Wednesday, May 11, 2011

If I Could Change the Past...

submitted by Rachel - If you could go back in time and change one historical event, what would it be?  Why?  How do you think that change would affect the world today?


Michael Benson said...

i would change one thing in 9/11/01. where the one plane taht crashed in PA. i would say just nock that guy out put him in the luggage area and make an emergancy landing at a near by airport. it would save those who lost them in that crash that was planed to crash on capital hill, and also put those trackers in those flight simulators to save all those who died in the twin towers. plus any amiture who used a flight simulater and got the hang of the controls like landing gear and throttle can land a plane on a run way. i can land a plane on a flight simulator.

Lian.D said...

I would....try to stop the US from bombing Hiroshima. I mean I think its terrible how we bombed them right after they surrendered! Overkill much? And that has nothing to do with the fact that I am partial to JAPAN!!!!!!

ZoZo_V said...

I would make it so that slavery never happened because that was a terrible time in America. If slavery was never around, blacks may have been treated differently then they are today in some places around the world/country. For example, in the South, I know that even today, there are many people that are extremely racist and if slavery never happened, that could be different. Therefore, I wish we never had slaves in America.

Danielle said...

i would change 9/11 and make it never happen because it has made so many people scared and sad. if it never happened, then people would'nt be scared of terrorist attacks or sad because they lost loved ones. but since it did happen, people are worried if there will ever be another terrorist attack as bad as 9/11

Julia S said...

I agree with Danielle, I would change that 9/11 never happened. A lot of people died in the plane crashes and firefighters lost their lives trying to save them. Like Danielle said, if this never happened, people would not be worried anout more terrorist attacks. Therefore, I wish 9/11 never happened.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Julia and Danielle, I would make 9/11 never happen because a lot of people (on the plane and around the city) died during that plane crash and if this never happened, we would not always be on edge for terrorist attacks. Therefore, on thing that i would change is 9/11

Georginax82 said...

If i were to go back in time, one thing i would change would be 9/11 (Just as Julia and Danielle pointed out). I would change 9/11 because in a fraction of a second, many people lost their parents, immediate family and close friends. Many people are now orphans or widows and a lot of people are in pain. There is also a lot of airport security which is a hassle for travelers and there is a lot of hatred in the world because of 9/11. Therefore, i would change 9/11 because if i did many people would be happier, traveling wouldn't be a hassle, many people would still be living today and we would have a safer and better economy.

Kami said...

If I could change one historical event it would be slavery because I think looking back on history, it is that time which makes most people cringe. In the opinions of many Americans, slavery was one of the worst aspects of history because the treatment of slaves was unacceptable. If slavery would not have happened, I think there would be a lot less racism going on even today, and African Americans would have had the rights they deserve for much longer than they have. However, at the same time, without slavery, the southern states would have had a worse economy than they did during that time, because slaves made all of the harvesting and production of cotton possible. Therefore, if I could change one historical event it would be slavery because the treatment of African Americans at the time was unacceptable and one of the most unjust events in American history.

Luke R said...

If i could change one event in history i would change what happened on 9/11. When America was attacked by Al Qaeda, it was a huge set back. It was the only time the stock market ever shut down. The whole world was in disbelief and it led to the war on terrorism which is still happening today and soldiers are dying for the cause. Therefore i would change this event because it would change the state of America today.

connorb said...

If I could go back in time and change one historical event I would let 9/11 never happen. I would change this because we lost alot of innocent people and it was a terrible tragity in american history. Therfore out of all the historical events I would change 9/11

Sousa said...

If I were to go back and change the past I would definitely not let the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico occur because this made so much headline and killed so many animals in that body of water. 90% of the animals in that water died because of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, I would change this so that no animals die and that the gulf of mexico would be so much cleaner and safer for animals.

Billy P said...

If I were to go back and change the past I would definitely not let the John Kennedy assasination occur. JFK was a great president. He was a likeable man and was admired by many. He was also a great spokesman to the press. Therefore, I would change this so that this great president wouldn't die.

Hamad said...

I would not let Abe Lincoln die because he was one of the most important man in america and he was also a very good president and he was a very good man therefore I would not let Abe Lincoln die.

Lauren said...

I agree with Kelly, Luke, Julia, and Daniele on changing what happened on 9/11. I would change this because this is one of the worst events in US history. Many people lost close ones and can't always replace all their memories. Airport security is much more stick than it was before 9/11 and it make it harder on some people and families. Therefore I would change 9/11 to make brighter faces, more memories, and to make airports a less hassle.

Soccerisyourgame13 said...

I thought this article was interesting because it would be cool to change the past. Evidence to show this is that the title of this article is "If I Could Change The Past..."

nate...maybe said...

I would not change the world because if one thing did not happen than another thing could not happen also. The world is pretty good so far so I don’t think it needs to be changed.