Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jersey Shore

submitted by BadKidCaroline - We all know of or have seen the MTV show "Jersey Shore".  What do you think of the show?  What kind of influence does it have on us?  What do you think the reaction of other countrys is when they see this?


Luke R said...

I love Jersey Shore because it is so funny. All of the characters on that show are all clueless and have very little common sense and it always makes me laugh. The lives they live are full of going to clubs and alcohol and the events that unfold are always worth a laugh. Therefore jersey shore is hilarious because of all the sillyness of the characters.

srichard said...

Jersey shore cannot hae any bad influence on someone, it is just a tv show. Until you can find tangable evidence of something bad driven by jersey shore, it cannot be proven as a bad influence, therefore, jersey shore only has a positive affect on me, because all of the characters are funny to me, so it is only positive.

stevef said...

Jesey shore is the best show on tv the drama is the best and the influence is dont drink to much and how is that bad they show what happens when you dont respect the law

Bella P said...

I disagree with everyone. I think it is a bad influence because it is showing kids that if they do bad things, like drinking, that they will get famous. For example: Jersey Shore is probably the most popular show now and all the characters are now celebrities. It is just like Teen Mom. I was watching the news and it said that Teen Mom was a bad influence on children because it shows all these girls getting pregnant, but because they are pregnant, they are now famous. Kids will think that if they drink, do drugs, or get pregnant, that they will be huge stars. Also, if kids are exposed to this stuff they will think its ok and it is also a reality TV show so it’s real. They might exaggerate things a little more but it still exposes kids to drinking, partying, and other inappropriate things. Therefore, Jersey Shore has a bad influence of kids.

I would also like to add that it stereotypes Jersey people. For example I read this comment to an article about Jersey Shore and this is what it said: “I completely agree with this article. I am an Italian-American 14 year old, and this show has only made my life worse. I used to not get many friends based on my name, but I found a few kids who could look past that. Then I got to Middle School, and the Jersey Shore came on air. Within weeks, my friends stopped hanging out with me because ‘Their parents didn’t want them hanging out with those partying Guidos’. I haven’t had a party (other than a study party) since my eighth birthday. My reputation is ruined because of this stereotypical view cast upon Italian-Americans. Thanks, Jersey Shore." In conclusion, Jersey shore can be a horrible influence on people and make them think differently about people if they look like they are from Jersey Shore.

Georginax82 said...

Jersey Shore is the best show ever. This is because its really funny.But, I think it has a little bit of an impact on people across the country because some people get caught up in the stereotype of Guido's and Guidette's which gets annoying and i hate it when guys use terms like "GTF" and "Grenade" thats really annoying too. Overall, its a really great show.

Kame said...

Though I agree with Jersey Shore being funny, I think that it can have a bad influence on some people because it does encourage drinking and partying constantly, just having a good time. In the show, Snooki and Deena get completely drunk every time they go to the club, which is about every other day. However all that people see is that they are having a good time drinking at the club, so it makes other people want to do the same. Snooki did end up getting arrested, but at the same time, I don’t think people understand what that really means, and the real consequences of getting drunk. All they see is the cast mates having a great time. Therefore, I do think that the show has a negative influence on some people, because the cast mates make the constant drinking seem fun and acceptable, which makes other people want to get drunk as well.

AnnaClaire said...

In my opinion, Jersey Shore is the worst show ever, but that is the reason I watch it, because it is so bad! The characters have no idea what is going on EVER, so it is funny. But, i can see where Bella gets her opinion, it could be a pretty bad influence. The face that all they do is go to clubs and drink is not very good for people our age to be seeing, becuase most of what we do and act like is absed off t.v. shows.

Anna M said...

Jersey Shore is a very bad influence on the world. This show tells people that they can also become rich and famous when they drink and do other stupid things. Obviously the people that watch jersey shore are not going to become rich or famous so this show is sending wrong messages everywhere.

Anna M said...

Jersey Shore is definitely a bad influence on everybody! All the characters do is drink and party and what do they get? Money and fame! People will get the message that if you do reckless things like the characters on Jersey Shore then they will become rich and famous like them! Obviously nothing like that will ever happen so this show is a bad influence to everyone!