Wednesday, April 27, 2011

John Lennon...Peacenik or Commie?

submitted by Anna D. - Listen to the song "Imagine" by John Lennon.  There has been an ongoing debate whether this song is peace-and-love-in-the-world driven or a song trying to make everyone a communist.  After listening to it, what do you think?


Brooke H. said...

I think that this song is trying to make everyone a communist. I think this because after listening to the song and looking at the lyrics there were many things about being equal. An example is when he says, "No need for greed or hunger". I took this as him saying that there could be a middle, where no one person would be too greedy or too hungry, and everyone could live the same. Therefore, I think that John Lennon is trying to get people to see the dream he sees of everyone being equal.

jess c. said...

First off this is my favorite song of all time! Although the idea of communism is about equality and a happy medium between wealth and poor for everyone I still stick to my original thought on it being about peace. Listening to the lyrics i think it could go either way but knowing Lennon's background I believe it is about peace. John was all about peace and stopping war. One time he lied in bed for days with his wife to prove a point about peace. He did not believe in communism. Therefore this is song is about peace because John was all for it and the lyrics talk about no war and all getting along rather then being so equal with everything.