sometimes words hurt more than broken bones or cuts. Words are why people commit suicide every single day, words are one of the biggest forms of bullying and harrassment and sometimes words cut a gash more deep into someone then a broken bone ever could. For example if someone calls and insecure girl or boy ugly it will stay with them for the rest of their lives and they will always remember that time and that person and that word that that person called them.

Bailey D. Horton said...

I fully agree with Maven. No one is forced to read "offensive language". It is important to the tone and connotation to use language freely. Therefore, offensive language should not be censored.

Billy P said...

I strongly disagree with the statement "sticks and stones my break my bone but words will never hurt me" because it is an awful statement. Many times, people call each other names instead of harming them. Therefore, this statement is comepletly false.

Lian D said...

I actually agree with Kace. Technically, you can shake off words and move on, but, if someone were to take a rock and chuck it at my head...I think I would be in some serious trouble. But I'm pretty sure I can handle some idiot's idiotic insult. (alliteration)

AntA said...

i most dissagree with the staement that some words are too harsh to be used to tell a story. I disaree because in order to get the full effect of the story and feel what the charactors are feeling, it is important to put the reader through some similiar things that the characters heard and wen tthrough. The reader will not get how it felt to be called mean names if the author doesnt say what they are. Therefore it is essential to use accurate words and phrases rather than censored versions. Also i agree with Lian D's statement that words will never hurt me because at the end of the day words are just words they can and will be forgoten with time.

gaby said...

I'm gonna talk about number 4. i strongly agree with the fourth statement because i go through it. I am Puertorican which is a part of the Hispanic ethnnic group. I do make jokes about my ethnic group all the time i make the jokes and laugh at them. Although the things i say about my ethnic group might be wrong i say them and brush them off because i said them so i know deep down inside that it is not true. On the other hand though when someone that is not part of my ethnic group says a joke or calls someone of this ethnic group a name i do believe it is wrong because they have no right to jugde someone because of their ethnicity and they aren't a part of the ethnicity therefore they do not know if the comment they made is true or false. Therefore I strongly agree with the fourth statement.