Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year everybody. I hope everyone is enjoying their last days of freedom before getting back to work on Monday. Since New Years Day is traditionally a time for reflecting on the past year and also looking forward to things to come, I hope you all take some time today to think about what your goals are academically for the upcoming year. There is no time like the present to make a change or an improvement and see it through for the remainder of the year.


Lauren S said...

my goal is to read more then 150 minutes a week. I also want to get grades on my essays instead of zeros on them. So before handing in an essay I will always revise it and check it over for the rules.

Joey M. said...

my goal is to read faster. I need to find a really good book and get into it.

Nicole Y. said...

My resolution this year is to not be such a procrastinator with everything. Sadly, the chances of me actually accomplishing this is very low. Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!

Luke R said...

my goal is to get and keep an A in mr horvath's class

Caroline w. said...

I agree with Luke. It would be nice to maintain an A in his class. I know that I have to work hard to do that. My goal is to keep my efforts up.

Abbie said...

My goal is to hand in all my work on time, and get better grades in your class.

Anonymous said...

My goal is to do well in class, better then I have been doing and achieve all my goals and receive good grades and hand in all my work in on time.
Briana Moniz

Andrew C. said...

I want to keep my A and also avoid any of those pesky unforgivables.

Julia S said...

My goal is to keep an A and revise more so I won't need to redo and essay because I had an unforgivable.

AbbbyS said...

My goal for this year is not to procrastinate as much.

mike said...

My goal is to get an A and keep it. I also want to hand in all of my work on time and I will review it so there is no unforgivables.

ZoZo V. said...

my goal for this year is to never get an unforgivable again which means i will check over my work and search for many of the words that we can not use (you, your, etc.) Another goal for me is to keep my A in this class (which I am VERY happy with)! In addition, I have to stop leaving some of my assignments to do last minute ~~~ it gets vverrryy stressful!!!

maya pirulli said...

This year i need to at least find the perfect ending to my book.

srichard said...

my new years resolution is to find more good books that i can get into like i used to last year.

Georginax82 said...

my new years resolution is to not procrastinate like i usually do and stop getting zero's on all my essays.

Anna M said...

my goal is to stop getting zeros on all of my essays and to work harder on going back in my writing and looking over what i wrote so i have a better chance of not getting a zero.

Gabbyn said...

i want to improve my grade in your class. also to get a grade on my essays the first time i hand them in so i dont have to keep rewriting them.

ColleenO said...

My goal for this year is to take my time and too proofread my writing. I also want to get better at not procrastinating and doign things right when I get them.

Brooke H. said...

My goal is to get better grades. I feel I could study more before tests and try harder. I hope I can achieve this goal! :)

Katie Sebben said...

My goal is to read more than 150 mins. And to get good grades class. And I will try hard to get the goal.

AnnaCD said...

My goal for language arts is to stop putting everything off until it is due and then get an A and keep it like that. I know that I would have to work really hard and revise EVERYTHING!

Brittany said...

My goal for 2011 in language arts is to get no zeros! I am going to try really hard to succeed at this goal. I am going toalways revise and reread my essays and everything i write for language arts. I am going to try really hard this year!

Kelly said...

My academic goal for 2011 is to study more, and manage my time. I usually only study for 10 minutes thinking every test or quiz will be easy, but it is not like that. I also want to manage my time and not wait until the night before something is due to start it. Managing my time will make it a ot easier for me, and hopefully improve my grades.