Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Online Privacy

submitted by Anthony - Recently the Playstation network, a server for online gaming, was hacked and crashed.  People are now concerned that their personal information (credit card numbers, addresses, emails etc) have been compromised.  What does this incident tell us about our privacy?  Is anything really private anymore?


Michael Benson said...

Nothing is private anymore. There are millions of programs that can hack into anything though the goverment top secret files are a bit out of reach. even in a game called Roblox, a user that is now banned from the sight called alakazard hacked into the server and changed the game with money hacks, putting on screen guis, and even change the program to other games from the sight. Plus there are more out there. like people who hack into accounts like a user taht is on youtube called jj5x5 user account and he put a warning video on youtube about that and that account got banned for a while and now its back but he does not use it. so there isnt anything private anymore.

mromes said...

This tells us that if we put something online anyone can find it and get to it because nothing is private anymore. For example, a man in Redding's Facebook account was hacked into. All of his personal information was retrieved by the hacker. This just one of the thousands examples of how anyone can retrieve anything online. Nothing is safe. Therefore, we have no privacy anymore.