Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Classics

submitted by Andy - Classic novels are a controversial subject, especially for students.  Some think the classics are dull and out of touch, while others feel they are great and a journey into the past.  What is your opinion and don't forget to SEW it up.


Devin L. said...

I think that classics are a great way to see what great literature looked like back then. I think that great literature from back then, is different from how it is today. I think that some people do not like classics because of the languagen used. I think this is because we are use to the present day "slang" and the words used in earlier years are uncommon and sort of foreign to us today. Therefore, classics are beneficial if you want to see what effective literautre looked like way back then.

Maren said...

I think that classics are essential to learning literature. Many people, including myself, may find them dull, but they should read them just to learn from them. Its kind of like vegetables... no kids really like them, but they are important to a well balanced diet. And when the kids do eat their vegetables, it helps them grow. Just like reading classic books will expand your view of literature.

Georginax82 said...

Personally, i don't really like the classics because its hard for me to imagine whats happening in the story because i can't relate to it. Since i can't play out the story in my head it makes the story very boring. Therefore, i don't like the classics because i can't relate to them.

Kami said...

Classical books are important, but they do not interest me at all. That is because they do give us a lot of insight as to what went on during the time period it was written, but to me classic books are still dull and boring. When I read Huckleberry Finn after learning about the treatment of slaves and slavery in general previously, the story really added to the idea of just how bad and unfair their treatment was. The book really brought it together, and made it seem real. However, I did not really enjoy reading Huckleberry Finn because it was adventure after adventure and it was not exciting at all. Therefore, yes, I do think that classic books are useful, but at the same time, I also think they are very boring.

zSchulz said...

I find classics boring and they dont make sense. For example, the authors wrote in a very different style that is hard to comprehend. Also, they are usually on topics that arent interesting. Therefore I dont think classics are too important and I dont like them.

Colleen O said...

I don't tend to enjoy classics because of the was the authors tend to write. I generally find it hard to understand and confusing to read. Therefore i normally don't read classics.

Matt S. said...

In my opinion, classics are very boring and a waste of my time. They are very boring and I dont like the style of writing. The authors used a different form of english that, for some reason, is very annoyng to read. I do agree they are great stories, but it is hard to read them. Classics usually take awhile to get into the climax and they style of writing is annoying. Therefore I think classics aren't worth reading unless your a book fanatic

gaby said...

I think the classics are important for students to read because if you can understand the laguage and the storyline of a classic this means you are pretty advance. Some people maythink the classics are dull because the don't understand. For example I know the first time i read "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickiens i was completely lost because of the words and the way the author told the story, bu once i learned what those words meant and got into the rhythm of the story i found the book very interesting and later on when i read a different book i found it a lot easier to read. Therefore i think that the classics are important, interesting, and helpyou learn!!

Billy Lobdell said...

I like classic books because they are great stories. Classic books such as Lord of the Rings have inspired so many of the fantasy authors nowadays. Also, to me, classic books have always had a better plot than the newer boooks. Therefore, I think classic books are great stories and they have inspired new authors and are just overall great.

dave said...

I think that classic books are great because they have many great qualities. Classics survive many years; to do so they need to have on of the following: a great plot, great vocabulary, or well written sentences, etc. It is these qualities that I find in classics that make them great and fun reads.

DThompson said...

I think the classics are great because they show old values. The things people valued in the past is different than today's, and classic novels show this. They show how people ate, dressed, slept, worked, and talked in different time periods, even before we were born. Hence, the history lesson in classic books is why I adore them.

Ted said...

Classic novels are good because they give us a perspective from a different time. The way people thought and why they thought that were very different than they are today. I think that it is good for us to see that perspective even if we don't want to. Therefore I think classic novels are good for the fact that they give us a different perspective on things.

Billy P said...

Classic novels are good because they teach the reader material from the certain time period. They talk about the history of that decade and you learn important historical events while reading classics.Therefore I think classic novels are good for learning historical facts.

AnnaClaire said...

I, like most people, find classic novels to be excruciatingly boring, but I have to admit, they are a great way to understand differences in language, culture and vocabulary. They can also teach history of the certain point in time when the novel was written. But, usually the story line is boring and the old language is confusing. So, even though they are good for one to read, I still find them uninteresting.

Brian C said...

I don't' think that classics are interesting because they don't have a modern touch, and they make you think back to older times which can be hard if your used to modern life. However, classics to others can be interesting. Certain classics are hard to understand because of how long ago they took place, or how the currency and speech has changed.