Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Right Around the Corner

submitted by Brittany - What are your thoughts on high school?  Do you feel prepared for it?  What are you most worried about?  Most excited for?


Hamad said...

My thoughts on high school are that its the same thing as what we are in now its just at a higher level, no one really has to stress about high school that much only if you aren't home schooled. Therefore I am not stressed for high school.

Connor b said...

My thouts of high school is that we are going to be very prepared for it because our teachers did such a good job preparing us. This year was the year the I had the most homework. Everyone would always complain but I Knew that the teachers were only preparing us for high school.

ZoZo_V said...

I am very excited for high school because I think that I am very well prepared for it. For example, if I didn't have the teachers I did during my middle school career, I would be more worried that I will not be prepared but that is not the case. I am also excited because my brother is a senior which means I will know a lot (if not, most) of the upper class-men which is always good, especially in high school. Therefore, my feeling towards going to high school NEXT YEAR is excitement!

grace said...

My thoughts on high school differ from time to time. Sometimes I think I'm prepared since Mr. Horvath said his class is practically a high school level class. Therefore, in that case I'm prepared. But on the other hand I'm scared that I will get stressed on major assignments and tests because if I don't do good then I might not be able to get into a college I want with bad grades.

Emily Fry said...

I am very excited for high school, because I'm ready for change. We have been in the same type of middle school environment for four years and I'm sick of it. Therefore, I'm excited to go to high school.
I know that I'm prepared for high school because of the teachers and classes I had this year. For example, I'm already in Spanish and Algebra this year, which are both High School Level Classes. Also, Mr.Horvath always tells us that his class is basically the equivalent of a high school class, therefore I know I'm well prepared.

Lauren S said...

I am excited for high school because I can't wait for all the different classes and fun activites. I feel prepared in a few classes but in some other classes I am scared like Grace said. The tests and quizes will be harder so that makes me a little nervous. In High School you get a lot more freedom.

joey said...

I am not worried about high school. Instead I’m excited. I’m excited because most adults say when they look back on there life they will always remember high school. even though high school will be a lot harder I will still be excited.

Kami said...

I cannot wait for high school because we will finally get more freedom, it'll be a huge change, and I definitely feel prepared for it after this year. I'm very excited to finally get away from the K-8 image, and start my high-school years with a lot more freedom. Finally, we won’t have restrictions on what we can and cannot wear, or at least, teachers will be a lot more lenient. Also, we will get away from the routine of only having classes with the kids on our team, instead there will be a lot more diversity in each of our classes, some even consisting of kids in other grades. Last but not least, I feel very prepared because like Emily, it is my second year in high-school level Spanish, and I have been taking Algebra this year too, which is also a high school level course. Therefore, I cannot wait till high school because of the freedom and change we'll receive, and I feel very prepared

Kim said...

I have mixed feelings about high school. I am nervous because I know that I'm going to get lost at Masuk in the beginning and I'm going to be overwhelmed until I get used to the school and the amount of work. But I am also excited because I will get a lot more freedom.We won't be told what we can and cannot wear and there won't be any teams so we will have opportunities to meat new people. Therefore I am both nervous and excited to go to high school.

Kristen L. said...

I am most excited to having a bigger school because it gives me more freedom. For example, you don't always need to raise your hand and you can chew gum, carry around bags, and wear hats. Those are just a few examples of the amount of freedom we will have which is a lot different than today. Therefore, I most look forward to having more freedom and not someone always nagging you about something I'm not doing or doing wrong.

Bella P said...

I am excited and a little nervous, but most students get a little butterflies in their stomach the first day. I am mostly nervous that I will get lost in such a big school. I am excited for the freedom and team sports too. For example, like kristen said, you can chew gum, wear hats, and there also isn't a strict dress code. This causes us to be more like adults and make our own decisions, which I think is exciting. Also, there is more of a variety of sports and clubs that weren't offered in middle school. Therefore, because of the freedom and activities, I think I will like High school.

Georginax82 said...

I'm actually pretty anxious about high school, but i do have a lot of mixed feelings about it. Such as, getting lost, meeting tons of new people, harder schoolwork, fitting in etc. But then again, I'm excited because we have a lot of freedom and apparently time flies so your out of there pretty fast. Overall, I hope i get used to high school and high school life quickly. And i hope i make a lot of new friends and i don't get lost. I think i'm prepared for high school but i don't know if i really am until i get there.

Kellym said...

