Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jumping off from Just Write

submitted by Rockelle - I was reading some of the poems on the Just Write blog and when I came across this one by mackenzieL18 I thought it was interesting.  Does this poem apply to your life?...or someone you know?...or someone you can think of?  Don't forget to SEW It Up!!!

If you say so,
I guess it's true
Because you said so,
That's why
You tell me things
and I listen to you tell me things
and I have to believe that they're true
'Cause what's the point of listening
if they're not?
And I do listen...
So I guess they have to be


dave said...

This poem applies to some of my friends, because they believe every word you tell them is true. When in a conversation and someone lies they will often ask a question to how they don't understand it. In response someone else will say they were lying. Then a forth person will say that they are so gullible. A person that believes everything they hear is someone that also needs to believe everything they hear to be encouraged enough to listen. The same goes for the person the poem is about so the poem also applies to my friends.

Kim said...

I think this poem applies to me when I was little because I was very gullible. Whenever my Uncle came over he would always mess with me and tell me funny stuff that wasn't true and I would always believe him just because he told me. I soon caught on though so I'm not as gullible anymore. I also fell for that stupid joke that gullible isn't in the dictionary. Therefore I used to believe people just because they took the time to tell me.

Anonymous said...

This poem does apply to my life because when I was a little kid, I was very gullible. Whenever someone told me something, no matter how crazy it was, I would believe them, as I still do a little today. Therefore, since sometimes I can be very gullible, this poem applies to my life.