Monday, January 3, 2011

January Books of the Month

This month's picks are...
Mrs. Lever's Picks
Harris and Me by Gary Paulsen
Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer

Partner Pick
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Mr. Horvath's Picks
Shift by Jennifer Bradbury
Scrambled Eggs at Midnight by Brad Barkley

Classic Picks
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Jockey Hollow Book Club Pick
Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate

Celebrity Pick

Author to Know
Robert Cormier

Remember, when you read any book of the month you need to post a comment on this blog post and then tell me so we can talk about the book and you can get your extra credit for reading it. All Robert Cormier books are considered Books of the Month this month!!!
Happy Reading!


Andrew C. said...

I saw the movie of Murder on the Orient Express. I will certainly read the book now.

Billy P said...

I will read the murder of the orient express. I heard about the movie but not the book.

AbbbyS said...

I've read Hope Was Here and really enjoyed it. But I really want to read Rebecca. It sounds really interesting!

Lian.D said...

I read Tenderness by Robert Cormier. It was really good, but it's definitely not a "light" read and I found the ending to be good, but slightly depressing. Which means a lot coming from me. All and all it was a REALLY good book!

George A said...

None of these books really interested me too much. I might read a Robert Cormier book, but I liked the last few month's books of the months better,

adamv said...

I have read many books by Robert Cormier and think that he is a great writer. He writes very good books that are for anyone in our grade. My favorite book that I have read by Robert Cormier would have to be I am the cheese because it is a very suspenseful mystery about a boy just finding things about his life out. I think that everyone should at least give on Robert Cormier book a try because they are so good

jess c. said...

im really excitied to read the two classic picks this month rebecca and the murder of the orient express. ive been looking for a new good book to read and i hope one of these can do it for me!

RoryO. said...

I am hopefully going to read Rebecca!!! It seems like a good book and one that I will truly be interested in. For some reason, I think that I will be really fascinated and into it the moment I start reading it.

Kim said...

I finished Shift a few days ago and I was surprised that I actually liked it for the most part. It didn't stay on one topic too long so it kept my attention and the format was interesting too. The book switched between present time and back when Chris and Win were on there cross country bike trip. I have never read a book like this before and I would recommend it.

ConnorB said...

Im reading Harris and Me and so far it is ok it is not one of the best books I have read but it is ok. It is a very quick read so that is good if you want the extra credit.

Kristen L. said...

I am currently reading Scrambled Eggs at Midnight and it is so good! It has a very interesting plot about Jesus and losing weight. But, there is also a love story. The book has good use of metaphors and other types of figurative language. I also like this book because it is easy! It moves quickly but not to the point you get confused. I recommend it to anyone!

jenny said...

I just finished "Shift." It was pretty good, but the ending was expected. I liked the book because the characters were believable for the most part.

ZoZo V. said...

i heard that Inkheart is really good so i think i may read it. A few of my friends are reading Scrambled Eggs At Midnight and they have told me that it is a great book. I am actually looking forward to reading it a lot. Kristen, do you remember about how long it took you to read it? (just wondering)

kim said...

I just finished Murder on The Orient Express and I didn't really like it. I thought that the beginning was confusing and once I understood it it lost my attention and I had to force myself to read it.

Gabbyn said...

i read scrambled eggs at midnight and i thought it was really bad. the plot was boring and the characters weren't original. it was also really predictable.

Kace said...

ive already read inkheart, and its a cute book. its not too hard, but it is about 500 pages. i liked the book and thought it was a gret adventure book.

Matt S said...

I read the book Shift last year and it was a decent book. It was confusing thought because every other chapter changes tenses. One chapter will be of the present when the investigation is going on and the next chapter will be the past tense talking about before the main character's best friend goes missing. Even thought this book could get confusing i would still recomand it

Sousa said...

The book "Shift" seems pretty cool. This book is full of terrific suspense. i like books with suspense because they keep me in the book. i want to know what happens at the end so it all makes sense to me. This book is really the only one that interests me. None of the others really persuaded me to think about reading them.

Bella P said...

I just finished the book "Scrambled Eggs at Midnight". This was a interesting book because it was about two unique people falling in love. For example: Eliot, the boy, has a dad who runs a fat camp and helps kids "find" Jesus. On the other hand, Calliope has a mother who works at a Renaissance Faire and they are constantly traveling around. The characters are different and have unique parents as well. Therefore, this is an interesting story.

maya pirulli said...

I read 'home of the brave", it was really interesting to read a book like this because usually I don't like verse because it seems like a sad excuse not to put more vivid detail into your writing but this was so much different. When i read this book it was like poetry, yet still I was following along with a story, I haven't read a book this good in a long time.

LukeT said...

i read the book Shift and i thought it was very interesting. it was unique because i have not read anything like it. It is told from different time periods. One was when he was being constanly followed by an FBI agent asking him questions and the other was during the bike ride.

AdamV said...

I finished the book I am the cheese By Robert Cormier and it was good because it was suspenseful. It was suspenseful because when Adam was on the bike and the car was chasing him i was wondering what was happening and all of the detail made that pert very suspenseful. Therefore because the story was suspenseful it was good

Anonymous said...

I read Scrambled Eggs at Midnight in seventh grade and it was not one of my favorite books.. at all. I found it very boring and it was just to original, I wasn't interested.
Briana Moniz

Lidia said...

I read Home of the Brave. I usually enjoy prose because it's quick to read and makes me feel like I accomplished a lot in a short amount of time. This book not only made me feel accomplished, but it was very well written. It has a smooth rhythm to it that made the words flow.

Ted said...

Non of you should read Inkheart because it is boring. Inkheart is very slow paced and hard to keep reading. It had minimal action and I was reluctant to pick it up and keep reading. Therefore, no one should read it because it was slow and boring.

Rory said...

I read the book, "Murder on the Orient Express" and I thought that it was ok because it was kind of confusing. For example, the end, when the reader finds out who the murder is, there is a lot of explanation that i could not exatly follow. Also, the confusion made me lose my interest in the book and by the end i did not even want to read it. Therefore, this book could have been better if there was less explanation causing slight confusion.

Kace said...

I finished shift a few days ago, and thought it was a pretty good book, but at the end the author kept mentioned the theme over and over...

Brandon L. said...

Are most of the books short or more challenging?

jenny said...

I recently finished "Scrambled Eggs at Midnight." Like "Shift," I thought the ending was expected. While I did like the book, I thought that the plot was unrealistic. I don't want to give away the ending, so I'm not going to say why.

Rory said...

I finished the book, "Home of the Brave" and I thought that it was really good because there was a lot of figurative language. For example, on one of the first pages, it shows one of the many example of the similes provided in the book. The quote is, "My arms stick out of the coat like lonely trees..." Therefore, this book was great because of the fact that there were a lot of examples of similes, plus other good word choice and creative material.