Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Revolution Has Been Televised

submitted by Dorian - Do you know about the current situation in Egypt?  What is your take on the revolution?  Were the protesters justified in overthrowing the president?

(If you don't know what is going on in Egypt you should head to foxnews, msn, cnn etc to get some info)


Kace said...

of course they were justified. the public should have control of the goverment, it is for them after all. also the president was in office for around 30 years, its right to have a change in control, where new ideas can be issued and the public can be satisfied. after 30 years its time to step down.

Michael Benson said...

well i want them to have a democratic goverment since they have a goverment with a dictator currently. plus on kace note about the president (dictator currently) being in ofic for 30 years shows how it is not a democratic goverment. last night on the news some were using a dating site for a way to communicate with the rebals and that is not that bad for a way to communicate secretly with the outside world. plus this is like a dictator goverment and the people want a change.

Ted said...

I think that the people were justified in overthrowing the president because a government is supposed to be for the people. Egypt was a dictatorship and cleary the people were not happy. They have the right, in my opinion, to have a government that they want. Therefore, their revolution was justified.