I have mixed feelings about high school. I am excited for the freedom that we get in high school, compared to the freedom we get in Jockey Hollow. However, I am nervous of getting lost and being with kids 4 years older than me. For example, in Jockey Hollow we are used to having kids our age that we know in our class. We also know our way around the school pretty well. Masuk is a whole lot bigger with a lot of kids, older than us tht we dont know. Therefore, the fact that I am entering a huge school and may not have any classes with my friends scares me!

jenny said...

I'm excited for high school for the most part because of the freedoms. For example, there is no dress code at Masuk, which is awesome, like there is at Jockey Hollow. I'm worried about the amount of homework I'll possibly be receiving since I'm in all honors classes. Not one of my smartest ideas... Well, anyway, for the most part I am excited for high school because teachers let us where pretty much whatever.

Shelby said...

IM excited for highschool. i think i am prepared for it because i had hard classes this year that i think will be much like high school classes so i think i wont do that terrible. Im worried about getting lost in the school because i was always worried going into chalk hill and jockey hollow just cause they were knew schools to me before and new people to be around.

Luke R said...

I'm excited for high school but i'll never forget my memories from middle school. Most of my fondest memories happened within the walls of jockey hollow. Middle school not only taught me math and reading, it also taught me how to be an outgoing person. On the first day of middle school i was so afraid to talk to adults that i didnt want to ask a teacher where my home room was since i couldnt find it. Now i can talk with any adult with out anxiety.

gaby said...

I am very excited for high school next because i think i am well prepared for all of my classes and think it will be fun to be on one of the sports teams. for example i want to try out for the volleyball team and if i make it i think it will be a great way to meet new people and make new friends. therefore i can't wait for high school

Sousa said...

I am a little terrified yet excited for High School because I get to play on a sports team that Jockey Hollow does not have and I just found out that we eat lunch with seniors. Jockey Hollow did not have a soccer team and I was dissapointed about that but now, Masuk has a soccer team and I am already for that. Therefore, I can be ready for another level of soccer and become better than I am now.

Bailey said...

I don't think that Masuk will be a difficult change to grow into. In chalk hill, we were told that Jockey Hollow would be completely different, and it really was not. Also, I have had two siblings who went through the change, and they both said it went surprisingly smoothly. Therefore, I know that there will be an easy transition to Masuk.

abby said...

I am SO excited for high school to start because I feel so well prepared and I really want to make a lot of new friends in high school. I think that middle school isn't really the best place to make new friends, but it's just a place where you can keep in touch with your aquantainces. I mean, we have been in school with most of the same people for about 4 years now, and it is kind of annoying how they're isn't any new people to become friends with. But, speaking academically, I feel that my teachers this year have really prepared me for high school. This year as an 8th grader really was the most important year for me. I am looking forward to any obstacles that stand in my way in high school that I know I will overcome, if they're socially, or academically. I know I will love high school. Therefore, next year will be exciting for me, and it will be open with plenty of new experiences.

caroline w said...

I feel very prepared for high school after being in Horvath's class. I am used to a lot of work so i won't be surprised next year. I am also excited because we get to be with upperclassmen. We also get to make some new friends.I don't really have any worries. Therefore I can't wait for next year to start!

Ted said...

I think that I'm ready for high school next year because I already go there. Every morning I go to masuk to take geometry. This time there has showed me a lot of things about Masuk that won't be a surprise next year. I kind of know how things run around there and where certain places are. Therefore I fell ready becuase I already know most of the school.

KaylaP. said...

My thoughts on high school is that I am scared. I am scared because I don't want to get lost and I don't want to get bad grades because it's high school and it's harder. I do feel prepared for it because I feel that my teachers have done so much work for us and taught us so much that I didn't really know or understand. The work was hard and we had alot of it, but now that I think about it, it will prepare me for next year. For example, Horvath's class. We had so much work and we did so many essays and grammar packets, but the essays helped because we had unforgivables that needed to be fixed and I had to think of a way to fix them. And the grammar packets were tough but I never really knew what any of those phrases were until this year. I am most worried about having a lot of work and not being in classes with my friends because I don't want to have classes with a bunch of people that I don't know and I don't want to not be able to keep up with the work that is going to need to be done. I am most excited to get into a school with four different grades because there is going to be alot of people and different groups of people that you can hangout with and talk to. Therfore, I feel ready for high school because I know I will probably do fine after all the I learned this year.