Monday, February 7, 2011

February Books of the Month

7th Grade Picks
Jerk California - Jonathan Friesen
Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher

Partner Pick
Peace Like a River -  Leif Enger

8th Grade Picks
The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian - Sherman Alexie
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac - Gabrielle Zevin

Classic Picks
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas

Jockey Hollow Book Club
Looking for Alaska - John Green

Celebrity Pick

Author to Know
Robert Cormier - any Robert Cormier novel counts as a book of the month selection!!!

Remember that in order to get your extra credit you must:
1.  Read the book
2.  Record book on book log
3.  Post a blog comment about the book on this post (Don't forget to SEW It Up!!!)
4.  Tell me so that you can post your Thumbs Up and get your E.C.


jenny said...

I read "Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac." I liked it because it could happen in real likfe and is realistic. It is realistic because Naomi falls and loses her memory, which anyone can lose their memory from a number of things (like sports). Since it was realistic, I was always thinking "What if that was me?" and I wanted to find out if Naomi ever got her memory back.

kishanp said...

I read the count of Monte cristo i thought that it was a good story because of the interesting beginning.for instance, one of the pharon's crew member turned on their future captain by calling him a bonapartist which resulted in the captain to be shipped off to the chateud'if... probably spelled that wrong eventhough im looking at the book.... therefore,interesting beginnings make for a good story... whats next the three muskateers maybe

Devin L. said...

I recently finished reading Looking for Alaska and I thought it was really good because of how it shows how one event can ruin a person's life forever. In the book, Alaska dies in a car accident and it affects Miles' life because he really liked her and right when she started liking him she dies in a car accident. He thinks that it was his fault because he let her drive even though she was too drunk. This affects his life because everyday he thinks how his life could have been different it he told her she couldn't drive. Therefore, this was a good book because it shows how the death of a good friend can ruin someone's life.

Kaitlyn O. said...

I just recently finsihed reading Thirteen Reasons Why and it was one of the best books I've ever read because of the sadness and suspense that went on throughout the story. For example in this book every chapter was a new story telling another reason why Hannah Baker commited suicide. As the tapes continue you get more and more depressed. Although this book was very sad it wsa also very suspenseful and you could not put the book down because you really wanted to see why Hannah did actually kill herself. Therefore Thirteen Reasons Why was one of my favorite books because of the suspense and sadness.

Kace said...

I just finished memoirs of a teenage amnesiac. It was a Really good book, it didn't drag, but let you know in perfect clarity what happened. I felt that too many things happened crushed into the end, but she did have a way of keeping events together. All together a good book and a good read.

Rory said...

Last year I read the book, "Looking for Alaska" and I thought that it was a great book because it had something to look forward to. For example, it has a countdown like "100 days left... 80 days left..." etc. This was good because it made you want to keep reading to find out what that special event was. Therefore, because there was something to figure out, this book was exciting and great to read.

jenny said...

I finished "The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian." I thought it was good because it was funny, well ish. It had jokes like ones you'd read in "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," but more difficult. Since there were jokes, I wanted to continue reading on.

Kim said...

I recently finished Looking For Alaska. I thought it was ok because I didn't see that the message was anything new. I got that Miles did something he regretted and he will always blame himself for that. I have read books with this same message and nothing in this book really hooked me that much. I agree with how Rory said how there was a countdown of days and I wanted to see what happened when I reached the last day but after that I easily predicted the end. Therefore this book was good in some ways but boring in others.

AntA said...

I read We All Fall Down by Robert Cormier. I really enjoyed this book because it made me think about my morals and what is right and wrong. For instance in the story, Karen's house is trashed and she is raped and put in a coma by a group of drunk high school kids. One of the kids, Buddy, who had no part in the raping but still trashed the house, feels really bad about what he did and sort of has a battle with his concious. another example is the "11 year old" avenger who kills people. He himself sees no wrong in what he is doing he even thinks that what he is doing is right and that he is a hero. Therefore with all of the different views on people's actions this book made me think of my own personal morals and what i think is right and wrong.

jenny said...

I just finished "Peace Like a River." I thought it was good but it wouldn't be liked by everyone because it had strong Christian I think) ties. For example, Jeremiah Land walks on air when he is praying. Also, the Land family also sees other miracles, which are explained by faith. Not everyone is Christian or even religious at all, and those people might not agree with everything that happened in the book.

Kace said...

I finished looking for Alaska and jerk California recently. They were both amazing books. Looking for alaska was funny and really showed that yoy cant always have te answer, and some peoples death will never be explained.
In jerk california Jack was a real and human charcter that felt just like you were hearing a story told be a best friend. The story was heartbreaking and sweet, I always felt hope no matter how sad jacks life became. I loved the drama and love that shone through the book.

Kace said...

i just finished the absolutly true diary of a parttime indian and i thought it was great. No matter what kind of grief was shoved at junior he kept going and made a joke. i loved how he never let all of the absolutly bonecrushing grief get him to stop trying.

Kaitlyn O. said...

I just finished reading Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac and it was really good. I liked this book a lot because throughout the story Naomi was trying to find her true self and was trying to figure out her past. This is because in the beginning of the book Naomi fell down the stairs and hit her head causing her to get amnesia and forget 4 years of her past. Therefore I really enjoyed this book because I found it very interesting that Naomi was searching for her past but also becoming a new person.

JeffG said...

I just finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo and it was really good toward the end because of the suspense. In the beginning of the book it started off really fast then it went so slow I almost put the book down. The book started slow down when Dantes went to the island of Monte Cristo and acted like he was Monte Cristo. After this long period of time the book started to get really good because of people like M.Morrel getting mad that he knew that Monte Cristo was some one he knew. Therefore the Count of Monte Cristo ended up to be much better than i thought.

AdamV said...

I will not be able to finish the Count of Monte Cristo. I am in a slow part so it is a slow process to read it. I like it and am going to finish it just not by the end of the month. I would recommend this book to anyone even though it is long. No extra credit for me sadly

Devin L. said...

I just finished reading Thirteen Reasons Why and I thought I was an amazing book. I liked it because it shows how people act towards others can affect the person in major ways. In the book Hannah talks about all the people who talked badly or bullied her. All these rumors and true stories going around school, build up in Hannah's mind and end up causing her to commit suicide. Also, I liked this book because I shows how karma can affect people. All the people who caused Hannah to commit suicide, get tapes with what they did. This makes everyone think again about what they did to Hannah and how they were treating others now. Thereofore, this was a great book because it is relatable to everyone in middle school and high school.